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What are your jeans doing today?


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Relativity! Great to finally see your face!!!! Good stuff!


Cross post from my first stint in the Dirty Dozen x 2. MOre pics on that thread...

Hi Markus, I wasn't until the next morning I found the skull...

Freelance lunch

I used to dream about freelance lunches - meeting up with a mate for a drink or a long walk. Now I can do it. So on Wednesday I met up with my mate Carl, a designer lives up the hill for a wander.


First we headed thru the market. A few of my fave stalls aren't there, due to the summer I guess.


I was checking over this stall quickly when I heard the most bizarre conversation. The dude in front is talking about plastic Timpo knights in armour - you can just see them on the stall - and informing the stall holder that the version of the knights with a green helmet is very rare and worth appriximately $45. I was scared that someone should know this and walked to the next stall.


THis little old ladt walks the Thames foreshore finding old bottles, pipes and victoriain medicine containers. She had a shop just down the road, didn't keep up with the rent, and was evicted - the bailiffs took her lifetime's collection of old stuff. But I was pleased to see she's amassed far more, all over again...

Now, this wan't a boozy freelance lunch. Nor was it a flash one. It was a student lunch - Carl bought some vegetable bakje thing and I bought a £1.80 tuna sandwich. But if the food was budget, the venue wasn't:


This old Naval Hospital has been converted to a university and music college. So oftentimes we sneak in, pretending we have a right to be there, to get the cheap food and coffee.

It's quiet today cos most students are on vacation. The cafe is in the basement of the building, it's plain, but still with impressive fireplaces from the early 1700s.. walk5.jpg

The basement we were sitting is underneath this chapel; this was fitted out a few years later, in the 1760s I think, and is architedturally significant - the first greek revival building in Northern Europe, made by James Athenian Stuart, who was one of the first people to sketch the ruins of athens. Everytime you see a wedgewood style plate, or a grecian-style cameo, it all started here. walk6.jpg

Then a walk down the river. This little slipway was used for getting smaller boats onto the Thames - it still spills sand onto the walkway at high tide. On the right is an old, damp rehearsal studio, once used by loads of bands, famous and obscure, but now generic offices. THis was the first place in Greenwich I ever visited... typical studio, clammy carpets, smells of stale beer and cigarettes.


Bit by bit they're modernising this area but there's still lots of the great buildings that I remember when I moved here 20 years ago.


This is an alms house, for retired gentlefolk, built in 1616. Behind is a huge powerstation built around 1905, which powers the tube network. We had a look inside the powerstation once - amazing turbines and cast iron walkways, Accoring to the night watchman, you cna hear ghostly figures' footsteps on the walkwatys on certain, spooky nights.

Normally the front entrance of the almsouse is closed - today it was open, so you can see the Tudor-style courtyard garden inside.


A little further down is the huge industrial jetty that serves the power station. It's fired by gas rather than coal now, so don't use it any more. I hope they keep it and turn it into something cool, like a gallery or (affordable) café...


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And another of my favorite streets. I used to stop and chat with the owner of this Volvo, cos I used to own one. I haven't seen him recently, I need to tell him off for letting the rear arches reach such a poor state.


After skirting thru a crapp new development we were back, onto one of the last real working stretches of the river in this area.


Thru a little doorway in the fence you can see on of the last shipyards; they still restore or cut up vessels here - last year I saw a three mast sailing ship being restored here.


They use a huge rusty old barge, or boat, as a dry dock.


For years, this area was dominated by four huge silos which stored grain, I think for brewing. Until recently there was also a huge sugar processing plant; that went a year or so back, now they're demolishing the grain silos... you can just see the remains..


This wharf was restored for the millennium - huge numbers of settlers went out to New York from this part of the Thames. Then it was used by the world's leading manufacturer of submarine cabling - I suspect the first telegraph cables fom rthe US to the US started out here, too. A couple of weeks ago they announced they are planning to rebuild this wharf to host luxury cruise liners.

If you look down, you can see this wharf and behind it the power station - not too different from Battersea Power station, te one featured on Pink Floyud album sleeve- then the college behind. Further up the river is deptford, another old place famous for its shipyards, old streets, market, and violence (this was where the playwright Christoper Marlow, a friend/contemporary/rival of Shakespeare, died after being stabbed in the eye during a tavern brawl, supposedly in an argument over who paid the bill).


I asked Carl to photograph me in the jeans. For a good photograpehr he did a lousy job... I love them, the detailing and fit is perfect. But when I started telling him about them, he started looking a bit scared, a bit like I felt when I heard the dude start wibbling on about 1960s plastic toy knights with green helmets...


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today i followed the driver around as he ran some errands









Driver starts to get nervous as military personnel start appearing meaning that there are probably riots starting nearby, god knows what might be happening


starting to loose the light


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kid probably sneaking out of their religion classes



Obligatory denim shot


interestingly enough the entire area that i had photographed was reclaimed land in the 40s(ie land that was once ocean) which my grandfather's brother donated in 1947 to be a refugee camp for those displaced during partition. the area was built up and became fairly high end and then began to fall apart and is now a market

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One of my favorite activities (I know, this is gonna sound weird) but...as I was saying...it's to go cemetery strollin'. There's a huge, beautiful cemetery close to home (in Oakland, of course), and Mum and I walk it once a week, on an early Saturday or Sunday morning. The pictures look gloomy because, well, Oakland mornings are typically gloomy !

I hope you enjoy the tour !






Whoever he/she was...he/she had an awesome name ! RIP,

Swift. You have a cool tombstone.





Saw these beautifully restored Oakland houses on the way home...

these were likely built in early, early 1900...Keep in mind, this ain't the suburbs. These are homes in Oakland The City.


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my skuzzy old levis and i spent the morning spraying the drive so it int so slippery

then we got to be soccer mum and go pick up the german (shes in the goal)


then we cooked a kg of bacon and made sandwiches


and went to the fish and chip shop where there were cars


and their wankle loving owners


we took the sandwiches and $20 worth of chips to the old transfer station


to feed the boys once they had finished their cyclecross race


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today we decided to do something with a garden we had been ignoring


we stripped it back this far when we noticed we were unearthing lots of potatoes


sausage wanted to help dig, and fertalise... ew


we turned the whole garden


ended up with this much spuds


then made a banana smoothie


and sat on our arse


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the neighbors security guard, lovely guy, asked me if i would like some sugar cane from their sugar cane plant


I was expecting just a little piece


I got enough for a pair of jeans


HARDCORE, south asians eat that shit as is, tear of the green part with ur teeth



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Mum and I went back to Fremont for a Mission Peak hike again. My mother is in training for Mt. Whitney (which she climbs every year). So, here we go again !

I tried to give you a different perspective this time. I'm wearing an American Apparel tri-blend unisex T, IH Super Tan Belt, IH 301S and Hi-Tec hiking boots.





These two dudes must be in fantastic fuckin' shape !


This pic makes you realize that we humans, so obsessed with denim as we are, are fairly insignificant specks in this whole universe.


OK. No joke. We saw not one but TWO rattlers on the trail !



City of Fremont below us...


We rewarded ourselves with a South Indian vegetarian buffet

afterward....still in Fremont !


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