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Guest DUM

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  • 2 months later...
im kind of into it

To me, being a hypebeast doesn't necessarily equate with looking bad. But its more the brands they wear.

of course there are people who look fuckin dumb, ie the majority of this thread but there are a couple that i wouldn't necessarily call badly dressed. its only when they are trying to be retro or on some gaylord shit like putting their dunks in their pockets.

I would say people like 78 and soundbomber are into hypebeast brands but the difference is that they can put the shit together and carry it with a swagger, as can this dude.

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to me that pic of 78 becomes lame beast levels because of the databank watch... i could care less about grown men who collect toys cause they dont do drugs, i understand that kinda... but that data bank has a vibe to me cause all the kids i see rock one are fucking lame.

i had one when i was 12, but not a brass colored one, total hypocrite concept.

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No particular beef with 78. Though that one time he was trying to get people on here to beat up and/or graffiti a guy's house who ripped him off in some other state was pretty funny.

But seriously, designer toys and Futura went out in 2005/2006. I applaud 78 for riding the sinking ship for this long, though.

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