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Who's banned now?


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well it's not really a big deal, but just how many jap exchange students in the u.s. are into julius, dbss, lad etc (not counting n(n) and yy's sphere of influence)? most of the hardcore jap fans of those labels and their like are in japland. they are a target market. the only means (IN THE BEGGINING) for a shop like blackbird to even hear about that shit...
Luckily I was very good friends with the one Japanese exchange student in Seattle who did happen to be a fan of those brands, long before I knew of either superfuture or even Blackbird.
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Good points, you've changed my mind about what I said. But there's something to be said about the phenomena when the NYT style article prints links to hypebeast and superfuture rather than the official Lanvin site. I see your point about the original intention about supertrash, too. But if it's such a problematic place , why bother with the trouble of maintaining it when they could just delete it entirely? I imagine this would solve a lot of their problems. All the racism, homophobia, drugs, sex and politics are concentrated here. What else are we supposed to talk about?

If they choose to moderate it rather than junk it, there's some inherent value.

because the problem already exists, might as well keep it one place where its easier to manage.

Btw, i was not aware of NYT article prints linking to hypebeast and superfuture but that is pretty cool haha. i know hypebeast has a huge influence on the net as it is in the top50 sites in Times magazine or something like that. and with alexaranking of 5000 and competerank of 15,000, that site is worth a bucket load. readership on that site is ridiculous.

as for superfuture, i've seen links to discussions on superfuture which i find to be very cool but i would think the NYT article wasn't based on a superfuture discussion, it was based on a product or whatever it was, and it was just referencing a discussion on superfuture.

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Luckily I was very good friends with the one Japanese exchange student in Seattle who did happen to be a fan of those brands, long before I knew of either superfuture or even Blackbird.

okay i give you that. that's believable, but from a business perspective once you became an employee of blackbird what made you guys think that those specific labels were sellable/marketable?

and outta pure curiosity when did your jap buddy who was a fan of julius, dbss, lad etc move to seattle and turn you on to shit? what was the year? thanks.

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you guys love the banning of habitual line-crossers

you love to rage against the machine

you love feeling righteous, bros

you want to fight for your rights to haus party

you got a pocket full of rubbers and your home boys do too

let's call a spade a spade

this is the war you always wanted

no one would believe me

no one's a winner

no one's a loser

the rhythm is the bass

and the bass is the treble

just a dead friend

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i cant tell if ddml is a genius or if hes just weird or wat...i always think hes quoting something but i think hes actually just talking

nah he been doing this type of song and dance for a while. lyrics are different, but sentiment remains the same.

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the table is rumbling

the glass is moving

no, i was not pushing that time

I worked for him. He had to say hello to an old friend (sufu)

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okay i give you that. that's believable, but from a business perspective once you became an employee of blackbird what made you guys think that those specific labels were sellable/marketable?
Because to me they are a shining beacon of hope in disgusting and stale industry. These specific brands are very exciting to me and I wanted to help represent/raise awareness of them outside of Japan.

I won't deny that there is some level of influence of superfuture on decisions, especially since I was a member here before I worked at Blackbird. With bringing in Japanese brands, though, I don't expect people here to buy it from us. Of course we hope and greatly appreciate it if they do, but we realize that most people here will just be buying through proxies.

and outta pure curiosity when did your jap buddy who was a fan of julius, dbss, lad etc move to seattle and turn you on to shit? what was the year? thanks.
I'm not sure about the exact year, but he left here and moved to New York in 2006. I met him a couple years prior to that out of mutual love of Shuji Terayama and Machida Kou. As I was getting into fashion, he introduced me to brands he liked.
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Because to me they are a shining beacon of hope in disgusting and stale industry. These specific brands are very exciting to me and I wanted to help represent/raise awareness of them outside of Japan.

I won't deny that there is some level of influence of superfuture on decisions, especially since I was a member here before I worked at Blackbird. With bringing in Japanese brands, though, I don't expect people here to buy it from us. Of course we greatly appreciate it if they do, but we realize that most people here would just be buying through proxies.


i hope you don't think i'm hating or anything. i think it's great that you guys are bringing in jap brands and helping to get them exposure.

i was just trying to illustrate a point to findmybetterhalf about the sphere of influence that exists on sufu and these kinds of forums.

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yes. and people say i have a nice bear hug cuz i have layers of fat.

Btw, Vs Toto, if you ar reading this, my sentiment towards this is not that you got what you deserved. if anything, i think your contribution to superfuture in other aspects outweighs whatever wrong you did to get banned. i am jsut trying to make a point that mods spare no lives when it comes to the chopping block.

which again, i dont think its fair, but it is what ti is.

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and again, i was pushing it a bit by trying to make a point. i dont doubt that superfuture has the influence that it has, but to the majority of the fashion industry as a whole, superfuture isnt even a blip.

i agree that the major players of the industry wouldn't care. whether it be the big houses,semi prominent labels, or cult/fringe labels they probably don't give a shit, but i can see their distributors (if they happen to have any), indy stylists, and various publications taking notice. in some specific instances i know for a fact that alot of media and certain businesses do care and have done and do express interests in doing biz with sufu.

when you say "the majority of the fashion industry as a whole," who are you referring 2?

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by fashion industry, not anyone in specific, just as a general entire entity or market.

in alot of aspects, i do believe that superfuture has a huge influence, that i dont doubt.

but as for having weight in how the fashion industry functions, i doubt.

hell, my part in the company that i work for is heavily influenced by what i learn and see on various forums, more specifically superdenim.

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by fashion industry, not anyone in specific, just as a general entire entity or market.

in alot of aspects, i do believe that superfuture has a huge influence, that i dont doubt.

but as for having weight in how the fashion industry functions, i doubt.

hell, my part in the company that i work for is heavily influenced by what i learn and see on various forums, more specifically superdenim.

we're actually on similar pages here....maybe i just misread your debate with mellowbonsai (not that it was my intent to take his side).

anyway i am gonna go eat.

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yes. and people say i have a nice bear hug cuz i have layers of fat.

Btw, Vs Toto, if you ar reading this, my sentiment towards this is not that you got what you deserved. if anything, i think your contribution to superfuture in other aspects outweighs whatever wrong you did to get banned. i am jsut trying to make a point that mods spare no lives when it comes to the chopping block.

which again, i dont think its fair, but it is what ti is.

that sucks man.

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         /`   )))   IF YOU LOOK CLOSELY YOU'LL SEE I'M NOT  
        )   ,   >   CAN'T RUN AWAY                          
        \___\ _=/                                           
         __/ /__    RATHER I'M THE GROSS KIND OF CRIPPLE    
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ban Kodiak and unban VsToto


ban Kodiak and unban VsToto


ban Kodiak and unban VsToto


ban Kodiak and unban VsToto


ban Kodiak and unban VsToto


ban Kodiak and unban VsToto


ban Kodiak and unban VsToto


ban Kodiak and unban VsToto


ban Kodiak and unban VsToto


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