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Oakland's Whole Food Market -- right by Lake Merritt. Whole Foods is an upscale grocery chain in the US. Located in "affluent" urban areas, the food available at Whole Foods is organic, very high quality and costly. It ain't cheap to shop there, which is why people often call it "Whole Paycheck". Trust me, feeding a family on Whole Foods foodstuff makes Japanese denim look inexpensive ! I met a young German man (from Hanover) on my recent flight to Boston -- he had spent the past year in the US and exclaimed that, yes ! he loved Whole Foods (who doesn't ?), but only that such high caliber food is available in Europe as "default", and at reasonable, affordable prices for all.

I do believe that there are many areas in the US and even in the tri-state area (where I live) that quality food is attainable at an affordable price.

The only reason things are so expensive is because the 'organic' food has to be imported across the country, and even from other countries if it's out of season.

What I'm trying to say is, your local farmer can feed you three times a day on a working-person's budget. All you need to do is cut out the pesky middle man. Support local farming as much as possible in my opinion, if you don't it might be gone one day.

Also, while I might agree with the statement that the quality of food in Europe (for the most part) is by default somewhat better than the quality of food in the states. I find that (and I say this from personal experience being that I have family in Germany) most young and impressionable European people (mostly men) find themselves at odds with American culture and take whatever opportunity they can to declare cultural superiority over America.

Sorry if I'm ranting or sounding less than cohesive in my train of thought, I just feel pretty strongly about this subject at times.

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mostly they are places i notice from the road while driving, or have seen while wandering, some are local legends. most of them are on or close to railroad tracks, which i use to get around without having to deal with fences / walls, other things that keep me out of said sites...actually most of these places are big enough that you can see them from a ways off, and i just head that way, encountering more than I bargained for on my way there. Since i've really been focusing on the decaying, run down elements of my city, i'm quite amazing at just how much space, how many of these places there are! there was a while where I felt like I would quickly run out of subject matter for this stuff and move on to some other genre, but I keep finding more and more interesting stuff to keep me interested in documenting these places.

thanks as always for the kind words!

This reminds me just how different the US are to the place where I live (Switzerland). I wouldn't know of a single abandoned building here in Zürich because building ground is so scarce. Around here, every city has a land register that says just how much ground may be used for building and pretty much all bigger cities are running out of space.

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Me and my IH301S went for a hike up Mission Peak, in Fremont, CA this beautiful morning. Fremont is known for its fabulous hiking trail called "Mission Peak" , highly ranked public schools, and great authentic, spicy Indian food...but, um, that's about it I think. It's about a 20 minute drive from Oakland.




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haha catch that's great. I love slayer

and that's a nice bass. is it a fender jazz?

Yes sir, a Geddy Lee jazz bass. I'm going to modify it soon.

Next cover will be on my 1976 Jazz Bass ;) In fact I've got something worked out that I'll record today or tomorrow.

Keep posting videos man, it's a motivator to see I'm not the only one on here.

edit: forgot to mention I like your bass too, for awhile all I had on my mind was one of those high end warwicks. Now I just have a corvette 4 which I don't play often.

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Beautiful view. I take it your 20 min ride to this trail started somewhere "down there"?

Indeed entropy kid. Fremont the city is about 20-minutes' driving distance from Oakland via expressway -- so, yes, I drove to the base of the mountain (which has a pretty big parking lot, given that Mission Peak is a popular hiking spot). As you can see from the photos, the view from the top is spectacular but this is not that tough of a hike. It's challenging sure, but anyone in fairly decent shape can do it. It's not serious hiking, IMHO.

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also the site for nummi the closed gm plant :(

cool pics!

Me and my IH301S went for a hike up Mission Peak, in Fremont, CA this beautiful morning. Fremont is known for its fabulous hiking trail called "Mission Peak" , highly ranked public schools, and great authentic, spicy Indian food...but, um, that's about it I think. It's about a 20 minute drive from Oakland.
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@catchforusthefoxes : ok I'll post some more just to annoy almostnice

a '76 jazz bass? wow, you're a lucky guy! (maple?)

I look forward to see/hear your video

A very lucky guy! Maple indeed:


You'd kill me if you knew I payed $700 for it, some lady's ex boyfriend left it behind and she didn't know what she had :P

I look forward to seeing your videos as well man.

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going to be posting in the Flat Head 3001 World Tour thread for the month...got a good bit of stuff up there for tonight!

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@catchforusthefoxes : ok I'll post some more just to annoy almostnice

a '76 jazz bass? wow, you're a lucky guy! (maple?)

I look forward to see/hear your video

i dont mind at all,Ale.but could switch to a decent amp please?the acoustic noise in your last vid made people believe its caused by the rain.

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Last week I was in and out of the field, rolling out another project. This one is targeted at "microentrepreneurs" - predominantly market vendors.

Tried to take some sneaky pictures of the process

Part of the market in Kamuli town (not the most densely populated of markets...)


Mobilization in Kamuli


Chickens keeping me company



The style of this building reminded me of some Spaghetti Western scenery




This woman was making chapati as we surveyed her



Saw this on my way back to Mukono on Friday:



This kinda gratified me... I hate Umeme (the profoundly incompetent national electric company)

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Posted up with some tea and chapati to hammer out some emails in Mukono


Thursday, I think?


local tailor-made linen shirt (I love linen...)


Tellason Strummer

Mount's Bay

And today I'm in the office, still recovering from a Saturday night that looked like this:


For my flatmate's birthday we packed a fuckton of people into a couple hired matatus and bar-crawled our way around the city. I think by this point I was blacked out. Woo!

Aaaaand I'm trying to frenetically work (through my mental fog) to get ready for my family's visit + vacation, starting Thursday!! SO STOKED!

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Looking forward to checking all of the pages I've missed over the last few weeks.

Which I spent in accomodation like this (Galicia, Spain):


Drinking beer, wine or coffee in places likes this (Bilbao):


Arrived home last last night after a nine hour drive thru france. This morning the postie delivered this:


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Roy, nice. now I can tell that those are rider's dungarees.

dkatz, you may have already mentioned this, but I was wondering what you were doing in uganda.

Paul T great shots. hopefully your gonna post more pics from your travels.

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