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kinda surprised you recognised me T, when you came in to EM I was already trying on some pieces so wasn't wearing my _7 boots or jacket and the rest of what I wearing was just a 'qlo tee and DBSS jeans. knew it had to be you straight away though with the slicked back hair, MA+ aviator and tornadoes haha.

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leather rubber gloves??you always have some mysterious orders going on rob haha. btw, next time we should grab a coffee and have a bit of chat ;)

yes of course! nasi lemak house just around the corner! aha! :D

Haha we had a talk about postage and carbon miles of clothes. I felt kind of bad, as most of what I own isn't from retail. :o

don't resell it again, it will piss him off! heh!

good to know it fitted you.

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Just got back from my Melbourne trip. I think I managed to spend 4 days in Melbourne without spotting a single member, or anyone wearing that particular style of clothing in general (besides SA's, of course).

I spent an hour and a half at EM bothering Stephen, and must say I am hooked. The CCP stuff was incredible and fitted me really well - the leathers in particular were amazing (can't decide which I like more, the scar stitch in black-green, or the fencing), and am glad have a dialed in my size finally. The rubber dipped single-lace derbies really stood out too. I plan on picking up the high-collar coat when the paycheck comes through, it's a size 50 but fits well through the shoulders and if I have the buttons moved slightly will fit just how I want it through the body.

Also had a look at Devoa and IS. The Devoa lapel-less coat was cut wonderfully and looked nice paired with a shirt, but was a bit matrix for me. The IS did nothing for me.

Assin was Assin. The brushed suede RO combats were nice though.

We ate well too; Movida (thanks to Jbone for the reccommendation), Taxi and Cumulus were standouts.

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I spent an hour and a half at EM bothering Stephen, and must say I am hooked. The CCP stuff was incredible and fitted me really well - the leathers in particular were amazing (can't decide which I like more, the scar stitch in black-green, or the fencing), and am glad have a dialed in my size finally. The rubber dipped single-lace derbies really stood out too. I plan on picking up the high-collar coat when the paycheck comes through, it's a size 50 but fits well through the shoulders and if I have the buttons moved slightly will fit just how I want it through the body..

Paging all enablers : KOP! KOP! KOP!

in that case I will have the cendol instead:D

oh yes, loved their cendol, too addictive.. but they rarely serve them now.. it's always "N/A"

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I checked out EM today too haha. Wanted to check out the PH from all the comments I've read here. Must have just missed you guys, I think I got there at around 3:30. Tried on the PH long blazer and the long coat, the length on the coat was actually ok on me but I wasn't feeling how both pieces made my shoulders look rounder. Also the way the bottom puffs out to the sides, I guess it's just not my style.

Also tried on some CCP. The high collar coat seemed really big on me. The fencing wasn't really for me, the 46 was so tight at the chest I struggled to zip it all the way up, but the rest fitted ok. I'm just not a fan of the curved zip, don't shoot me haha.

The black green horse leather in 46 fitted like a dream... Everything was perfect, what shocked me was that Stephen said I had quite long arms because the sleeve length was perfect on me. I always thought I had short arms lol, coz the sleeves on my _7 leather are a tad long on me. But for now, cannot go down that road, must resist, too baller for me haha

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I was contemplating very much on the leather coat initially, then realize I it's way too "leather" for me, I don't think I need a leather coat, a jacket is sufficient enough. Besides, if I were to get a coat, for me ideally i like them in cotton/wool like fabrics.

So end up contemplating the jackets... the reason i went for fencing is.. (will just copy and paste as someone also asked) :

I initially wanted the scarstitch so much, then I asked Stephen and Lucy's opinion.

They told me to get fencing.. first of all, he won't be ordering again, despite the fact it is one of his best and edgiest jacket around, they say it suited me.. (i kinda doubt it :P)

And he felt guilty to even order them because it kinda destroy the exclusivity of it, but he got so much ppl asking for it... so he decided for last time, asked CCP to give him all the juicy leather and make them into fencing. CCP did.

So this is the 4th run for him to do the fencing and it will be the last. He told me to get it because it 's quite hard to obtain in the right leather and in someway this batch is special for him as he will be looking forward now onwards than keep looking back at the fencing.

Second of all, classic jackets are produced every year, I can get them anytime, maybe slightly different. So it kinda make sense, I can always have an opportunity to get a classic jacket anyway.


It's really up to you heh!

I actually have some thoughts to chip in on this..

In my eyes, Campbell is a business man more than a man who are passionate about the clothes. I have asked him a couple of things about CCP's style/code, like the derbies shapes and dropcrotch chain seam normal seam etc in this/that fabric.. I can sense he had no idea about alot of things... But that being said, he does provide great price and service (well for me) that's about it. But one thing that I dislike is that, if you weren;t happy with the item, you can't return.. all sales are final. - He just want to sell stuff, to you. That's it. It's not his problem if your not happy with it.

On the other hand, Stephen understand the stuff he orders (and stuff he doesn't orders as well) and quite honest with what's working, what's not working to their clients. Understand how things were made etc. If you get something in EM, not happy with it, you can return, or swap. For Stephen it is important that the customers are happy with the stuff.

But ultimately, one thing why I kop more at EM is that, they taught me to understand the things that I buy - so sometimes, it not just about the stuff, it's also the knowledge.

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Fair call Rob, I am sure if I spent the time and money at EM that you do, I would be more inclined to be loyal too.

But in the meantime I need a 'proxy' for Darklands. Who can help?

try info[at]easternmarket[dot]com[dot]au


seriously, why not borrow your colleagues name and send it to the office anyway?

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Oh and another thing, I was having a chat with Stephen about Individual Sentiments and he said that he was considering buying IS but decided not to because 1. he felt IS was a bit too similar to MA+ and didn't want to get both and 2. because IS didn't have a womens line. He said he was talking to Yoko and told her to do a womens line and he will stock IS. Damn I wish he would coz I find EM's markup reasonable whereas CI is just insane. I think IS will do well because it's a label you really need to try on in person to get the sizing right. Not sure if this was mentioned here before but he also he said they will not be stocking Julius anymore because most people tend to buy it online.

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The black green horse leather in 46 fitted like a dream... Everything was perfect, what shocked me was that Stephen said I had quite long arms because the sleeve length was perfect on me. I always thought I had short arms lol, coz the sleeves on my _7 leather are a tad long on me. But for now, cannot go down that road, must resist, too baller for me haha

From the sound of it, you're a 48?

I actually don't like the fencing's curve zip as well, it's quite hard to zip sometimes, but once your done with zipping, its all coolness.

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Oh and another thing, I was having a chat with Stephen about Individual Sentiments and he said that he was considering buying IS but decided not to because 1. he felt IS was a bit too similar to MA+ and didn't want to get both and 2. because IS didn't have a womens line. He said he was talking to Yoko and told her to do a womens line and he will stock IS. Damn I wish he would coz I find EM's markup reasonable whereas CI is just insane. I think IS will do well because it's a label you really need to try on in person to get the sizing right. Not sure if this was mentioned here before but he also he said they will not be stocking Julius anymore because most people tend to buy it online.

For EM, their customer's base are actually women.

Well, can't blame him on Julius either, it is a great label but it's too accessible from every wherelse.

I did jokingly told him, don't worry about other labels.. just keep buying ccp!! AHaha :o

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tyro, sorry mind if I ask your name? ( it seems your the only few person here I don't know the name.)

internet anonymity be damned! it's funny how it shifted to basically everyone calling each other by their actual name here, much more personal. :)

dropping Julius is an understandable move, as you said it's easily accessible elsewhere and men tend to go for the best deal rather than remaining loyal to a store. actually had a really long discussion with Stephen about how much SZ and the classifieds were changing the market for ccp, said he was seriously considering reducing the buys and only getting the smaller sizes for the most part as that's who the customers are now (ain't that right Rob ;)). unfortunately he also said he felt he was losing a bit of interest in the label too, what with all the talk of style codes, fabric type, sizing and pricing reducing the pieces to mere products...

they did really buy _7 for the ladies though, hence why they focused on the drapey stuff. a lot of IS pieces are quite unisex so I can see it working primarily as a womenswear label for EM:


was epically disappointed when nasi lemak house didn't have cendol when I was there, actually I prefer nasi lemak malaysian style with a boiled egg rather than a borderline cremated fried egg indo style anyway so probably wouldn't go back unless it was to try the laksa or something haha. cendol @ mamak didn't have enough ais, otherwise not bad though.

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Tried on the PH long blazer and the long coat, the length on the coat was actually ok on me but I wasn't feeling how both pieces made my shoulders look rounder. Also the way the bottom puffs out to the sides, I guess it's just not my style.

Thanks, I needed someone to tell me this. Looks like I totally got disabled for the pocket blazers!!!

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internet anonymity be damned! it's funny how it shifted to basically everyone calling each other by their actual name here, much more personal. :)

dropping Julius is an understandable move, as you said it's easily accessible elsewhere and men tend to go for the best deal rather than remaining loyal to a store. actually had a really long discussion with Stephen about how much SZ and the classifieds were changing the market for ccp, said he was seriously considering reducing the buys and only getting the smaller sizes for the most part as that's who the customers are now (ain't that right Rob ;)). unfortunately he also said he felt he was losing a bit of interest in the label too, what with all the talk of style codes, fabric type, sizing and pricing reducing the pieces to mere products...

they did really buy _7 for the ladies though, hence why they focused on the drapey stuff. a lot of IS pieces are quite unisex so I can see it working primarily as a womenswear label for EM:

was epically disappointed when nasi lemak house didn't have cendol when I was there, actually I prefer nasi lemak malaysian style with a boiled egg rather than a borderline cremated fried egg indo style anyway so probably wouldn't go back unless it was to try the laksa or something haha. cendol @ mamak didn't have enough ais, otherwise not bad though.

Yeah, I like the fact that we are calling real names than internet alias here. It's strange that most of us haven't really meet up. I only meet Chin so far, and the mysterious M_ _ _ , who is to shy to say something in this thread.

Stephen did say something along like that about how he felt about the current state of CCP Male (codes, sizing etc, as I have realized myself, CCP is random, it's never the same product to one another, and the mind set of matching pants, matching blazers... makes it harder for any buyers) and of course other labels that can be bought online. (That's why he applaud PH). I can see where he comes from about the internet (just look at EM's current website), he have a slight dislike about people reselling stuff cheaper, even when they are barely worn. This is the only problem in SZ that most boutiques in the world see it as.. and it's mostly men's label.

Imagine yourself having a CCP leather that you paid for premium price and then someone else just suddenly sell them in classified for less than half of that price. of course he as a store, and then us as their customers will feel the pinch. Not to mention how it will slowly destroy the label's value as a whole.

And really, let's not talk about comparing prices. These guys are importing goods from overseas and it's never cheap to begin with, we are lucky to have them here physically for us to try them out. These are goods he priced accordingly, not jacking up prices to be rich. He did tell me he will concentrate smaller guys now. And get more Fe-Male stuff since smaller guys can wear them well too!)

Damn, I am lusting for cendols now!

I guess I will skip the pocket blazers and go for the pair of breadstick pants or Fe-male coat.

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he did tell me to check out the new website, minimal to say the least haha. we also discussed the financial russian roulette people play buying pieces online, particularly with ccp where they might save a couple of hundred dollars buying it from darklands, lazzari, etc.. thing with ccp is it's all about the fabrics and treatments (as well as the construction and experimentation of course), even without trying something on it's a big gamble to buy a piece without handling it in person first. said that SZ has become almost a one stop shop, especially with all the affiliate stores...

thing is I ended up being drawn to online shopping for an entirely different reason to a lot of people, mainly out of necessity as:

a) I couldn't find pieces I truly liked in australia, and

B) sizing within the local market just doesn't work for the most part in my case.

if I were to cop something like sissy p I'd be inclined to support a store like EM as not only is it a fantastic store run by amazing people, realistically their prices compared to elsewhere really is very reasonable compared to the likes of CI and assin. now if only those derbies had the narrow toebox...

haha, are you copping the high collar with standard sleeves Rob? I really liked that coat a lot but couldn't help but feel I was too short for it... I tried on the chainstitched curved seam pants from SS08, they looked amazing on and fitted quite well. I'd be afraid of the delicateness of the construction though, it did make me realise I need a pair of these for dressier casual wear though.

now to more important matters, where besides nasi lemak house in melbourne to cop quality cendol? :D

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It just comes down to a male purchasing behavior Rob, all else being equal men will always go for the bargain. I've noticed that most of the guys repping CCP on SZ tend to be a 46 leather or a 48 top size and mostly 44/46 bottoms. This creates a pretty liquid secondary market for CCP in these sizes especially when you take into account how... fickle (I'm not sure if this is the word I should be using) they can be.

EM is a great store and they clearly know their audience intimately with the focus on female styles and smaller sizing they're starting to have the past two seasons. Kudos to them for seizing hold of a smaller audience that will more likely provide them with return business when all the short termers have stopped.

Edit: I like both styles of eggs Damien, used to fry my own in KL even if they already provide me with half a boiled egg. It's gotta be crispy on the outside with a soft yolk though, shit is delicious.

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