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im a total noob at working out. i want to bulk up and have been trying for two months. i went to the gym 5 times a week, ate high protein foods, and cut the fast food. I gained 5 pounds but i don't feel this is much progress at all.

any recommendations for faster gain? no streroids prease

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gettin big

1. sleep 8 hours every night at least

2. lift heavy weight, do 3-4 exercises per body part, 3-4 sets per exercise, 8-12 reps per set

3. drink lots of water, get your vitamins, get your whey protein, creatine, fish oils, and most importantly EAT LOTS OF FOOD

4. learn to lift properly. focus on basic heavy compound movements. also do isolation stuff.

5. cheat here and there. dont cut out fast food entirely, allow yourself to eat up whatever now and then. especially if youre skinny and have trouble gaining weight. what you gotta watch is bullshit like soda pop, candy, chips... hamburgers and pizza can be helpful in your case

6. dont overtrain, dont undertrain, avoid doing too much cardio

7. this rule is so underrated, keep your family and business completely separated.

8. get adequate protein, carbs, and FATS.. try adding olive oil or natural peanut butter to your shakes if you use whey

9. be consistent.

10. be consistent

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Why does this thread die out so quick? Physix, Cutup, Kunk, whats going on? Hows everyones progress? I'm planning on taking pictures once I get to a decent size....

Things are still going smooth on this end. Maintaining right now, so I'm eating average, lifting heavy still, doing cardio etc. Bulking up more over the winter.

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gettin big

1. sleep 8 hours every night at least

2. lift heavy weight, do 3-4 exercises per body part, 3-4 sets per exercise, 8-12 reps per set

3. drink lots of water, get your vitamins, get your whey protein, creatine, fish oils, and most importantly EAT LOTS OF FOOD

4. learn to lift properly. focus on basic heavy compound movements. also do isolation stuff.

5. cheat here and there. dont cut out fast food entirely, allow yourself to eat up whatever now and then. especially if youre skinny and have trouble gaining weight. what you gotta watch is bullshit like soda pop, candy, chips... hamburgers and pizza can be helpful in your case

6. dont overtrain, dont undertrain, avoid doing too much cardio

7. this rule is so underrated, keep your family and business completely separated.

8. get adequate protein, carbs, and FATS.. try adding olive oil or natural peanut butter to your shakes if you use whey

9. be consistent.

10. be consistent

thanks alot man i owe you rep but i need clarity...

1. If your body stops producing creatine when you start taking it, how much should i take in order for me to overcome the loss from my body

2.. What if i wanted to get bigger and at the same time get a bit more toned? would 10 reps 5 sets work for each excercise?

3. Is there a difference between whey protein and regular protein? if so where would i get whey protein naturally.

4. I eat unbelievable amounts for my size i guess i need to just eat foods more rich in protein?

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most ripped ive ever been

~13 weeks into keto and a few more then im done

keto diets are on point! i've been on one for 3 1/2 weeks now and this is the leanest i've been in a long time. i hesitated at first because people say you end up losing muscle mass and strength and you feel weak blah blah blah. bullshit! i haven't lost any strength whatsoever and my energy levels are even better than when i was on med/hi carbs. i've lost about 15 lbs so far and this is with minimal cardio. 30 min low intensity 3 times a week. just sayin.....

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I'm curious - I know people say that if you don't eat enough cals/protein your body will start going after you muscle to compensate. Will your body go after your muscle BEFORE it goes after your fat? Just trying to cut a little fat, not gain any size.

Eat small healthy meals throughout the day and do sprints.

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thanks alot man i owe you rep but i need clarity...

1. If your body stops producing creatine when you start taking it, how much should i take in order for me to overcome the loss from my body

2.. What if i wanted to get bigger and at the same time get a bit more toned? would 10 reps 5 sets work for each excercise?

3. Is there a difference between whey protein and regular protein? if so where would i get whey protein naturally.

4. I eat unbelievable amounts for my size i guess i need to just eat foods more rich in protein?

1. Just take a serving of creatine. Some people want to load up on it and do cycles, but it's not necessary.

2. Do cardio and adjust your diet so that you gain muscle without having a surplus of calories.

3. whey protein is better for post work out, it's faster absorbing. I don't know where you could get a substantial amount naturally, I'd just buy a supplement. It'd be cheaper and all you've to do is mix the powder with water/milk rather than cooking.

4.You should be getting 1 gram of protein per day just for maintenance, get 1.5-2 if you're bulking.

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I'm curious - I know people say that if you don't eat enough cals/protein your body will start going after you muscle to compensate. Will your body go after your muscle BEFORE it goes after your fat? Just trying to cut a little fat, not gain any size.

I'm not 100% sure but I'm pretty certain that since our bodies use carbs (gluco--- something) for fuel, if its not available it will convert muscle into gluco--- something and burn that for fuel.

So yeah :\ Just keep up with protein intake and you won't have to worry too much...and try to have some carbs for fuel at least (pre/post workout mostly)

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thanks alot man i owe you rep but i need clarity...

1. If your body stops producing creatine when you start taking it, how much should i take in order for me to overcome the loss from my body TAKE ~5g's BEFORE AND AFTER WORKOUTS DAILY, MAKE SURE YOURE USING CREATINE MONOHYDRATE


3. Is there a difference between whey protein and regular protein? if so where would i get whey protein naturally. ID SUGGEST PICKING UP A HIGH QUALITY WHEY PROTEIN ISOLATE, IF YOURE GOING TO BOTHER USING WHEY PROTEIN AT ALL.

4. I eat unbelievable amounts for my size i guess i need to just eat foods more rich in protein?


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keto diets are on point! i've been on one for 3 1/2 weeks now and this is the leanest i've been in a long time. i hesitated at first because people say you end up losing muscle mass and strength and you feel weak blah blah blah. bullshit! i haven't lost any strength whatsoever and my energy levels are even better than when i was on med/hi carbs. i've lost about 15 lbs so far and this is with minimal cardio. 30 min low intensity 3 times a week. just sayin.....

yea. i felt pretty good and strong for the 7-8 weeks, wasn't hungry ever, etc. but I also was not losing a phenomenal amount of fat. i probably shouldve kept cardio to a minimum when i started the diet and then added a session or time to my cardio sessions every week, but instead ive pretty much been doing 5 sessions post workout every week since i started keto (30-40min per session) and my weight loss has been slow but consistent

but i cant complain. this is the best ive ever looked. however, i feel hungry most of the time and my cravings are at an all time high - my weekly cheat meal is a huge source of motivation

youre in a good spot though. if fat loss slows down, you can just add more cardio slowly and introduce fat burners (if you plan on using any).. and play with the diet as a last resort

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i put fat back on after 2 weeks of normal diet, back on keto monday

I have a question aimed at all those who are on an "extreme diet". Ok, as everyone knows by now I'm an ancient fuck. I've been into sports/athletics/training most of my life. After years of playing the game, I finally realize that the most important part of training is consistency and in order to be consistent you need to enjoy what you're doing.

so, my question is: To all those on a keto type diet, what is your goal? Is this regimen something you intend to keep up forever? Could you keep it up even if you wanted to?

I understand that pro's "crazy diet" for a contest or photo shoot. Why are you guys doing it?

Is it cuz it's the summer and the beach awaits. If that's it, that's very cool and I can dig that. Is just an experiment?

In my experience, I am best served by doing stuff I know I can do consistently and enjoy doing so I'm curious what your motivation is.

BTW: no hate intended

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i put fat back on after 2 weeks of normal diet, back on keto monday

did you go straight from keto into normal carby diet?

im going to try and avoid major rebound weight gain by slowly adding carbs back in so i dont gain 30lb in a month...



im doing the keto because ive pretty much been bulking for 2 years and realized that stripping some bodyfat would do amazing things for my physique and health. plus it is summer and id like to be ripped for zee beach. also, as an experiment to see the results i get from this type of diet if i were to try and drop bodyfat for some reason in the future.

i am realistic in my goal setting and dont plan on maintaining a super lean physique year round

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long-term plan is to move toward 50g/carbs on off days, 75-125g on normal training days and 200g/carbs on most intense days. i am a celiac so cannot consume a lot of carbs anyway

kool kunk :D sounds like a doable plan

must be difficult trying to plan a diet being a celiac

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i cant believe ive never seen this beffooorrreee

im an sport/excecise/workout addict.

my schedule used to be:

2hours swim training in morning and dryland training

1 hour after lifting weights

3hours training in the evening and then a long run

everydaay except sunday for 4 years..i ate anything i could get my eyes on and i still stayed at around leanlean 7% bf.

I became hella strong too, but now i quit the national team cuz of injuries and college and ive been lifting running and watching what i eat but im not as cut as before.

very sad esp during summer

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Been so sad lately, every time I try to eat I keep getting the gag reflex it fucking sucks.


Threw up three times in the past week, bulking when youre down is a bitch. Hell its hard for me to even chug protein shakes.

Anyone else deal with this? (Difficulty shoving shit down sometimes, not being sad.)

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Been so sad lately, every time I try to eat I keep getting the gag reflex it fucking sucks.


Threw up three times in the past week, bulking when youre down is a bitch. Hell its hard for me to even chug protein shakes.

Anyone else deal with this? (Difficulty shoving shit down sometimes, not being sad.)

I bulked for so long I got sick of food altogether

It sucks, I would have my favorite food made for me and I either wouldn't be hungry, or I wouldn't get any enjoyment eating it anymore

I started making bulking shakes instead of always just eating food, and if made with good ingredients it helps and is easy to drink.

Oats, dextrose, 5 grams of creatine, some peanut butter, 2 scoops of chocolate, and 2 tablespoons of Omega 3-6-9 oil. It goes down really well

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