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The Mens Room of 1000 Lives


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Addendum #9

after djraijo's B.A.L.L.A STATUS car was hit by march 2008 registration date leaving the parking lot he saw a troubled mrip trying to get into the bar, but turned away because he was too young. djraijo opened the door to his car and said "LIVE THE LIFE + LIVE THE DREAM" and picked up mrip and went to a vietnamese coffee shop mrip overheard fallen angels talking about. while rolling up in the parking lot behind the carls jr. they ran into rirawin and satan omen death who joined the party. djraijo tried to order a beer, but was denyed by the average looking vietnamese women in a bikini who said "this isn't a bar, we only have coffee" djraijo looked annoyed and had to answer his BB click wheel that make the ladies moan so the party was split up and mrip took rirawin and satan omen death to a starbucks to get some hot chocolate and exchange funny poo stories.

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Addendum #11

Amidst the stream of newbies coming into the men's room all night, all seeming to ask questions about APC denim, dismalfuture, who had been in one of the stalls crying all night with a fifth of Glemorangie, suddenly kicked open the door, and walked up to cheep to ask for a light. cheep tried to get his hands in the pockets of his CMF Hommes, but after several failed attempts, he shrugged his shoulders and said "you know, superfuture fit." dismal gave him an understanding nod and showed him his 8 jammed digits in proof that he also sized down 7 and went his way.

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I can't come up with anything for them. :( People might like to chip in a bit, yeah?

Addendum #5

It was well known that ordo across town was probably the best at making fake ID's, which explained Corbin Law's presence at the bar seemingly every night. Khoiphan92 got himself his own, and entered the bar for awhile, got lost trying to find the men's room, and was dragged out by mike lowrey who suspected him of being a minor. After a little while, he was let back in through the back door.

Back in the men's room, a nude midget wearing a bagel on his phallus came through the door, babbling something about eating breakfast and Levi's shrink to fits. He was swiftly kicked in the ass with a handsome horsehide zip-up boot of unidentified make by ddohngo, and everyone had a laugh as the nude midget stumbled back out the door, with a few Gauloises butts (left on the floor by Fuuma and mass) stuck to his asscheek.

haha! kaka.

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Addendum #12

Whilst Lab was in the back parking lot getting sucked off by Hedior, a whole different breed of trannies had pulled up the front of Wayne's, all hanging out of the t-tops of a gold Trans Am, piloted by andewhall, who was flanked by onemancult in his favorite purple fur coat. They double parked and left the Trans Am running in the street.

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Diamonds, who had been in the bathroom for an awfully long time, mucking around with his friend DUM, caused worry to his girlfriend timber, enough so that after thirty minutes of waiting, she entered the men's room to check up on him. Just as she entered, a urinal opened up, and diamonds used the opportunity. With his back turned, all of the men in line gave timber a grin, and artificialsky, who had been hanging out in the back corner of the men's room for some unknown reason even shouted out to diamonds that he was stealing his girlfriend. diamonds seemed unfazed and continued yapping with DUM and Servo2000.

That's exactly how it happened...:(

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The KKK, who had been in and out of Wayne's all night, finally came back in as a group when they gave the bouncers a rest and the doors were opened for the remainder of the night. It seems that doctorworm had been squiggling his way back and forth from the suburbs doing outfit changes in record time. He had been seen earlier in the evening completely dipped in Supreme, and then mystically reappeared gothninja'd. He disappeared for awhile, and came back neu rave'd, all in the same evening.

conan was welcomed by the cheers of the Asian chess nerds all throughout the place when he walked in sporting pajama pants, with a white girl on his arm. He signed a few autographs, and took a little sexual harassment from uparmoured.

suckdick, who had been at Wayne's for quite some time, did not talk much. Instead, he was doing something odd - he was buying up drink after drink in tiny glasses, taking a sip, and then selling them for pennies to anyone around him. It is believed that he lost a lot of money this way.

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The mangled-hair Wynonna lookalike leaning on the walls next to the urinals in an area known as the no-fly zone talks to every man who comes up to bat, whether they want to talk or not, making business extremely awkward. This persists for hours and hours.

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you forgot to talk about his glistening abs and godly pectorals

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  • 1 year later...

The 5th fam came rollin in from East Asia on broomsticks with Supreme stickers (sup MilSpex) and shrink wrapped Supreme decks (ok, not rolling so much as carrying)(sup 78) and took a place at the bar. They ordered tequila sunrises and gave dirty looks to everyone else wearing the same outfits as them.

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