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I dunno if this thread could work but

i've seen a lot of post on the random thought thread and superconfessional about college life and things happening there... that's logical since our life more or less revolve around school when you're at college or uni.

So this thread would be dedicated to all stuff about college life, more or less like a student version of the Superfuture Random Thought Thread, that could also be used to post pictures, tell us more about your life at college or about your college to help people choose and everything...

branespload: Biomedical Engineering: Premed at UC Irvine

freecat: Economy and Management at Université Toulouse I (FR)

.will17: fashion marketing in montréal

ghostdeini: political science major

n1cx0: nd year electrical engineering

sunny: politics at ryersonnn

Knugget: Human Biology 4-year plan at UCSD

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This is a good thread since i am enrolling for spring classes soon.

Question: How much time does a person actually study in college? I've been thinking of cramming everyday pulling extra curricular activities and such in a 2 year community college to get into a UC.

Also can you still apply for financial aid at this time?

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Can't wait to transfer to a proper NYC school. That or somewhere in Boston. No clue really. Maybe Gallatin or BU-COM. I need to be away from theatre douches and cwg's. Need culture. Need cute FIT chicks (props to trev for introducin me to all his lady friends...)

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This is a good thread since i am enrolling for spring classes soon.

Question: How much time does a person actually study in college? I've been thinking of cramming everyday pulling extra curricular activities and such in a 2 year community college to get into a UC.

Also can you still apply for financial aid at this time?

studying depends on your major and the classes you're taking. as a pre-med, it sucks balls because you're constantly worrying about grades for med-school and the unfortunate silent studying asians you're competing with. I still get drunk and high every week, but i stress and study a shitload. somehow at UCLA all the science classes start so fucking early and are MWF.

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if those who vale their education and, if at all possible, dont go to state uni.

Question: How much time does a person actually study in college? I've been thinking of cramming everyday pulling extra curricular activities and such in a 2 year community college to get into a UC.

for me, this was extremely dependent on my schedule. depending on my load, anywhere from a couple hours on the night before a test, to a few hours a night (with few exceptions,) it can be a bitch.

Anyone have any experience studying abroad? ill be going to Pachuca, Mexico over the summer to study, just wondering if anyone had a good experience with that sort of thing, not necessarily just mexico either...

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i hate college. i have a terrible time adjusting, finding balance, free time, friends, etc. i only really study for my honors gen chem class (EDIT: but i do study a lot.), the rest of my time is pissed away doing busywork for my other 3 classes or other 3 labs. being a biomedical engineering: premed major is like the worst of both worlds.. and honors program requirements don't help either. everyone in my dorm has like 13 units and they're taking it easy in their first quarter to make friends n shiet, while i'm stuck with 18 units and a poorly spaced schedule. i wake up for 8am classes every day but one, and my classes end at 4:30 mwf or 6:30 t-th. im starting to think i can't handle it.

i will cop jawnz to cheer me up if things get worse.

EDIT: i also remember how the other day i realized i can actually feel my eyes sinking into my face, it's a very diamonds-esque sensation.

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my classes are fine, albeit extremely lacking in intellectual stimulation. the school itself is also fine, but I've found that I've already outgrown it so I'm looking to transfer after this first year, since my school runs on units, rather than credits, so its pretty impossible to go anywhere without a solid year to show. The people at my school are just too dumb/uninteresting, and while I've made some friends, I need something infinitely more stimulating and motivating. Gallatin seems really cool, but my brother went to NYU and the bureaucracy there is fucked, and would make my parents unhappy if I ended up there as well. BU COMC looks good as well, but I've grown used to the city, despite the fact that New York will always be there. I'm gonna reapply to Emerson as well, this time with more of a focus, but I still really dunno if I want to leave NY. Essentially my winter break is gonna be dedicated to applications and deciding where, to me (right now), is most important in my undergraduate life.


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Eh, I don't really study that much. I just do the papers before they are do and study for the tests the day before. I go to BYU, its not a bad college at all. Hopefully you can figure out what you want to do. It took me two years. Good luck, man.

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Eh, I don't really study that much. I just do the papers before they are do and study for the tests the day before. I go to BYU, its not a bad college at all. Hopefully you can figure out what you want to do. It took me two years. Good luck, man.

u morman? (10z)

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yall study and shit?

i cram for exams and whatever, other than that its rare i open books, and i pull a b/b+ average i think... i guess i could really be doing a lot better if i tried


this is exactly my life right now, as an english major, reading that isn't a novel is basically optional. What program are you in?

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barely study, usually crack books a couple days before tests

but i'm getting along

art school bitch level is LOW where i'm at

i'm worming my way in though, coke baggie and frute swagz in hand

I'm at GW, I have never seen so many uggs and leggings in my entire life. And the few art school chicks are cliquey, shy, and don't go out.

That said, sorority girls are hot.

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my brother is at BYU, all his friends went there to and they all got married within their first year there, luckily he doesnt want to get married right now

it's the cool thing to do.

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I am really fucking tired of school. I really don't give a shit anymore (with the exception of my portfolio shit for advertising art direction). I make good grades, but don't really do anything in any sort of timely manner.

Funny story. I raised my hand to ask a question in my statistics class today (that has ~100 people), and the professor called on me by name. I've never talked to the guy before. I assume it has something to do with the fact that I consistently show up 5-10 minutes late and have around a 98 in the class at this point. Photo rosters and shit.

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ah, memories of my freshman year.



What is my patience wearing today? Thin edition!

So much Inaya X Acceleration/Area on my shoulders for med school but I'm already at a significant disadvantage at UCI how will I ever be GETTIN ARAB MONEY??

Will I end up reselling Supreme and kush in my hometown??

I'll either be B.A.L.L.A. S.T.A.T.U.S. or FAM0US.

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