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Evisu is still loved!


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Not bad work on the 2000s... ;)

Been wearing the Lazy S jeans a lot recently, and they're finally starting to look a little battered...no combs to speak of, but some decent lap fades...pics to come when the sun's next out, probably around March 2011 or thereabouts...

devilva, my sister just flew back from Oz yesterday and spoke of the place (well, Sydney!) highly - she's just waiting for them to issue her permanent visa - but said that she wasn't impressed with the clothes or telly...apparently the weather more than makes up for this, though... :)

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sorry to hear about your bad experience Yin, just had a crappy experience as well with a SuFu scammer - didn't even get my money back. :(

man that sucks dude :/. i feel lucky for never having an issue in 2+ years of buying/selling...

how are my 2001s doing? you better be wearing them!

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Hey guys, just dropping a shameless plug. I threw my Harvest jeans on the bay. I've simply lost too much core weight. It would actually be quite a chore to put it back on, so I won't be wearing those anytime soon. If anyone's interested pm me, that's not the price for sufu'ers.


I haven't been wearing my Macau No.1's too hard, mostly for comfort and lounging around. Too dedicated to my lvc for now. The No. 1 do need some repairs to the crotch and cuffs...and definitely a wash.

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^ It's less true these days, Setone :D

I'd forgotten about those jeans...

Congrats on the sizing down, if it was what you were after of course...I'm still on a mission to get into my naturals comfortably so I can soak the buggers...

Feels good but it was not intended. Nor was it fat loss, I'm just a lunk. A bit of a smaller lunk now I suppose.

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