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edc [everyday carry] shaved my wife


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^ I cbf to carry something that big. I'm already having a problem with overcarrying, and it might get worse if I cop the headlamp and flashlight that i really want.

i can't stand having anything sitting loose in my front pockets, so my options are kinda limited. :( anyone else like that? i hate keeping my phone in my front pocket. at most i can just have something in the coin pocket, or clipped only..

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  branespload said:

i can't stand having anything sitting loose in my front pockets


I hate having my flash and keys in my front pocket, shit just gets in the way. Also with most denim, the pocket openings are fucking small so I struggle to key my keys in and out of there twice a day. Need to wildstyleâ„¢ my keychain sometime soon.

And if you cop a headlamp I am going to make fun of you so much.


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Hip-bags: I'm not a fan of carrying one all the time. In my opinion it's an as needed carry. I carry this guy on short hikes, long bike rides, and geocacheing.


Head-lamps: only for backpacking.


Front pockets: I prefer them. I hate sitting on all my junk on heavy EDC days.

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I usually pull out the Gravis Annex when needed, it's not so "fanny pack" looking and I can store a ton of stuff in there including a pac-lite goretex jacket when folded up correctly, plus a ton of other stuff.


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Can't believe I actually used the file on my wave. Lost a peg for my cheapo book shelf and just whittled down a piece of plastic;works fine and holds a full load.


On a tangent, new S/double chinos have some neat details. D-ring on belt loop and zipped phone pocket.

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  Hendodo said:
Looking for a good mechanical pencil for edc. something durable and uses .5 lead

I really like these: http://www.jetpens.com/index.php/cPath/45_547

Durable, have a spring clip, shakey, and are fairly cheap.

For something with more substance, I still LOVE the Dr. Grip line: http://www.jetpens.com/product_info.php/cPath/45_642_643/products_id/3091

Still one of the best bodies for all-around use and are available at many office supply stores.

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  Hendodo said:
Looking for a good mechanical pencil for edc. something durable and uses .5 lead

Try looking for a technical pencil. Theyre usually built very well compared to ordinary consumer mechanical pencils. Im using a rapidomatic by koh-i-noor right now. I believe it was going for about $10. Really thick opaque plastic barrel, steel knurled grip and barrel point, steel cap. Probably have to go to someplace a little more specific than your local drug store for technical pens though.

On the writing subject, I stepped up my eraser game.

Clicky, triangular shaped eraser for maximum precision.

I originally thought it was black, but it turned out to be an extremely nice dark forest green. Super satisfied.


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