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What are your jeans doing today?


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step 1: take photos

step 2: edit photos

step 3: print photos

step 4: frame photos

step 5: hang photos



movin' on up. jeans hung and lit stuff today, next step add people.

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I have just got back from a long weekend away with my girlfriend, to celebrate our 10 year anniversary of being together. Since it was such a special occasion, and I had my first 'proper' pay cheque from being a newly qualified nurse, we decided to go and stay in a windmill in North Norfolk. Cley Windmill is a converted mill from the 1700s and is a grade2 listed building in a little village called Cley Next The Sea.



We stayed in the Wheat Chamber, with views over the wetlands and surrounding area.


The windmill has a good choice of locally sourced food for breakfast, my gf had smoked salmon and scrambled eggs, whereas I stunk the place out and had kippers. Yum yum.


After our breakfast we went on a seal watching trip to Blakney point.



The boat dropped us off for a while, so we headed to the old lifeboat station, which is now an information point.


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The next day we went round the local seaside villages and took a steam train from Sheringham to Holt.


Had Fish and chips on the beach in Wells Next The Sea, looking at all the colourful beach huts.



When we got back to Cley, we went and got a picnic from the local shops.




Then we watched the sunset over the Windmill. Perfect.


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paul those are some cool pictures of your vacation and i was wondering what happened to you. the lighting in the pictures is indeed amazing. nice to see people taking a step back and going on trips. good stuff!

riff you have some psycho pictures. great halloween pictures in the night, the f1.2 works well for you!

GBOB must charge up and rep you tmr! fantastic rhustic place you guys chose to go. very charming indeed and definitely a great spot to celebrate a 10 year anniversary together away from the hustle and bustle. congrats!

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More in the 3001 World Tour thread

Monday: errands around town, to the office in late morning, on a bus to Arua at 1

On the roooad agaaaain


A favorite snack


Looks like Africa out there.


In to Arua town at 9pm. Dropped my bags at the hotel and straight to the little hole-in-the-wall Ethiopian place I found last time I was here. You can tell it's an Ethiopian restaurant from the sign.


So incredibly impressed with myself for remembering to take a picture before devouring this. Not a bad meal for 5,000 Shillings (~$2.40)


One of the great frustrations/confusions of ex-pats in Uganda is how, being so (relatively) close to Ethiopia, Uganda managed to completely miss the interesting-cuisine-boat.

Okay, now I've encountered this a couple times in my stint in Uganda. Why... why the fuck would you make a bed sideways?


The next morning, had my two-hour meeting (no pics... and was actually wearing Outlier "Workwear II" pants, to look a wee bit more professional). A little taste of Arua town, whilst speed-walking to the noon bus




The hawkers descend. They're like gnats. As soon as I'd stop moving, they'd descend on me ("Muzungu! Buy meat! Give me money! Muzungu! You give me money now!"... charming), so I pretty much walked circles around the bus for 10 minutes.

16 hours of bus-riding in two days, all for a two-hour meeting, was a bit much.

Tomorrow I'll be driving the couple hours to Masaka, where I'll stay with a friend for the night. Then another fourish hours West to Mbarara on Thursday morning, for another meeting, and hopefully back to Masaka that night. Stay tuned...

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Just a few shots I have of what my jeans were doing the past week or so -

Took Shiloh to a halloween party with her cousins and friends



Got home after the 1 nil win against Bolton a bit worse for wear, but it's the first pic I've seen of the colour on my tattoo I had done for my birthday the other week.


It was me and my lady's 9th year together as well yesterday!!!!!!!

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Ah, Autumn in Ohio.

Changing seasons,

Changing colors,










We heard about these while getting hair cuts and had to go check them out. I hope they're still up next weekend when I'll have an opportunity to get some pictures at dusk when the lights are on.

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GOT PROMOTED TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

heading out to celebrate more, after celebrating with a bottle already.


and fucking around a bit as well.......;)


now here comes the kicker. promotion = a lot more money for -Z-

this means the wife finally OK's monthly spending balance increase (joint checking accounts and all ;))

this means that -Z- maybe, MAYBE takes advantage of the INSANE financing deal that Best Buy is running on photography equipment at the moment, which makes it very possible for me to afford a 5D mk II..............this makes me very, very happy. hell, might just pick up a 16-35mm f/2.8L to boot :)

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GOT PROMOTED TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CONGRATUFUCKINGLATIONS HOMEY!! Stoked for you! Can't wait to see the bat-shit ridiculous photo setup you will soon be using to photograph the bat-shit ridiculous jawnz you will soon be flaunting!

dkatz- hope you ha fun in NYC

You know it. And I think you'd appreciate what I came back to Uganda with a bottle of:


will be enjoyed with the lady-friend in Sesse Islands this weekend!

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today i got a class cancelled, so i & some of my friends decided to went to kirkstall abbey.


copped this earlier for 49 GBP, not bad.


in the middle of autumn


it could be dated back to 1200 era


i can see dead people


mandatory WAYWT


can you spot that little guy?

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Last night was drinks, noodles & a movie with an old mate from college. WE met in Archer Street, in the heart of Soho. This was where I walked to work for years - it was always great to stride through as the street cleaners rinsed away the debris and stains of the previous night. But, rather than seeing the streets being cleaned, it was great to walk through just as they were getting dirty.

I thought a few photos might make a good contrast with my recent squaeky clean coastal scenes and elegant architecture...





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Dkatz - sorry for your pain, man. But the tour is rockin!! Fantastic updates - as always! That camera strap is something else... :)

Farhad - that pic is superb. Nice choice of smokes, too!

-Z-, congrats buddy!

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sorry guys for shitting up this thread but its too tiring to cut down the images and things like that. i dont know how dkatz does it. haha.

x post from the burgus world tour thread

feeling extremely guility for the lack of a proper update for a week, which has led the thread to go down to page xx (insert number), today i have decided to do an update. i apologise for the lack of it in recent times, since things have been pretty stale, not that today wasnt.. but thats another excuse altogether.

continuing from my last post, today i went to visit the grandpa in the hospital. been taken ill for sometime now but good to see him getting better from the last time i saw him. no pictures of that unfortunately but heres me at home getting packed before heading out.


note that the magazine is not mine but to be delivered to a colleague at work. thats probably about most of my EDC. got a leatherman micra today and happy that it fits great into my pockets.


this is the closeup shot of how the denim looks like now. it WILL turn out amazing over the course of the next 12 months or so. i swear.


getting a shot in better lighting for the sake of the sanity of everyone whos on the tour. how most of the guys on the list are still active and all!

so yes, after the whole hospital episode, i went out to run some errands.


so heres me at the train station with above cool guy sashaying in denim and cap. -_-


got off at my stop and headed straight out of the station and saw weird happenings. seriously it is a fucking humid country i live in and people are making out beside a dustbin at 6pm (peak hour) where everyone uses the footpath. how glam.


while at the traffic light i decided to show you guys this in case some of you decide to drive while on holiday or if you move here. this is called an ERP gantry. pretty fascinating thing. shit was invented and if you own a car you have to get one of this card reader things and have a cashcard in the reader. everytime you pass the gantry, it deducts a certain amount from your card. shit was meant to improve traffic conditions and try to cut down on congestion but i think its lame because it only re-routes the heavy traffic to other areas without the gantry and causes other areas to jam up. also i think its a ploy by the government to suck money from its people.


also at the traffic light, you see these people on bicycles and beside them they pull along yellow boxes. apparently they are called trishaws and are a touristy thing, so you basically hop on and pay them some money (not too sure if its expensive) and they cycle around the city areas and take you sightseeing or something. but dont expect a guided tour. they're just basically a short distance mode of transport. in the olden olden days, people used to pull them by humans and were called rickshaws. fascinating how the wheel has changed our society completely. :rolleyes:


walked past a tentage where usually they put up shows during public holidays and tomorrow is a public holiday (deepavali – hindu religious holiday) so i get a free day off from work anyway. not that i will come here to watch but its usually song and dance by old folks.


collected some of the pictures that i took while on holiday many weeks back. shot them on film which i will show you guys later on. nothing -z- or farhad-like just some humble shots. great camera, pity i sold it when i was tight on funds. now i want it back!

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a marvellous piece of architecture nearby. one of the guys on this board, ninja07 was the one working on this. lovely i must say. he posted it a while back in the WAYJDT thread, so you might want to check it out.


another picture albeit not a good one of it.


headed down to the same place i was at last week for some soy beancurd. (damn i am a boring guy) but it was really good for shitty weather. humid and sticky it was. cold food for reprive.


they had fried dough stuff and this one is called butterfly because they come in pairs and resemble butterfly wings (not really :confused:) but yeah, when hot its delicious.


they had curry puffs as well. pastries filled with chicken chunks and egg in thick curry. not really a thick curry sauce but it is curry flavoured. not good at explaining but you have to try to know! didnt buy these though.


after that, headed to the store to drop off some stuff. this shop is owned by the same boss as the store i work at. so we pretty much know each other at the store. they've got a sale on right now 50% so any of you guys who like ninja steeze can hit me up via PM to let me know what i can do for you.


they've got brands like these.


and these.

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and these.....


most of the stuff are brands like silent by damir doma, rokin footwear, stamp'd, f-troupe and stuff like that.


favourite part of the shop was how they displayed the shoes.


shoes on top of shoes! pretty ingenious way i must say. after that i headed home for a much needed rest from the hot hot heat.


of course a what i wore today pic. WHATS NEW? NOTHING! i wear the same thing all the time.

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