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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/20 in all areas

  1. Grab yourself a camera and go for a stroll around your neighbourhood, within a 30min radius of home will be just fine, lets see the streets you walk everyday, the places you shop, the bus stops, no need for landmarks, the more mundane the better...as the thread suggests...? Here in Sheffield we have one of the largest poverty gaps in the UK, the city boomed during to the industrial revolution, imploded during the Thatcher government >further decline brought on by the outsourcing of the 90's. You can draw a line through my city, the rich/poor divide. I work in one of the most deprived areas but live in the West which borders our beloved Peak District, The Victorian houses built by steel barons trying to escape the cities pollution, Outside of London S10 is still considered to be one of the most affluent districts in the UK but we live in a typically working-class Victorian terrace house c1870 it's pretty much all we could afford in the area. These are the previously mentioned terraces albeit, ours is tucked away up a lane. ..Along the next street we go, Steve Beckett of Warp Records fame used to live up here, and Richard Hawley just a couple more streets away. ..the allotments at the end of the street Sheffield is the greenest city in Europe/has more trees per person or it did until Amey started cutting the f**kers down, Looking over S10. Follow the river Porter up to Lady Cannings Plantation, for all your MTB needs Down to the park, typical Sheffield weather Just a stones throw from the working-class terraces, overlooking the park are the middle-class Victorian villas . . Heading up towards Ranmoor where red brick turns to olde'world stone This is the route i cycle to work . . Through the Botanical Gardens (like a mini Kew) . ... i pop out at our local row of shops JoJo's, find their vintage goodies on Insta Past local muralist and print maker extraordinaire Phlegm, lots of his work dotted around the city. . . . ...and back home. Go to it super-peeps and don't be afraid to photo-bomb.
    1 point

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