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last night I walked to a slightly different subway stop to go home after work:

This is one of those carts that sells scarves and ties all broken down:


An office building with some nutty lighting:


And of course, the joy of waiting for the train:


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^so cool

Does the cat help out?

He helps with sales.

BTW - Farmer - you call them Pointsettas or Xmas star or something else ?

Euphorbia pulcherrima:) Nah, just poinsettias. Although I've heard them called atarurk, xmas star and others.

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It was 5 degrees out today but my friend Charlie really wanted to skate.




Iron Heart


First we had to shovel & sweep. The concrete was really slick.





50-50 (I can't feel my toes).


Back tail.


This is me about to eat shit trying to 5-0.


Time to go.


It was pretty fun but really hard to warm up. Next time I'm bringing a thermos of something warm, better gloves, & extra socks.

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happy thanksgiving to my american friends!

here are pics from my trip to 45rpm on the upper east side...my fav place to play! 45rpm was so inspirational and a must see store. the next time i visit nyc, i'm gonna check out the one in soho. another must see store is this vintage store in soho called melet mercantile (by appointment only). it completely blew my mind away with vintage items as old as from the 1700's. and indigo dyed everything from japan and all around the world. i reaaaally wanted to take pics to show you guys but unfortunately they wouldn't allow any sort of photography. if you EVER have the chance to get to nyc, book a time to visit! i promise you won't ever witness anything like it and it'll be so worth your time.



stunning entrance hallway




mens fashion


i went crazy over these buttons


womens fashion


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very very nice pics Farhad, i really enjoyed them. just curious, what rig do are you shooting on for those pictures?

good shit santos, real hardcore skating in weather like this. too cool.

anabelle, thanks for sharing too. love it when you take all these pictures in stores to share them with us. world traveller in my computer chair already!

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Annabelle- (based on your pics of the upper east side store) the soho store has basically the same layout... oddly enough i spend almost all my time on the upper east or upper west side but ive only been to the soho store

Farhad-nobody in the states seems to be using nikon slr-s, whats ur opinion on canon v nikon?

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I'm starting my own tea website soon. My search for the best tea in China required me make a trip to Wuyishan, in Fujian province - home of the famous rock oolongs or "yan cha"

Took my BR MA-1 & my contest eternals with me.


The winding forest path takes you through steep rock canyons and valleys with the occasional tomb raider relic


Here we are at the base of the "heavenly path peak"


Climbing the stairway to heaven. Despite the cold, the steep stairs had me sweating. Stripped down to my shirt by the time I got to the top.


View from the top. Sunnies are AO, a present from Shangers wedding


This is what I came for... those bright green leaves in the foreground are camellia sinensis, otherwise known as tea! With landscape this beautiful, it's no wonder the oolong from this part of China is the best! This particular varietal is "rou gui" 肉桂


Me pretending to be farmer. Actually my ancestors worked the land in Fujian, so it's probably in the genes haha


Noticed a nice little leg burn on my Eternals when I got back to the bottom. Thank you Wuyishan!


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Sorry, questions not directed at me but...

All but one of my photog buddies shoot Nikon. I actually prefer the metering system in Nikon, the ruggedness of their pro SLRs and lenses, (their AF isn't as good), and the overall image straight out of the camera is superior (except to my 5D mkII) with more detail and less noise reduction.

Canon L optics kick ass, and they have better video in SLR, and they make the 5D mkII....that's why I chose Canon.

You Ren....amazing post!

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hmm, i think its a matter of convenience for me. with nikons i can swap lenses from an old f series to, for example, a d300. I also love the ruggedness and the metering system, but i agree they are weak in AF and also VR/IS. I have a tendency to shoot JPEG which is where the real advantage of Nikon seems to show up, its also a good deal cheeper comparatively.

also awsome post ren...already gave my rep away sadly

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we got off of work a bit early yesterday due to thanksgiving so i said so long to the financial district


and hopped a train to soho to get my iphone fixed


wandered around a bit and saw this fashionister


some street art by a guy named mr. brainwash:


and then met up with friends to take pictures of them, they got one in of me:


snacked a bit


then called it a night

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decided to watch a rock legend concert tonight, nine of my friend are keen to watch this kind of music so i went alone. please forgive my crappy blackberry pics and then.....


the first opening act


the second opening act


the crowd is getting weary


and here they come, they introduce themselves as the motörhead




ace of spades :cool:


let's call it an ass kickin day

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In regards to the canon V nikon I think they're both good. I like canon lenses better, but to be honest it's more about the photographer than the equipment.

one other big push that canon did was dropping the price of a full frame camera - the 5D Mark II is half the price of Nikon's FX body (D700) so that makes it a strong contender for people too.

However, the whole 'photographer over equipment' argument still holds

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for me equiptment wins how can you achieve such boque and sharpness if you have a fuckin entry level cam and stock lens?

i remember Florian takeing some unbelievable photos on a 50mm and an old school model rebel. The camera helps but a good sense of light and color can make up for it (but the lense does matter)

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