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overzealous lipo? looks like his top 1/3 was glued to the torso. hollywood body. not strong i will guess. no trunk.

yeah I don't know, like his pecs are "perfectly" sculpted, like two rectangular blocks. he's got virtually no ab definition even tho he's lean.




no homo

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Proper Deadlift?

I watched a video on youtube, and it done fucked up my left hamstring. Please tell me what to look for. BTW, ham is still tight as fuck, been doing the sprinter's stretch for weeks.

I can do pullups for days, but was told by a trainer I needed to deadlift to get more mass.

You can do DLs either traditional stance (shoulder width, toes forward), sumo (wide stance toes pointed outward), or feet together. each has its advantages/disadvantages. They all share one thing, though: keep your chest sticking out and back arched.

i do sumo, so i can talk the most about that. i think it's good for shorter people like myself (5'9) because you can utilize leverage. It takes more hip strength than the other lifts, but once you break the weight off the floor, i think it goes up faster.

traditional stance makes even use (i think) of your muscles. My friend uses it and says he can go pretty fast, but I always find that the lift is a strain from start to end.

As for your hamstring problem, that may just be a strength issue. My hams don't really come into the mix until i start pulling a lot of weight (420+). So i guess i suggest that you work on strength work, do Romanian Deadlifts, to increase the strength.

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yo nice xmas tree, how long did that take to come out?

aight, so i know olive oil is considered a "good" fat and is a decent item to involve in a lifter's diet but to what extremes? my roommate and i get down on like 4 home cooked meals a week, all of them involving a pretty heavy dousing of extra virgin.

guys am i gonna be fat? :(

no waiii i use 8-9 tablespoons a day, fats are extremely important in gaining and losing weight...

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When you guys do deadlift, do you lift the weight, then lower it a little and drop it? That's what I do and it makes lots of noise ;)

nope, I control the weight all the way down.. you could hurt yourself doing otherwise.

and to add, if I ever wanted to join in on a powerlifting competition, my lift wouldn't count if I dropped it.

even when I do reps for deadlifts. I bring the weight all the way down and paused for at least 2 mississippi's before I start the next rep

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you can let it go down about as fast as gravity, but i advise to at least guide it down. granted, i'm the only one at my gym who deadlifts, but i always hated other people who purposely tried to be loud so people will look at them. If you're doing enough weight, you'll be noisy enough.

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You can do DLs either traditional stance (shoulder width, toes forward), sumo (wide stance toes pointed outward), or feet together. each has its advantages/disadvantages. They all share one thing, though: keep your chest sticking out and back arched.

i do sumo, so i can talk the most about that. i think it's good for shorter people like myself (5'9) because you can utilize leverage. It takes more hip strength than the other lifts, but once you break the weight off the floor, i think it goes up faster.

traditional stance makes even use (i think) of your muscles. My friend uses it and says he can go pretty fast, but I always find that the lift is a strain from start to end.

As for your hamstring problem, that may just be a strength issue. My hams don't really come into the mix until i start pulling a lot of weight (420+). So i guess i suggest that you work on strength work, do Romanian Deadlifts, to increase the strength.

Thanks. I was doing 135lb, which did not seem to difficult, but I step it down a notch to avoid injury.

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well I don't drop the bar, I hold onto it but kinda let it drop (while holding the bar) to the floor after lowering it for maybe 3/4 the height of the lift.

also, for those who do front squat, how do you get the bar off your shoulders after you're done if you're not in a squat cage? I find it's hard because the only grip I have on the bar is like a few fingers so I can't really use a lot of force to roll the bar back to my palm, especially at the end of a set.

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Thanks. I was doing 135lb, which did not seem to difficult, but I step it down a notch to avoid injury.

maybe it isn't the amount of weight for you, but it was the form then. just try to drive with your hips and have your shins straight down

also, for those who do front squat, how do you get the bar off your shoulders after you're done if you're not in a squat cage? I find it's hard because the only grip I have on the bar is like a few fingers so I can't really use a lot of force to roll the bar back to my palm, especially at the end of a set.

you don't front squat in a rack/cage? so then you do a clean off the ground and start squatting it? When i do it (not often) i cross my arms which makes it pretty impossible without a rack.

i know it's not the answer you're looking for, but i just suggest using a rack or something to lower it onto

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knucks - du, you're thick as all hell!

hailxenu - looks good, great chest development. only thing I'd work on is back thickness. I'd say hit them legs harder too, but this is a fashion forum and most people want to fit into slim jawnz (me and my thunder thighs included). overall looks great though

thanks meng. i agree with you, but i'm not really into buffness no more :o

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Not sure if I want to do muay thai today or just do some compound lifts...

When you guys do deadlift, do you lift the weight, then lower it a little and drop it? That's what I do and it makes lots of noise
Hell no, bend your knees on the last rep if you can't let it down normally.
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thanks meng. i agree with you, but i'm not really into buffness no more :o

yeah, I actually was just talking from a "bodybuilding" perspective..

I prefer your look over being really buff. I think we actually have similar bodies.. I find that clothes fit nicer.. I kind of wish I had your legs. mine are too big :(

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so im drunk and i ate like a box of good ass nachos hella chee melted on top and carne asada and shit. then a big ass bag of pita chips with cottage cheese.

guys am i gonna be fat? :(

guys am i gonna be fat? :(

guys am i gonna be fat? :(

guys am i gonna be fat? :(

guys am i gonna be fat? :(

guys am i gonna be fat? :(

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