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went to Blue Jay for some camping saturday. it's located in the Cleveland national forest. pretty cool spot and definitely worth going back to for another round.



That's Lake Elsinore in the background


This tarantula was so big that we saw it crossing the road from our car





caught the sunset on the way back


Cheers and happy monday everyone.


See signature!

I'm slow this morning. I'm still hung over from the weekend. LOL!!!

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Did a whole lot of nothing this weekend, which managed to take up my whole days...

Only pics from this weekend.


I'm guessing it's a '68?



Can anyone confirm or deny?

It is a 67. The way to tell is that the fender wells are rounded making it either a 67 or 68 (69 they are flattened out)...then the noticeable difference between the 67 and 68 is the wing window which for some reason wasn't used on the 68 or 69...

I had a 67 SS and let me tell you, the wing window makes all the difference when there is no A/C.

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Farhas, how could I post more photos after those??

The cool stuff I kept on film, and how many fmialy holiday pics do we really wanna see?

But these were the spanish picos mountains... on the way to a little town where the two of us did kayaking, and camped by a little stream, before the missus arrived a week in.


Once she arrived, we returned to a little place called Comillas; camped on the edgeo overlooking cliffs and a little private beach. The town was ten minutes walk away, with Gaudi architecture (not shown here) and a couple great workingmen's restaurants.


the nipper and I fell in love with these little dispensing machines - pistachios, anchovy-stuffed olives, baby gerkinsd and 60s-style candy. Everything you could want in life, delivered with a satisfying clunk, for one Euro.


Driving over to France we went by this college my uncle set up in the 50s in Bilbao. He died in 1973, but on a trip in the 90s we spent an amazing afternoon there, with all the Basque workers and priests who lived there. THis time, it was totally abandoned, as if everyone just upped and left. SPooky.

Notice, by the way, that in this catholic college, you're only allowed to be right-handed. I went to a catholic primary school where nuns used to hit me with a ruler on the left hand if I tried to write with it. Of course, it only encourages awkward little fuckers.


LAst one... the bar posted above is in Bilbao, which I've visited a few times before, mostly in the 90s, the last time when the Guggernheim was in scaffolding. I couldn't believe how wonderfully it had transformed the area - an amazing job. Again, my pics of the building were on film, but the missius captured me in my 1890s Levi's and the TOdds copies which I guess i need to throw out now, misshapen and smelly after too many beaches and campsite shower blocks...Guggenheim.jpgguggenheim2.jpg

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A very lucky guy! Maple indeed:


You'd kill me if you knew I payed $700 for it, some lady's ex boyfriend left it behind and she didn't know what she had :P

I look forward to seeing your videos as well man.

wtf. now I officially hate you

it's a beauty!

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Went to the beach on sunday for a swim




and a rise



riff and ThinFinn- damn things were the biggest spiders i've ever seen by far

corporalclegg- nice pics, where is that?

Paul T looking forward to more of your travel pics :)

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just rolled back into town after a long weekend up north! have a ton of pic's to share with you denimfreaks! here's what went down Sunday night. . .

some afghan chic Sarah and a dude name Vinneus


the man TV-


a cab full of denim! WH, PBJ, Denime


former FH chic Sarahs new denim- PBJ 005!!!!


time for some drinks!




we're waiting for the main event. . .


Mister LandoCal!



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it gets even better. . .hangin and drinking. . .


and Jonathan from SE comes up!


more drinkin ensues. . .



time for some eats across the street! great southern style food!


trust me. . .it was out of this freakin world


somethin to wash it all down


off to the next bar- motorhead



for Beatle


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it's not over yet! like my friend almostnice, i have not yet begun to drink!!!


looks like my old car seats....


trippin out at the motorhead bar



i had to use the bathroom after all that southern food...oops, Lando notices i used a little to much TP


Vin is just disgusted. Almostnice would approve of the smell


we hit one more bar after the motorbar. in dedication to our good friend almost (again) we go to the meatpacking district (no pun intended, that's where it is) we hit a beergarten.


more fun, drinkin and Lando's woman shows up for a few. all in all, A GREAT FUCKIN TIME WAS HAD! we should do this more often.


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so money lately everybody, you guys look like you're having a good damn time over in NYC...

morse...a few weeks ago weren't you complaining about not knowing how do use your dSLR??? Those are some killer pics you've got there. what lens, looks pretty wide, 12-24mm or something?

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