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My WHOLE DIESEL Collection for sale: 167 Pairs at once!!!


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PLEASE HAVE A LOOK TO MY DIESEL BLOG: http://birdydieselblog.blogspot.com/

Many good pairs gone, many good pairs still available September 11, 2009

Can sell individually now!

Price range from 45USD up to 500USD for the rarest pair!

Fair prices on demandShipping with tracking all over the world

[email protected]

I am sad to say I sell my Whole DIESEL Collection!

It took me years to make it real! Now it has to go to other Diesel addicts...

PRICE:29000USD including shipping anywhere in the world

(or 21000€):

It's in fact a very "low price" for the whole collection even if it is an HUGE amount!!! ( I know it's almost infamous!!!...) but it is even less than what I paid for and some of the pairs are included for free into this price! I make no benefits, just trying to get some money back to buy for the new collection I started some months ago...

Some of the pairs here are extremely rare and almost, if not totally, impossible to find out.

You can check pics into the Zathan, Farco, X-Rotuck and Ziprio threads I initiated into this forum.

All are in perfect condition 10/10 to 9/10, some are brand new with tags, never worn! The only very few pairs which are not perfect have been added for free into the price and of course are not the rarest...

Preference is given to the One who could "maybe" buy the whole collection at once! - not easy!...., I know!

Then preference would be given to the One who would acquire a whole "Cut collection"!

Then you can email and make offers in case you are interested by only some of the pairs or a peculiar pair...Preference will be given to the best offer and to the one who buys several pairs at the same time.

You can Email directly to: [email protected]

1/ BACKLER DDG35 31/34

2/ CHINEW 8BI Special LAB2140 30/34

3/ DDG uninentified cut DDG Mod 65 LA019 Tess30033


5/ FARCO 762

6/ FARCO 85W LAB334 29/34

7/ FARCO R83L LAB3034 29/34

8/ FARCO 70L LAB5999 29/32

9 FARCO 82M LAB3211 28/32

10/ FARCO 128 col935 LAB321 W31


12/ FARCO 84R LAB3897 30/32

13/ FARCO 87Q LAB. BT4878 32/32

14/ FARCO 82N LAB3211 31/34

15/ FARCO DDG AM EDITION N°59/388 LAB3034 32/32

16/ FARCO 83Z - BT5841 29/34

17/ FARCO 319 LAB301 29/32

18/ FARCO 83W LAB3897 28/32

19/ FARCO 81W LAB. 32/32

20/ FARCO 772 LAB340 28/30

21/ FARCO 89E LAB. 32/34

22/ FARCO 70i

23/ FARCO 83W LAB3897 29/34

24/ FARCO 84H BT4835 31/34

25/ FARCO 84L BT4485 31/34

26/ FARCO 81W LAB3211 30/34

27/ FARCO 83H LAB3518 30/34

28/ FARCO 701 LAB261 33/32

29/ FARCO 888 LAB3535 28/32(34)

30/ FARCO 83L LAB3111 29/32

31/ FARCO R87Q LAB4560 30/34

32/ FARCO 818 29/34

33/ FARCO 82U

34/ FARCO 82M LAB334 31/32(34)

35/ FARCO 710 LAB3034 28/34(32)

36/ FARCO 87Q Customized LAB 3201 34/34 cf farco thread

37/ fashion pant exo camouf (very rare)

38/ KAJO 8BC

39/ KRATTL 740 LAB3207 32/32

40/ KURATT 82N LAB3897 28/34

41/ LEMEN DDG32 LAB5999 28/32


43/ LERIT linea leather 00ABLS col102

44/ LEVAN 732

45/ LEVAN 84X LAB325 33/34

46/ LEVAN 732 LAB 3201 29/34

47/ LEVAN 730 LAB385 30/32

48/ LEVAN DDG MidKnight blue Selvage BB 29/32

49/ LEVAN DDG AA n°: 228/454 LAB5599 28/32

46/ linea leather Sample Brown 32

47/ MEESAL 732 LAB3201 30/34

48/ MOORIX 0040C Sample Col 71D 32/32

49/ ONIJO 732

50/ ONIJO 89P LAB3352 30/34

51/ PAJONI (rare coated fashion pants) W32

52/ PAJONI W30

53/ PHATANAZ 31/34

54/ QURATT0031T Sample Col 999 Mod00AAZY 32/32

55/ RABOX 710 LAB3909 28/34

56/ RABOX 795

57/ RABOX 834 30/32

58/ RESLIM 796 LAB3672 30/31,5

59/ RESLIM 761 LAB761 32/34

60/ RESLIM 761 LAB? 32/32

61/ RIOHMA 796 LAB8641 28/34


63/ RIVEC C96


65/ SAFADO 8HU LAB2035 29/34

66/ SAFADO 8AA LAB3201 29/32

67/ SAFADO 8HB LAB3686 30/34

68/ SAFADO 8GS LAB3201 29/32


70/ SLAMMER 71J Brown back pockets LAB5578 31/34

71/ SLAMMER 8BG LAB3352 30/34

72/ SLAMMER 71J green back pockets LAB2140 29/34

73/ SLAMMER 8BI LAB5578 30/34

74/ SLAMMER 87J LAB2140 30/34

75/ SLAMMER 8EB LAB2140 30/34

76/ SLAMMER 8CZ Jap denim LAB325 29/32

77/ SLAMMER 71B LAB3201 30/34

78/ SLAMMER DDG White Mod:64 LAO45 TESS.35947 30

79/ THANAZ 71J LAB3201 30/34

80/ THANAZ 61E LAB3201 29/34

81/ THANAZ 89S LAB3201 30/34

82/ THANAZ 8EV LAB4664 29/32

83/ THANAZ 86C LAB3719 28/32

84/ THANAZ 8BZ white with Yellow line pockets (rare) LAB4664 31/34

85/ THANAZ 89W LAB4664 30/34

86/ THANAZ 88D LAB3201 29/32

87/ THANAZ 8DK LAB3201 29/34

88/ THANAZ 72H LAB3735 30/34

89/ THANAZ 72C LAB3201 30/34

90/ THANAZ 31Q LAB4664 31

91/ THANAZ 71B LAB3201 31/34

92/ THANAZ 8IW LAB3201 30/34

93/ THANAZ DDG mod 64 LA081 TESS.30083 LA081 30

94/ THANAZ DDG mod 64 LA081 TESS.30091 LA081 31

95/ TIMMEN 71J LAB3201 30/34

96/ TIMMEN 88Z LAB2140 31/34

97/ TIMMEN 8GI LAB3735 29/32

98/ TIMMEN 8BZ Sample Col 91M Mod00AAZH 32/32

99/ TIMMEN 8BG LAB2140 30/34

100/ TIMMEN 88S LAB2140 30/34

101/ TIMMEN 88S 29/34

102/ TOHNEE 0010G Sample Col999 Mod0010JM 32/32

103/ VIKER 8BK

104/ VIKER 71J LAB1910 31/34

105/ VIKER 71B


107/ VIKER 8GZ LAB3207 29/32

108/ X-ROTUCK 772 LAB3229 31/34

109/ X-ROTUCK 796 LAB340 32/34

110/ X-ROTUCK 796 DDG (mega super rare!) LAB314 30/32

111/ X-ROTUCK MA119

112/ X-ROTUCK 80Q 33/32

113/ X-ROTUCK MA119 Vert LAB3994 30/32(30)

114/ X-ROTUCK 80Q BT1051 30/34

115/ X-ROTUCK 81N LAB340 31/34

116/ X-ROTUCK 887 LAB3499 30/32(33,5)

117/ YARIK 764

118/ YARIK 87J LAB320? 30/34

119/ YARIK 88S lab2140 32/32

120/ YARIK 88Z LAB3211 32/34

121/ YARIK 70M LAB2140 29/32

122/ YARIK 70Z LAB5999 30/32

123/ YARIK 88Z LAB2140 29/32

124/ ZAF 8BC

125/ ZAF 832 LAB3897 29/32

126/ ZATHAN 70C

127/ ZATHAN 764 LAB 334 32/34

128/ ZATHAN 8BK LAB003121 30/34

129/ ZATHAN 784 LAB3518 31/34

130/ ZATHAN 710 LAB3230 30/34

131/ ZATHAN 772 LAB226 29/34 --32

132/ ZATHAN 70L ? 29/34

133/ ZATHAN 674 ? 29/34

134/ ZATHAN 708 Space edit BT 5614 30/34

135/ ZATHAN 84U 32/32

136/ ZATHAN 82N LAB3049 30/32

137/ ZATHAN 40C LAB1474 30

138/ ZATHAN 796 LAB3518 30/34

139/ ZATHAN DDG 19 Art 107R Ordp 7335 Col US1 N°165/189 29/32

140/ ZATHAN 84W LAB - 32/32

141/ ZATHAN 87N LAB5999 30/34

142/ ZATHAN T08 LAB330 30/34

143/ ZATHAN 772 LAB330 30/34

144/ ZATHAN 83W LAB5999 28/34

145/ ZATHAN 82H LAB3897 28/32

146/ ZATHAN Black Fake! Wash Diesel should have made!!! 31/34

147/ ZATHAN 772 LAB3529 32/34

148/ ZATHAN DDG 19 Art 107R Ordp 7332 Col EU1 N°118/307 33/32

149/ ZATHAN 108R-00631-900 - BT9453 ORDP9453 31/34

150/ ZATHAN 71S LAB2999 30/32

151/ ZATHAN BBO LAB330 31/32

152/ ZATHAN 713 LAB325 32/32

153/ ZATHAN 82M LAB2035 32/34

154/ ZATHAN 71J LAB2035 29/32

155/ ZATHAN 70M jap LAB314 32/32

156/ ZATHAN 84J LAB? 32/32

157/ ZATHAN 86T LAB3230 29/34

158/ ZATHAN 701 LAB3998 29/34

159/ ZATHAN 60F LAB3518 31/32(34)

160/ ZATHAN 84U LAB330 31/32

161/ ZATHAN 748 Eurofactory under auth by DIESEL 30

162/ ZAVOR 71D Sample Mod 0010BS 32/32

163/ ZIPRIO 81W LAB3211 30/34

164/ ZIPRIO 754 LAB3211 29/32

165/ ZIPRIO 754 LAB3111 33/34

166/ ZIPRIO 796 LAB3111 30/34(32)

167/ ZIPRIO 80P LAB3211 34/32

Some of the informations are lacking right now, I will add those details asap.

Sizes are all around W30 (my size being W29 / W30).

Depending on the cut and the fit, I had to downsize or upsize 1and sometimes 2.

Sometimes I never found this specific pair in my true size but meanwhile added it to my collection as I thought it to be rare or of interest enough to make part of it!

Enjoy and Happy Christmass to everybody!

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i'm not sure if you're going to be able to find a buyer on here, but regardless i must congratulate you just for actually owning that many goddamn pairs of diesels...good lord

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I ended up having to do this too, if on a smaller scale. Just about nobody starts directly at the brands people like here and I've seen sales in supermarket where diesel sold first. I think lots of lurkers (which constitute probably 80% of all SF users) will jump at some of this.

Oh BTW can I get pix of all the jeans? For old times sake I'd really be interested in seeing the x-rotuck 887...

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It has been a while sine a thread has made me laugh out loud but you have done it. I am not laughing at you so I hope you don't take offense to me saying this but the responses are pretty funny thomas-hs cracked me up.

That being said good luck with your sales, you have a mega set of balls to just list all those bad boys on here and then post pics I am gonna give you some rep for that.

BTW- do you have any of the old Italian made diesel I think around the late eighties early nineties - I believe the line was called "Old Glory"?

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There pairs I have only seen once since I am collecting, they are impossible to find:

X-rotuck 796 DDG issued in only 2 DDG flg stores in the world (up to 40 exemplars ALL SIZES INCLUDED from what I've been said)

FARCO 818, 319 and 82U : only seen once!

otherwise some samples are one of the kind.....

Many other pairs are rare or hard to find....

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