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25 is fine. my wife she is a 24 size. my thighs are her waist. if i kick her she will die, for sure.

be healthy is important do not make body issue the stress of the life. K? sometime i feel fat too for im a 32, if my obliques can pop off like the lego blocks or gundam armor it may be very good for me.

i feel much compelled to say this because safety first

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I don't think I'm fat at all, i either wear s or xs. it's just that i wanna improve myself in every way, and body is one of them

25 is fine. my wife she is a 24 size. my thighs are her waist. if i kick her she will die, for sure.

be healthy is important do not make body issue the stress of the life. K? sometime i feel fat too for im a 32, if my obliques can pop off like the lego blocks or gundam armor it may be very good for me.

i feel much compelled to say this because safety first

that's ok... you wanna be employee of the day? would that put a smile on your lil face?:o

this is the only way I know how to show my affection! :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
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dear mr chairy brown,

the allthewhey proteins arrive to my house. the Cinnamon Bun flavor for protein was very tasty--- thank you for the reccomendation of it. A+++++ i also got a "calcium casein" but it is not mixed well and comes like a paste... so it feel like someone is taking throwup into my mouth and i am drinking the person throw up...... >_<



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is there really a difference in wheys, besides taste?

i have been using cheapo body fortress stuff from walmart, while most other people i know use optimum nutrition(in the red bottle) from GNC. i've been making decent [noob] gains, about 10 lbs since may.

i don't think this is something I'll be able to figure out through experimentation, since growth is a relatively slow process and i only have one subject [myself]

ingredients list is almost identical, so probably difference lies in processing if there is one? any thoughts? again, i don't care about taste since i'll just be chugging shit

please advise!

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hi zehro, i never really use the expensive thing myself.. just creatine(cheap), and whey protein(cheap version).. recently i buy the casein protein.. not expensive either. if you like then BCAA is helpful to me. some people do not response active to creatine but its 9 dollar bottle for about 6 months.. no big deal right?

at any way it is only "supplement" to a good diet and excercise lifestyle. to be OCD and analyzie amino acid profile is too much :)

to answer ur question there are different levels of whey indeed

the hydrolyzed is the fastest for good post workout

isolate is just protein no fat no carbohydrate

100% is the one u typical for jugs at GNC

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dear mr chairy brown,

the allthewhey proteins arrive to my house. the Cinnamon Bun flavor for protein was very tasty--- thank you for the reccomendation of it. A+++++ i also got a "calcium casein" but it is not mixed well and comes like a paste... so it feel like someone is taking throwup into my mouth and i am drinking the person throw up...... >_<



dear gaydad,

I'm glad you're enjoying the cinnamon fun flavor as much as I am.

as for the calcium casein; using a type of blender is a must as with most caseins. and even then, you want to use a tad more water than you would with whey. or else the end result is like you described.. gulping down something that resembles and has the texture of throwup. :(

your's truly,


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Hey Kunkosaurus and crew,

I'm a pretty skinny dude. I started using a generic GNC Men's blend of whey, leucine, glutamine, and creatine to suppliment my weight lifting. I never had much fat, maybe a little around my love handles because I eat like a hog. Well, that shit burned off quick with a moderate/somewhat intense weight lifting routine three times a week. I was eating a scoop of this stuff 40 mins before and 3 scoops immediately after working out. I kid you not, I saw, relative to my muscle density before, freakish results within a month. It was a lot of growth comared to before.

My question is, will this stuff hurt me? Is this normal growth? I think I gained like, 5-7 lbs of muscle. I was lifting with the same routine for a few months before I started using this stuff. Will this fuck with my heart or organs in any way? Should I tone it down or eat this shit less often?

ps- thanks for the sympathy, Kunk. ;)

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long term, excessive protein can bang up your kidneys but it's dose and time dependent; doesn't sound like you have anything to worry about with the amount your using. i have found glutamine to be worthless, but aside from that (which is my opinion), everything else sounds find. gram for gram, $ for $, creatine is the most effective and best supplement. and a whey/cassein protein blend is better than straight whey.

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