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Supreme 2008 S/S


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  Dead_Wizard said:
Start Something T is fucking rad, and will be on the online shop, so I wouldn't worry about getting one. Unsolved Mysteries logo is kind of bizzare, but hey, maybe we'll get an "A Current Affair" T or something later on.

Crackhead Junkie beanie is A+


It's pretty damn uncanny


wow thats just...weird!

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  rhythmandsound said:
i have a feeling that the cap is maybe more of a bite on an older team series of Starter caps, and just bears coincidental resemblance to the unsolved mysteries logo? maybe not tho...

And let the unofficial nickname game begin.

Considering all of the snapbacks Supreme has done in the past that were direct bites of old Starter caps, I'd say this new snapback is also a Starter bite. Plus whenever Supreme references/bites something they do it exactly the same. If you look at the Supreme hat and the 'Unsolved Mysteries' logo the "r" is different.

Regardless, I'm sure there will be an abundance of "SuPReMe UNsOlvEd mYsTErIes hAt" eBay listings.

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as i can understand why people think it's an unsolved mysteries logo flip, it's not. the designs supreme put out that refers to another logo/design is usually direct in typography and every design element.

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i think around $100 and the brown duffle is mine

as well as the courvesier joint and start something

no kermit for me, hated muppets in manhattan

1 of those multi stripe tees

black "striped" jacket

white short sleeve oxford

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  Yardsale said:
who me? I'm too skinny to beast, nor would I want to :o
  Yardsale said:
do supreme's size small t-shirts actually fit liek smalls?
  Yardsale said:
I haven't tried it on before, but you're probably right. I don't really do streetwear but I don't think it'd hurt to try :o

Now a nigga got jokes?

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^ I'm doing pickups for the grover tee, selling w/ matching grover hair dunkz BIN 250 on ebay

and btw, as far as whether supreme took any inspiration from unsolved mysteries, i guess that will forever remain an UNSOLVED MYSTERY ho ho ho

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heads here dont really co-sign "streetwear" that much either anyway... they dislike thehundreds, 10deep etc. what ever happened to bobby hundreds posting here?

anyway yeah the tees do look really short...the F/w fit okay until i washed them i might have to get a large this time around. i dunoo : /

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  monkeymunzey said:
They fit pretty true to size. I'm 6'2" 200 lbs. and 95% of the time I have to get an XL. The all white shirts usually shrink up more after a wash though.

I'm a bit just worried because, as mentioned earlier, the shirts look really short.

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it's weird how many hardcore kids around here have started repping supreme SUPER hard in the last little while, and this season's t's are definitely going to help

regardless i'm going to try to pick up the youth crew/ssd shirts for my brother, haha

i need the start something and kermit joints right away, something tells me a lot of the rest of this might be sitting for a while so hopefully i can check it out in person

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  sean_ said:
it's weird how many hardcore kids around here have started repping supreme SUPER hard in the last little while, and this season's t's are definitely going to help

regardless i'm going to try to pick up the youth crew/ssd shirts for my brother, haha

i need the start something and kermit joints right away, something tells me a lot of the rest of this might be sitting for a while so hopefully i can check it out in person

atleast it's real hardcore. the new fucking disease is garbage pop/screamo/christian rock masquerading as hardcore punk. when i tell kids what's good theyre like huhhhh? like wtf is "saosin"

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