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supercollegelife: funny facts, rant, photos, help, stuff...


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didn't really follow the thing but it definitely is possible to party hard and do VERY well.

One of my former group class supervisor in microeconomics is 22 (secondary in england), 1st year of master at the school of economics in my city, one of the first research center in economics in the world. Everything was normal except stuff like "really you've seen that shitty function, makes me tired... wanna do it ? no ? me neither ! have a nice day guys". he surely already looked kinda badass to us.

Then somewhere in march after 2 months seeing him an hour a week, we're partying in town, totally drunk. Then we see this guy and we're like wtf, he was even more drunk than us. he proposed we could have an after at his place, i didn't go but the friend who went said he was ultra jealous. then everything made sense, his attitude, behavior and all.

This guy is giving class to us hence earning money, finishes his master and will soon enter phd, with a circle of worldwide recognized economists (some of them are my lecturers). And he's out nearly every week, travels around the world and all...

Well that's the most extreme case i know yet, and all of this depends on what you want to do and what you are ready to sacrifice in order to have it.

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my first 2 semesters at uni studying chemistry were straight 30 to 35 hour weeks because of all the classes i had and all the labwork that was piled on us. 3rd semester was the worst (easily 40 hours) but also the most fun b/c organic chemistry is what i enjoy, so i didn't mind staying in the lab every fucking day till from noon to 6pm Mo to Fr. afterwards we still had to prepare for our seminars.

i guess i'm just not cut out for so much hard work and i failed my tests, now i'm applying for a different uni where i hope it will be a bit less.

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branespload...looking at your schedule makes me feel 2 things:

a) sorry for you

B) like i should be doing more with my life

heres a peek at mine...im a business major with a political science minor...next fall will be the start of Junior year for me

no class earlier than 12:50 start time (though i end late in the day) and no Friday class


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exams start in 1 week - i have legal history first which i took because the tutor is a living legend - unfortunatley it means i need to understand passages like this:

" alienation by substtiution was not in practise common before the statute quia emptore, except at the level of unfree tenures . By far the more usual service was for the alienation to be effected by subinfeudination. In that case the tenure between the alienor and his lord remained intact , but the alienee replaced the alienor as tenant in demesne and the alienor became his lord. In the 12th C , seignorial consent to grants was often sought - though it is not clear how far it was thought to be absolutely necessary - and by the time of bracton it was not . The lords right to service due from his tenant was not impaired by subinfeudination because even in non performance the lord could distrain on the demesne.

- someone kill me now

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what do you get when you graduate from gallatin?

ba for individualized studies w/ a concentration

in ________ and/or _________.

but gallatin will get you so many great internships that not actually having a "real major" will totally be overshadowed by all the "real world" experience.

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got 2 A's, 2 B's, and a C+

considering I got all A's last semester, I think I'll pass on telling my parents that news.

don't think its gonna effect me all that harshly going into my new school, but I could've applied myself more, probably.

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anybody have rumors/stories/tales about fordham?

will be there for the next 4 years

i grew up about 10 minutes from there on foot and everyone i ever knew that went there hated it, most transferred out. but the bronx zoo is right by it and that's free on wednesdays!

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i'm going to be going to university of the pacific in stockton, ca this fall. i'm in an honors prelaw program with a business (undecided) major. lately i've been seriously considering architecture, but pacific doesn't offer that as a major. also i don't have any math (haven't taken pre-calculus). i dunno. as of now i don't even know if i would enjoy prelaw or business and i'm very interested in architecture. but i'm not sure if that will chamge

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i have more book smarts, cultural capital, and common sense than at least 80% of my peers at FIT.

not boasting, just sayin'. at least i have a friend at NYU i can go hang around and feel intellectually stimulated for a few hours every now and then.

jesus christ.

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to me it has more to do with people's intentions

lack of common sense is usually inexcusable but if people are down with whatever then whatever; it's much more interesting than someone who is pretentious or trying to be deep/different (obv not directed at dinoe)

dino always came across like the type of du who gets along with everyone tho

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dino, I think everyone gets that feeling

I like to think that I'm just not giving people a chance.

Its better for the ego so it doesn't swell

and if someone does manage to humble me, I take it with a bow and flourish

nah man, i dont think im just getting that feeling. i mean, i was fortunate (and believe me, in retrospect, i am truly grateful) enough to attend a prestigious college prep school, but i mean come the fuck on, it seems every week i see someone fuck up their/there/they're and two/to/too. the other day, for whatever reason, i mentioned dante's inferno to someone and i might as well have been speaking greek (i doubt many know that expression as well). seriously? i mean, i didnt really pay attention to this part of english class, i cant tell you your level in hell, but SERIOUSLY? you've never even heard of it? come onnnnnnnnnnn

dino always came across like the type of du who gets along with everyone tho

thats pretty accurate id say. unless youre just completely disrespectful to me and those around me (and in special cases, not even then) then ill most likely be down with you. everyone has their flaws and i have more than id like to tell, so its no big to me. i cant ever see blaspheme doing any good, so if i dont like you for whatever reason ill most likely just not waste time talking or associating with you.

anywho, its not like i look down upon people for poor grammar or ignorance, its just bothersome, like any other pet peeve of mine. id like my mind to feel like its being put to work by my peers more often than it presently does.

oh, and while im on the topic of pet peeves.. peace signs. people, learn what a motherfucking peace sign looks like. jesus fucking christ


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