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Is Gordon a denim superstar in Japan?


is gordon big in japan?  

84 members have voted

  1. 1. is gordon big in japan?

    • he is tokyo eye am legend
    • tom waits is more big in japan
    • i don't take polls, thanks for the video

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I'll second that natto comment. ^^

Good video, thanks.Disturbing package and accents.

When I'm over in Japan I'll need to check out those crazy dyes.

I think they're missing a curry dye. mm

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anyone like the way gordon pronounced persimmon?

No doubt huh? It was like he had never heard the word pronounced in English, but had seen it mentioned as a dye.

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that's how I say it... I didn't know what one was until not long ago went to my girlfriends aunts house in SF.. she grows them in her back yard. good for eating...and apparently good for dying denim orange

enjoyable video... gordon seems cool. funny there are more comments about this guys peep than the denim segment, quit riding his bulge. the guy was wearing black ring denim by the way

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thanks for posting this pac. i didn't know it existed i made another thread like a noob. my bad.

but gordon was looking good as a host. and even though i probably won't wear them myself, looking at how they hand-fade the jeans was pretty cool too.

nhk (nihon housou kyoku) is the public channel paid by the taxes. they tend to be more on the rigid side but they often have interesting cultural and educational shows. two of my italian friends were once in a 30 minute show because their mom was cooking some italian dishes on a cooking show.

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why would Gordon say aging factory is a very artistic way to age jean.

from what i know of dude, he isnt quick to offend, so he probably wouldn't blast on dude on national TV about his sack, or on the other about his hideous jeans. plus he's right. theres nothing artistic about the way most of us wear the same jean consistently and get fades. its just wabi-sabi. if we were trying to be artistic, it would fuck it up. now i hate pre-distressed denim, but there is an artistic aspect to what they do... i just think its repulsive/retarded personally. you'll probably never see gordon rockin some pre-done shit. to each his own.

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I don't see how is using solution to fade a pair of jean more artistic than using sand paper to fade a jean....That comment just seems idiotic to me.

It takes an artist to make pre-distress denim look good, because of the design of the jean. It has nothing to do with how they wash (fade) it.

But he is on TV, so he is probably lying....so there :cool:.

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if those three arrows at the top of the last post signify a comment referring to my last post, my(polite) response would be:

where the fuck did i say that spraying solution on jeans is more artistic than sandpapering? show me where i (or gordon)said that, and its fuck me. but if not...well, you already know. the word 'sandpaper 'isnt anywhere in my post. do you sandpaper your true religions? c'mon, confess like usher. what i said is that ALL predistressing is lame to me, imho. and also that natural, consistent wear isnt artistic, since the resulting fades are a NATURAL result. the word 'artistic' somehow denotes something contrived, unless some dude starts arbitrarily spraying chemicals and sandpapering his shits. btw, that would almost be as retarded as what you said...just dont fuck w/the kid.

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