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Street Fighter Thread


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  • 2 weeks later...

when I cop a new computer I'll be playing SFIII with you dudes

here's an olllld vid of me and royale, I'm a bit better than this now with a pad, but still not even this good with the stick :(. it's getting better every time I use it though. royale been handing me my ass lately


had my fingers over the mic for the first half lol

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Mad Catz TE stick. I thought about copping a decal and shit, but I think I'm going to just murder it out.

just realized we've both gotten alot better (atleast compared to that). I barely ever use focus attacks like that anymore and you can see a missed ultra after he crumples. I can still hold my own against royale's akuma or ken, but for some reason I have a lot of trouble with gen. also that jumping around for like 10 seconds was weird.

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gen is the worst character in the game!

i just copped a new laptop, the rollover is poor on it though so i can't really play with the kb anymore, but i might be moving to my boys and he's got a ps3 so maybe i'll cop ssf4 and a stick. i want that hori vlx but that shit's like 300. maybe i'll just cop the agetec dc stick and convert it, or the hori namco... since i'm used to both of those. leaning towards the namco cuz it's less work and i can mod it all black, and it's small. mrip thinks i should cop a TE so maybe i'll do that and make it all black.

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  • 2 weeks later...

here's that first match from joining the games earlier. I only got worse from here. I think the small bit of lag in parts is from the stream and not the match, but this was obviously recorded on semaj's end.


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@DUM I found my dudley improved A LOT more and really quickly just from playing endless battles online. I was practicing lots of setups and combos in practice mode but wasn't able to execute them against a player - and he's much easier on a stick as well, but I guess most chars are.

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haven't played a fighting game (SF) since i owned a ps2 back in '01, but saw this and it made me miss it. thought some of you du's might be into it:


This project began in Summer 2010, I (Brad Crawford) flew out to Japan and spent the entire month of July chasing leads and filming all over the country. I went from Tokyo to Osaka, all the way to Fukuoka on my own dime. However, I was unable to complete all the necessary interviews and capture the entire story. This trip allowed me to make certain contacts and discover the overall arc that this film will follow.

What I want to do is go back with a small crew and proper equipment to round-out the documentary with interviews from key subjects such as Daigo Umehara, Satoshi Numata and communicate with the Japanese public about gaming and arcades in general. EVO 2011, the worlds biggest fighting game tournament, is taking place for the first time in Japan in the spring of 2011. Our goal is to attend and film this event as part of the documentary.

We are also looking forward to interviewing more corporate figures including spokes-people from major game companies such as Capcom, Konami and Taito etc…

This coming November 13th, 2010 we will be attending the Canada Cup, Canada’s Newest and most exciting fighting game tournament. Attendees include Justin Wong, Mike Ross, Ryan “Gootecks” Guitierrez and Daigo Umehara making his fist Canadian appearance. Covering this event will create a great compare/contrast point on gaming and its culture differs from one country to the next. We hope to see some additional Japanese players attend this event to get their perspective on the gaming scene in North America.

daigo still competes?! wow, how old is he now?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
no worries, the consensus on SRK about the SE say that it's a POS, not sure why, but i already have a TE anyway so need to cop, it was a steal for anyone without a stick, not sure why anyone would want vanilla when super is out though
to re-live their sagat golden age?
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