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Hey Kunkosaurus and crew,

I'm a pretty skinny dude. I started using a generic GNC Men's blend of whey, leucine, glutamine, and creatine to suppliment my weight lifting. I never had much fat, maybe a little around my love handles because I eat like a hog. Well, that shit burned off quick with a moderate/somewhat intense weight lifting routine three times a week. I was eating a scoop of this stuff 40 mins before and 3 scoops immediately after working out. I kid you not, I saw, relative to my muscle density before, freakish results within a month. It was a lot of growth comared to before.

My question is, will this stuff hurt me? Is this normal growth? I think I gained like, 5-7 lbs of muscle. I was lifting with the same routine for a few months before I started using this stuff. Will this fuck with my heart or organs in any way? Should I tone it down or eat this shit less often?

ps- thanks for the sympathy, Kunk. ;)

the stuff will not hurt you if you don't use it in excess for long periods..

sorry to burst your bubble, those 5-7 pounds you gained that you this is muscle is actually mostly water volumization caused by the creatine.. which is also a good imo

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Snap. 160 is a ton. i think i could maybe do 60-70 tops

As for whey: I use optimum nutrition. it's pretty solid (24g protein of 30g total). has some isolates, but likely more concentrates. the choco mint tastes pretty good too.

I've had Isopure, which is also 100% isolates. works pretty well, but i think that it tasted absolutely disgusting (except for choco peanut butter)

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Hey dudes,

Through the fall and winter of last year I really upped my weight lifting, I had always just tagged some real basic chest and arm stuff onto my running without and real rhyme and reason. I probably put on a good twenty pounds between the muscle and fat. I spent the summer sort of gleefully watching my physical condition go to hell. I replaced most food groups with coffee and doritos, I bought a bong, I flat out stopped going to the gym.

Yesterday I went back to try and do some lifting and as you can imagine made a total fool out of myself. I tried to start off by benching just a bit below what I was doing last May and essentially started screaming at the top of my lungs as the bar plummeted towards my neck. This is bullshit, this sucks, etc etc.

What can I do to really try and get back up to wear I was? I want to maintain my cardio through the winter more than I did last year but I want to make sure that I can really get my weight up as well. Any recommendations for a remedial program?

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stick with heavy basic movements.

don't be doing kickbacks and curls. i would say do soemthing like this 2 days a week:



pull ups

reverse grip chinups


bench presses

close-grip becnh presses


3 sets of each, in the 6-8 rep range

good but I'd also add in a type of row.. preferably bentover barbell rows or dorian rows

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Wrestled in HS as well and 300 was possible. Usually broke it down to sets of 100, but I think I could have done 300 in one sitting.

Shit came in handy when it came to pledging.

I broke the record for pushups in middle school; I don't remember how many.. I think it was like 89 or 98

I hit 190 before when I was in shape. Durring the summer I did swim team and I swim for my high school now.

stick with heavy basic movements.

don't be doing kickbacks and curls. i would say do soemthing like this 2 days a week:



pull ups

reverse grip chinups


bench presses

close-grip becnh presses


3 sets of each, in the 6-8 rep range

I am such shit at squats

anyone got any tips for increasing muscle stamina?

my school recently decided to redo the machine room so the whole place is closed and I am cut off access from the leg press...

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I have mild scoliosis and it makes my shoulders different heights and my traps different sizes, would it fuck me up to do shrugs at different weights on each side to even the traps out?

Kind of, since you'd be putting a greater load on one side of your body than the other. Don't fuck around asking about this on the internet though, talk to a PT.

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I have mild scoliosis and it makes my shoulders different heights and my traps different sizes, would it fuck me up to do shrugs at different weights on each side to even the traps out?

pretty sure i have this condition also in the mild form,

id use the same weights but dont go heavier until both sides of your body are of relatively equal strength.

edit: thats what ive been doing and these days my traps look the same even though my shoulders are like a whole inch off in from eachother in height

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ti used to be a meathead and just fell off course cuz i would get too stoned to lift properly

i just started my regimen this week and it is quite depressing how much stronger i used to be. Fuck it tho, gimme a few weeks and ill be good


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