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or they can just pay a small fee and buy from stocks/templates,

example: lift website are from a commercial template

well, they look good, but it's just plain lazy and easily reproduced.

dont get me wrong, i loved illustrating myself, and taught myself dreamweaver/photoshop/illustrator/flash/aftereffects etcetc before i went to uni too, which i suppose they become irrelevant now. i dint learn much until i did my postgraduate last year, i can safely say thats when they actually push me in terms of thinking.

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Anyone heard of these guys? They make custom belts.

Thinking of getting a natural one with my initials C.T.G.


For Tomorrow wrote them up a little while back


haven't heard any more than that but i say go for it! they look well made, and a belt with your own initials is fucking sweet!

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i have had my TOJ wallet (a CDG style ripoff one) for about a year now and its easily the best wallet i've ever had. i was a little wary of the riri zipper at first as its really small and (looked) sorta fragile but its held up well. incredibly well made, the zip lining has started to fray a little but that's gonna happen with daily use. definitely recommended. the only downside was it was just shipped in a paper envelope - luckily it didn't get damaged.

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Was that the big zip or the little zip?

At the moment I am looking at either the big zip, or the bifold.

the big zip, mine is exactly the same as this:



mine didn't come with the little box/bag (i think it was just for the first 5 or something), it just came by itself in a paper envelope. if you do get one, ask them to at least put it in bubble wrap. :)

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Oh boy... finally found the Damir shirt I was looking for so long, copped it of misterpale. Usually, German post is very fast nationally. E.g. I ordered some pair of sneakers (you know which one I mean D), they have been sent out yesterday and arrived today.

The shirt has been shipped out on Friday, meaning it should be here by last monday, or maybe tuesday. It's wednesday and I am bummed. Contacted him for a tracking number.... No response, although he was online. :-\\\

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Welcome to SuFu bro.

Also, it really depends on the price of the jeans, what they look like, how well they fit you etc. Do you have any pictures? Acne owns bones and Lanvin's kind of cool also, but I've never actually tried Dior Homme despite all of the good word of mouth so I can't really comment on the denim quality.

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It's 510 now, original price was 1050 or something. That's the black selvage, there's a red selvage going for 490, price dropped as well. I know Dior Homme is gonna be of good quality from what my friends say. The Lanvins fits me pretty well, it's not as tight at the bottom, the 29 are pretty loose actually (I'm waist 32 and my thighs aren't the smallest, so that's saying something). I'd get them, but I don't actually know anyone who wears the Lanvin x Acne stuff, so I figure the next best place is here.

Edit - No pics, I tried searching online but to no avail.

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This is probably the worst place to say this on the internet, but I'd honestly wait for a day or two before copping any pair of jeans for $510, even if that's half of the original price. You have to be sure that that's really the perfect pair of jeans for you, you know? Don't just buy it for the name alone. When I was just getting into the whole fashion thing a couple of years back I blew way too much money on stuff that just makes me cringe now, and out of ten pairs of jeans I have only four I ever wear and I think one of them is still punishingly tight to put on due to Rick making it out of bulletproof fucking denim or some shit like that. The Internet Fashion Illuminati may have all simultaneously turned their backs on Ksubi now, but tbh. they're who I'm buying my jeans from nowadays because they just fit me perfectly.

I've got a terrible flu and I'm kind of rambling right now, but the point is basically to make sure that they're really the jeans you really want before you put down five hundo. Hope this helps I guess?

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Lol yeah, I get what you mean. Usually I'm an impulsive buyer, but I've decided to take a step back and mull it over. It's not something that I MUST have, but it's a change of scenery from all the stuff I see everyone wears. I've pretty much lost my faith in Nudies (3rd pair blew out just after 2 months), APC doesn't fit me very well and I've already got 3 pairs of Dr Denim. So yeah, just something new lol.

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I'm terribly impulsive when it comes to accessories and shiz, can't seem to get enough. Okay I've done a search on google and SuFu, but to no success so I'll just throw it out in this thread as well. Anywhere I can get raw denim (flat head, samurai, ironheart) in Melbourne?

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I wouldn't really recommend buying those brands in Australia, if possible, just try them on and then buy online, otherwise your wallet is going to hurt.

Yeah, I'll probably get them from SE or somewhere online, I just need to find a place that stocks them now so I can try it on.

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