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Yeah, you only need about 1 gram of protein per pound of LBM. Getting most of that from whole food sources is ideal. I only recommend 2 shakes a day: 1 in the morning because your body hasn't had any protein in 8+ hours and after lifting because lifting weights is catabolic and you need the fast digesting protein to help repair the muscles.

About an hour after your PWO shake, try eating a meal consisting of a lean meat source (chicken breast/steak), a carb source (brown rice/sweet potatoe) and some veggies.

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Also, a simple carb is basically sugar or any other high GI carb; glucose/fructose to help replenish muscle and liver glycogen respectively. Simple carbs post-workout help transport the protein/creatine in your shake to your muscles. Complex carbs (whole grains and other low GI carb sources) are better pre-workout. You want to have a decent meal about an hour before working out so you have more energy to maximize your lifts.

A banana's carbs are about 50% glucose 50% fructose, so they are great post workout. They also taste awesome. I personally like adding 100% rolled oats into my shakes. Adds some taste and texture.

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so i'm currently at over 3k calories a day and 2 weeks into my routine (which i think is fairly solid, basically a 5x5 deal but without working legs, muscle groups split into two days like a/b/a/b/rest/rest), and i've actually lost 3 lbs. i don't think i can really cram any more food down my throat every day. fucking discouraging.

You are wasting your time if you aren't going to workout your legs. You're putting in tons of effort diet wise and to not work out your legs is ridiculous. The largest muscles are contained in your lower half. The way to bigger arms is by squatting not curling. Not sure what your goals are, but you should work legs at least once a week. Im surprised nobody here has said anything. Don't worry, your jeans will still fit :D

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^So by squatting..... I can get bigger arms?

Yes in theory. Squatting is the "holy grail" of lifts and promotes growth in the entire body. Your legs hold over half of your bodies muscle. They are a total body exercise. You use your upper body to stabilize yourself during the lift. They are also great for burning fat. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns while in rest.

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Great advice, eplsoccer7. If you aren't at the very least doing squats, deadlifts and bench you should re-work your routine. Those 3 exercises are so important to build overall strength and size. If coach Rippetoe knew you weren't squatting he'd have your ass.

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Great advice, eplsoccer7. If you aren't at the very least doing squats, deadlifts and bench you should re-work your routine. Those 3 exercises are so important to build overall strength and size. If coach Rippetoe knew you weren't squatting he'd have your ass.

Compounds lifts are the shit! Personally love the deads (with STRAPS). LIFT EAT SLEEP GROW REPEAT

Ahhh ok. I always thought it was power cleans that were the total body exercise, but I can see how squats are too. Thanks.

Football is ending on Thanksgiving. Going to start wrestling to lose weight. Need to get back on a lifting program.

Man wrestling diets are the worst. I had a friend back in high school and he would eat lettuce and chew gum all day. Run in garbage bags etc. Takes a lot of determination. Hats off.

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You are wasting your time if you aren't going to workout your legs. You're putting in tons of effort diet wise and to not work out your legs is ridiculous. The largest muscles are contained in your lower half. The way to bigger arms is by squatting not curling. Not sure what your goals are, but you should work legs at least once a week. Im surprised nobody here has said anything. Don't worry, your jeans will still fit :D

I wish that guy's problem was my problem. Heh, I squat, bench, curl, deadlift, clean etc. with the BFS lifting program, since my overall goal is to get strong/big too. Y'know what squatting has gotten me? The biggest legs ever.with low amounts of body fat percentage in my legs, and almost all of the some that I do have on my upper body...I dont really understand what's goin on. My lower body is huge as hell compared to my upper body.

I mean, I have big gains...but the proportions are just really confusing me here.

Looks like I gotta start bulking up then see if cutting will have any effect this spring...

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I wish that guy's problem was my problem. Heh, I squat, bench, curl, deadlift, clean etc. with the BFS lifting program, since my overall goal is to get strong/big too. Y'know what squatting has gotten me? The biggest legs ever.with low amounts of body fat percentage in my legs, and almost all of the some that I do have on my upper body...I dont really understand what's goin on. My lower body is huge as hell compared to my upper body.

I mean, I have big gains...but the proportions are just really confusing me here.

Looks like I gotta start bulking up then see if cutting will have any effect this spring...

I know how you feel about the legs. Mine aren't even that big but are pretty cut up. Males in general store the majority of their fat in the mid section and lower back. Where as women get it in the thighs hips and butt. You have to eliminate body fat everywhere else, then the last bit will come off your stomach. It also depends on your genetics (which you have no control over).

I would be doing more than just curls for arms and more than just bench for chest. What do you do for back besides deads? I was doing one muscle group a day with a make shift 5x5 program (kinda something I just put together on my own) and went on a carbless diet and my lifts went through the roof. All I can say is don't be scared of good fats.

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i started my workout today feeling fine. after my first set, my head started pounding and i couldnt make it stop. i got a headache in the back of my head near my neck.

does this happen to anyone? needless to say..i gave up after trying to do two more sets and now im at home trying to relax and get this headache away.

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i started my workout today feeling fine. after my first set, my head started pounding and i couldnt make it stop. i got a headache in the back of my head near my neck.

does this happen to anyone? needless to say..i gave up after trying to do two more sets and now im at home trying to relax and get this headache away.

That's happened to me every so often for the last month. Usually when I bench for anything more than 6 reps at a time w/ heavy weight. I drink a gallon of water a day too.

I think one thing that can help out is making sure you breath in through your nose while doing the lift. besides that, you just need to go slower i think, though it sucks

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i started my workout today feeling fine. after my first set, my head started pounding and i couldnt make it stop. i got a headache in the back of my head near my neck.

does this happen to anyone? needless to say..i gave up after trying to do two more sets and now im at home trying to relax and get this headache away.

I get that sometimes when I jack off.....

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need to work legs for legs sake and overall strength. no one gets too big by accident. lots of work to look as awkward as truly huge dudes.

mrchariybrown/kunk can either of you confirm this? I don't want to get that big or anything... And I don't want my thighs to get any bigger...
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mrchariybrown/kunk can either of you confirm this? I don't want to get that big or anything... And I don't want my thighs to get any bigger...
need to work legs for legs sake and overall strength. no one gets too big by accident. lots of work to look as awkward as truly huge dudes.

kunk beat me to the punch again.

yep, definitely work out your legs for overall strength and balance. and don't worry about your thighs blowing up. and if you're really worried about leg growth, just lessen the intensity of your leg workouts :)

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my gym is like ashleymadison.com

housewives be given numbers to young boys (me).

dips? worth my time?

hell yeah, dips/weighted dips are good for the lower pecs and triceps.

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^So by squatting..... I can get bigger arms?

When you work a muscle group, you get a growth hormone response. The bigger the muscle group, the bigger the GHR, and the more gains you can make from one session, in theory. The legs are the biggest muscle group in the body, so if you work them in the same session as another muscle group, you'll get more gains there.

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