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The cheer up djrajio thread

ken shinoda

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I'm in Boston til Friday.

Can anyone give me some constructive criticism about the lifestyle & nightlife of Boston?

First impression is that people lack style here.

How is the quality of life?

Would an LA/NYC/Tokyo kind of guy like it here?

BTW, did a gastro-pub (spotted pig) last night in NYC. Good shit.

They need to bring the concept to Tokyo.

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Raj, what up.

My family is from Boston actually.

If you are NYC/TKO kind of guy, Boston is probably not going to be your style.

In general, I think night life is pretty weak. Boston has some good concerts pretty often, but most clubs/bars are either for the bros and bimbos from the surrounding colleges or cheezy broads at Avalon dancing in slutty tank tops they bought at the mall.

There are plenty of good restaurants but never enough good looking girls with steeze around. Sometimes there are some fine businesswomen though.

...even the kids in cambridge think they are a lot cooler than they are. Hipster at its worst, NY/Brooklyn inferiority complex.

My recommendation: go upstyle, if there is one thing Boston has on NY its history. Whenever I am around I try to roll with the old money, there are some of pretty exclusive dining clubs that have great food and even better wine, some whiskey bars, killer steaks, lobsters, wine cellars. Boston Brahmin status. Live WASPy for a while, and go see the Red Sox.

Shopping is alright if you are there for a week or couple days--Louis Boston is decent and there are some shops on Newbury st-- but overall city style is a weak attempt at business preppy (see north faces, oversized button ups, k.cole shoes, and pastel polos...unfortunately the classic striped tie nantucket style is less common than you'd hope).

Overall, its ok for a visit, or to live in as a college town, but if you are used to proper urban--metropolitan-- living, this aint it.

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Just finished 7 hours of interviews with a VC fund here today.

Thanks for the insight.

I think your perceptions are pretty on target given what I've seen here so far.

Need more time to think about my options.

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The current financial structure is fucked and need to be changed but meanwhile do you have any idea how many people are affected by this shit and how the financial crisis can spread to the economy, fucking up all you americans and spreading to other poor saps everywhere? I'm quite curious about what will happen. I'll have to say if it could drive down housing prices quite a few NYC-ers could almost be glad but do you really think it will happen?

subprime hit everyone across the globe. europeans will get theirs soon enough

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  • 2 weeks later...

This made me smile too.

As Wall Street falters, angry Indian mothers scream: “Why didn’t you become doctor?!â€

Upper Montclair, NJ—Indian-Americans who went against their parents urges and became bankers instead of doctors are really starting to feel the heat.

“The day I got laid off, my mom same-day aired me an MCAT book,†recounted Manan Desai, a 25 year old investment banker turned medical student. Seated next to his mother in their New Jersey living room, he continued: “She threw in a stethoscope, a pair of scrubs, and a note that said: ‘Stop embarrassing me.’â€

Manan looked down sadly at the ill-fitting blue scrubs his mother now forced him to wear constantly, and his eyes told how deeply he yearned to be back in his crisp, Wall Street attire. “My loafers look terrible with these pants,†he said miserably, pulling at the legs of the scrubs to uncloak his Ferragamos. Manan slung the stethoscope around his neck like a noose, let his head hang to the side, and croaked out: “This is worse than death.â€

Mrs. Desai, a portly woman dressed in a sari, traditional Indian garb, seemed vindicated. “At least now Manan can become a surgeon, no more of this stupid stock business.†Able to freely mold his broken spirit, she pointed authoritatively at her dejected son and added: “No more white girls, either.â€

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