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I drank and blazed everyday this past summer but I also gained 10 lbs of lean mass. I'm sure your body would be better off without alcohol but I don't know if it makes a significant difference. Hardest part though when you're fucked up all the time is perserverance.

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" You must spread more rep" sorry solecrazy, cant rep

nice points man

The 3 gram amount is spot on for what your body utilizes, but the extra creatine adds bloat, which in turn cushions your muscles and joints better then 3 grams. A must for heavy lifts

As far as loading goes, some swear by it and others flat out reject it. I have always done it when using monohydrate, so I cant really sway either way

ZMA is good stuff, my sleeps always feel better when I take ZMA

If you dont feel like you are getting anything off creatine anymore, try kre-alkalyn. I switched when I didnt feel anything from monohydrate and the difference for me was substantial

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you think you could still gain lean mass at a steady level if you're getting hammered a couple times a week? what are peoples experience with drinking and while trying to gain a bit of henchacity?

A couple times a week is to much if your seriously into bodybuilding

It screws with your blood oxygenation levels, your stamina, concentration and everything else you could think off. It really depends how serious you are, but regardless a few times a week is too much even for a novice IMO

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Same man! ZMA is the shit. I sleep like a damn baby. Ugh.

And when I'm done with this monohydrate I could start using kre-alkalyn...which site would you recommend?

And for cinnabun. IMO all protein tastes like shit. Its just the best tasting protein out there.

Well for the price. Muscle milk banana creme ftw....

Right here http://www.steelcityfitness.com/

http://www.steelcityfitness.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=3&products_id=43 They dont have the 240 bottles anymore, must be sold out. Very cheap, excellent service and quick shipping, I have never ever been let down by these guys

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which ATW is everyone drinking? the fat free whey protein isolate? what's the difference between the isolate, blend and concentrate? i'm assuming one is casein (takes longer to work) and one isn't?

the product details look real good, a lot lower on the sodium and cholesterol as compared to my GNC 100% hah

always droppin knowledge, so good guys, thanks.

GNC is generally crap protein, usually just concentrate

The difference is the higher in quality you go, the more readily it is absorbed and the higher protein content is in each scoop.

For example, concentrate may have 20 grams of protein in a 28 gram scoop, a blend maybe 21 or 22, and isolate 24 or 25. And the pure isolate is absorbed far more quickly then the cheaper concentrate, its ideal for an after workout drink

You get what you pay for, as you will also absorb the isolate better then the concentrate. So even though it states 2o grams of protein on the concentrate, the actual absorbed amount is smaller then that

The blend is usually whey concentrate mixed with isolate, not bad stuff at all especially if your on a budget. But the isolate is top notch, once I switched from the blend to pure isolate I never went back. Pure isolate also mixes easier as well, not nearly as chunky in a shaker cup as a blend or concentrate

Also, for all you hardcore guys who want to make your own recipe from scratch go here


You can even choose the percentages of proteins involved and add your own ingredients, all for a very good price

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What he said ^ GNC 's own brand is complete crap

ZMA is a pretty basic compound to make, so for the most part it it made fairly accurately from brand to brand

I use this one http://www.wheydepot.com/en/testosterone_boosters/testosterone_ZMA.html Look for the better brands to have boron, B6 and copper to help realize the full effects of ZMA.

This one is cheap and works well

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just got back from the gym. it was back day today ( my favorite day)

jsut started doign deadlifts a month ago. did 185 3x5 with a warmup of 135lbs x8. 185 was easy gonan try and step it up to 205 next time i deadlift.

ive never progressed so quickly with a lift. only if my bench press would catch up...=(

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My friend, a pro rugby player gave me some maximuscle progain since he doesn't need to put any more serious weight at the moment.

It's good stuff, but so help me God, I am farting and shitting like there is no tomorrow.

I do not normally shit and fart so much, on any other type of protein.

All the weight gainers are generally loaded with sugars/carbs, and mixed with lower quality whey concentrate.

Ahhh brings on my old memories of chugging back shaker cups full of mass gainer, its a perfect recipe for a foul stench. The worst is when your in a hot shower and you drop one thinking it doesn't smell, only to have it come back like 1 minute later and slap you in the face like a shitstained wet towel

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I prefer my normal protein/carb combos to be honest, but this was free, and Maximuscle be pretty reputable in the UK, so I am not complaining.

It has a pretty good profile of EFAs and Amino Acids too.

Wouldn't buy normaly though, it's £40 for 2kg. He's just lucky he gets like 70% team discount, so he can afford to give it away.

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What are you mixing it in? I was always told something like orange juice but I hate the taste too so now I use creatine tablets

yeah I should've got the tablets =/ . i tried it with crystal light. it was somewhat bearable

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My friend lent me his p90x videos and even though the shit is corny as fuck the workouts do seem to be working... My friend has been doing it for like 2 months and he's lost like 20 pounds and is semicut now. I have done it like twice and now I'm super sore when I wake up...I doubt I can do today's set... :(

I also drink whey afterwards, makes my poop really healthy. :D

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