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You just need one protein. Also, fancy brands don't do you any good. It's not the supplements that make you big, it's your diet. Eat huge and you willl be huge.

If you want to slow down your whey digestion time, which is good anytime, even post-workout, have it with milk (skimmed 0.1% preferably) and natural peanut butter.

ON makes good whey, Scivation is cheaper and equally good but has poor mixability. It's all very cheap in the states anyway.

I agree with mrchariybrown in creatine. Creatine is just creatine. Get the micronized ones and you'll be fine. Don't forget your daily dose of fish oil and multivitamins.

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You just need one protein. Also, fancy brands don't do you any good. It's not the supplements that make you big, it's your diet. Eat huge and you willl be huge.

If you want to slow down your whey digestion time, which is good anytime, even post-workout, have it with milk (skimmed 0.1% preferably) and natural peanut butter.

ON makes good whey, Scivation is cheaper and equally good but has poor mixability. It's all very cheap in the states anyway.

I agree with mrchariybrown in creatine. Creatine is just creatine. Get the micronized ones and you'll be fine. Don't forget your daily dose of fish oil and multivitamins.

i used to take a protein shake with skimmed milk every night before sleep but people are telling me not to here...

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ATW is fucking amazing. I would seriously drink the chocolate mint flavour mixed with water for my personal pleasure, it's even better mixed with milk. I have a 10lb bag of ON double rich chocolate and I need to force it down because it tastes like shit.

The only reason I don't buy from ATW anymore is because I got hit with customs charges :( They have a Canadian seller (The Whey Depot) but they don't have the refill bags and the chocolate mint flavour.

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I have patella tendonitis and it kinda aches and sucks to do squats. Is there anything I can do beside put weight on very slowly, stretch etc?

Put some 5 lb weights under your heels.

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ATW is fucking amazing. I would seriously drink the chocolate mint flavour mixed with water for my personal pleasure, it's even better mixed with milk. I have a 10lb bag of ON double rich chocolate and I need to force it down because it tastes like shit.

The only reason I don't buy from ATW anymore is because I got hit with customs charges :( They have a Canadian seller (The Whey Depot) but they don't have the refill bags and the chocolate mint flavour.

fuck yes. chocolate mint is the best flavor. cinnamon bun comes in a very close second. I've always got both flavors on hand at all times!

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the name itself pretty much explains it. a protein blend is a mix of different kinds of protein (some isolate is in it, at least with the Optimum Nutrition one) where as protein isolate is pure protein isolate. from what I read, isolate is the best post-workout shake there is. unfortunately, most kinds of protein isolate also come at a higher price. i've only taken isolate in my time (friend of me who got me into the gym recommended it) so i don't really have personal experience to tell you the difference.

i'd go more in detail, but i figured that would be enough to get you started :P

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alright, here's a hypothetical question (since I'm not truly at a point to be worrying about this yet):

once I get my body to about where I want it to be, what is the best sort of diet/work out combo for maintenance? Just try to eat healthily and work out regularly but less intensely?

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alright, here's a hypothetical question (since I'm not truly at a point to be worrying about this yet):

once I get my body to about where I want it to be, what is the best sort of diet/work out combo for maintenance? Just try to eat healthily and work out regularly but less intensely?

That's just mainly your diet. Make sure that you're not taking in excessive amounts of calories or protein.

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Phyziks, I'm in Montreal and I looked at the whey depot, their prices are way higher than ATW unfortunately...

Yeah man, I haven't bought from there in a little while, but when I did their 2x5lb jugs of isolate were under 100 bucks and with free shipping. They also give out a lot of coupon codes once you become a customer. I think I got like 15% off or something around Christmas time, but I still had like 20 pounds of the stuff at the time so I didn't end up using it. I got my ON 10lb bag for under 100, but it really tastes bad. I'm not usually picky about that stuff because I'm obviously not drinking it for the taste, but everyone was hyping it up like it was God of all protein powders taste-wise, and it is easily the worst tasting protein powder I've ever had in my life.

If I could find a way around customs, I would always buy from All The Whey. the pricing, quality, and taste of the stuff is way better than any other one I have experienced.

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alright, here's a hypothetical question (since I'm not truly at a point to be worrying about this yet):

once I get my body to about where I want it to be, what is the best sort of diet/work out combo for maintenance? Just try to eat healthily and work out regularly but less intensely?

maintain a good diet and just work out.

most people tend to deflate a bit once i stop working out even with a good diet. so maintain a good diet and work out regularly.

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alright, here's a hypothetical question (since I'm not truly at a point to be worrying about this yet):

once I get my body to about where I want it to be, what is the best sort of diet/work out combo for maintenance? Just try to eat healthily and work out regularly but less intensely?

That's pretty much it. After you bulk up and build a good amount of muscle, normally you start a cut (which is still lifting heavy, more cardio and less food). That burns the fat between your muscles and your skin, which gives you a more defined look. That's basically what people want when they say they would like to "tone" their muscles. You can only build muscle and burn fat, you can't really tone anything.

After that point, you just want to eat your maintenance calories and still get a good work out in. If you aren't taking in an excess amount of calories, it is impossible to gain weight, and if you aren't in a caloric deficit, it's impossible to lose weight.

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I got my ON 10lb bag for under 100, but it really tastes bad. I'm not usually picky about that stuff because I'm obviously not drinking it for the taste, but everyone was hyping it up like it was God of all protein powders taste-wise, and it is easily the worst tasting protein powder I've ever had in my life.

I like Nectar the most, don't really care for ON without some sort of flavoring added to it. Damn ON and their hyped flavors.

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hi can you guys tell me how u have the preparation for the CASEIN? its really hard for me to drink it for it is a thick texture... too painful.

also what is the best way to take some the BCAA...? i have it powder

for creatine i take it with my tea in the morning on offdays, PWO otherwise...


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i have a jug of chocolate casein that one of my housemates pretty much gave me, it's from all the whey. it tastes atrocious.

i usually take it before i go to sleep / when im feeling exceptionally hungry at night, but i guess the best advice i have for you is to overload on milk. obviously tastes more milkier and less sweeter, but it isn't very sweet to begin with so i think the trade off of the shake being smoother is more beneficial. i usually go a scoop of casein with 16 or so ounces of milk.

ps: there seems to be a lot of talk about 'cutting' in this thread. my version of 'cutting' is cardio every other day (daily if i can motivate myself :T) plus 5 quick meals a day, but what do you guys do?

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hi can you guys tell me how u have the preparation for the CASEIN? its really hard for me to drink it for it is a thick texture... too painful.

if you don't like the texture, just add more water. it's going to taste worse, but that's the tradeoff. just hold breath and chug it.

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I haven't been tracking calories or anything like that, and it's been relatively dirty lately, but:

chicken, tuna, mashed potatoes/potatoe, pasta, peanut butter, cottage cheese, eggs

6-12 eggs in the morning, usually mostly just whites. peanut butter sandwich. maybe some toast or cereal. milk.

tuna/chicken/some kind of carbs around lunch time.

same thing around dinner.

usually some kind of carb before working out, ice cream/pepsi after a workout to spike insulin, then some slow digesting carbs and a bit of protein.

cottage cheese + peanut butter before bed, unless i get high and eat up the entire house.

hope this helps, lol

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