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OK, neuromancer has arrived, I may start it tonight, or as soon as I finish Michel Houellebeqcs "Lanzarote" which wont be long. I love Houellebeqc so nihilistic, nothing means or matters, but everyone is searching....

since my last post Ive read

Kurt Vonneguts "Slaughterhouse5" - wow

Salingers "catcher in the rye" - luke warm on this one

McCarthys "the road" - bloody positive, optimistic in my opinion!

and some others I cant recall....

Im currently on Flauberts "bouvard and pecuchet" - great stuff, fickle gits...

as well as the 2 other books mentioned above

and im going back to Bukowski for the 4th time for "factotum"

Robbertjan - interesting stuff - i really liked a couple of dostoevsky books, i think notes is his most intellectual of what ive read so far, its really a parody, performing a problem sort of deal of book.... good stuff, also im a big Ellis fan Glamourama is great, such duality...

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since my last post Ive read

Kurt Vonneguts "Slaughterhouse5" - wow

Salingers "catcher in the rye" - luke warm on this one

McCarthys "the road" - bloody positive, optimistic in my opinion!

and some others I cant recall....

Same books I have at the moment :) Good stuff.

I just read Siddhartha by Herman Hesse (read it early for school) life changing book

A man without a country by Kurt Vonnegut - funny, amusing

Catcher in the rye - best book I've ever read in my life..

I'm trying to read The Road but it's hell with all the heavy words, gave up on that, saving it for later

Currently reading Cat's Cradle - Kurt Vonnegut

Just started Slaughter House Five

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^^Siddhartha is probably one of my favourite books, amazing.

I just started out with Spook Country yesterday.. read 1/4 so far, and its good but havent really caught me. Somehow it reminds me a bit too much of Pattern Recogniition aswell.. I mean, someone researching a cutting edge art - phenomenon that turns out to be about something else.. sounds familiar?

I´m also reading "Pappan och Havet" (" The Father and the Sea" or something like that) by Tove Jansson. One of the last Moomin books.. so great.

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hello summer reading!

when i was doing comminity service i snagged this (about 2 years ago)....still havent read it...i just picked it up cuz i liked the way the 1984 was drawn on the paperback.

should i get on it?

i saw the meaning of night at half price books for $10, but it wasnt the cool cover like clopek posted so i didnt bother picking it up..i want the dude with the top hat one.

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I think 1984 and fahrenheit451 should be read together, they really are a couple, two sides of the same coin. They are both amazing books, equals, really! I have the facsimile of 1984, and I just watched Fahrenheit451 the other day, great stuff..

I hope neuromancer isnt hohum for me at the mo, everything ive been into seems to stem in some way from it, I have high hopes...

That said after reading Less Than Zero and umpteen other books I thought I should finally read Catcher in the Rye...... I just cant comment on this book. Everything made sense, sure, and I can see why its so influencial (sp?) but It just didnt move me at all, id forgotten about it as soon as id put it down.....meh... maybe I shoulda read it when I was 17?

Anyone read any Pynchon????

I have two of his intimidating books on my shelf ( mason & dixon and Against the day ) im contemplating reading one and following it along with the Pynchonwiki..

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Viv, I dont think you´ll be dissapointed with Neuromancer. The writing style is pretty different from his later work (much more fragmentet) but the story and mood is great. Its the first part of the Neuromancer/Count Zero/Mona lisa overdrive -triology as you probably know, and they really should be read as such.

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after seeing the last bourne movie i am really in the mood for my first spy novel

but i think its time i get back on ken follet's pillars of the earth. i got halfway and was interrupted by summer reading for school.

and i also need to finish the old gringo by carlos fuentes taht was also interrupted by summer reading.

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Thanks for all the comments guys - Neuromancer is gonna be my first gibson book, its a shame theres nothing as good as some books, there will never be another American Psycho, nothing comes close to The Stranger..... its quite strange ( and I feel im maybe not alone in this ) that so many books are read whilst trying to regain what was once found in a really really great book...yknow??

Yeah im into Trilogies..

Ghost in the shell Trilogy

A.J. Pakulas Paranoia Trilogy

All of lars von triers

The vengence trilogy

The border trilogy

Gibsons Sprawl Trilogy

Pynchons trilogy

Asimovs Foundation


I cant remember anymore..... but yeah, for some reason I seem to be focused on things in 3s

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interesting stuff viv! i think i'm gonna pick neuromancer up soon. But first gotta finish Underworld, which i've been reading for a month or so, on and off and in between books cause I find it hard to read over 200 pages a day of it, but everytime I take a break and get back at it i love it. the jazz style of the proze is beautiful and i love all those stories that are loosely connected in some way, it's a great study of the last fifty years of US.

Blood Meridian is my favorite book now. It's haunting in the way it portrays this bleak apocalyptic world. All those people murdered for no reason at all, a couple of dead babies dangling from tree branches, sick stuff. I like how no party is portrayed as the '' good'' guys. All parties murder, rob and destroy stuff. McCarthy's proze is difficult to get into, bit like reading the Old Testament, but once you get into it, it's really beautiful in the way in captures the zeitgeist and the empty desolation of the desert. I'm almost done with it, 50 more pages, gonna finish it now, then Underwold and then I'm starting on the Border trilogy.

I liked Glamorama very much as well. Though I was a bit lost sometimes in the surreal second part of the book, but it's certainly approaching the greatness of American Psycho.

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i went to see william gibson read from his new book at the free library yesterday.

i came away disappointed. for one, he didn't call on me, though i raised my hand right away during the Q&A. and the people he called on asked weak questions. the whole event was only 45 minutes or so. he just rambled, really. i don't know. i'm still reading spook country. it is starting to feel like a guilty pleasure. he did have that acronym bag that ordo mentioned. and he wore what i would guess are buzz rickson khakis. tall dude. speaks like he is sedated. auditorium was packed. the line for his sig was loooooooooooooong so i peaced out and went for gelato with the wife instead.


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