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WAYWT shit talking thread


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i wouldnt be so quick to generalize, sure theres a shit load of testosterone on this forum, especially compared to the other fashion forums out there... but that doesnt mean we're all mysogynists

im sure no one here would actually call you "bitch" or "cunt" to your face (except for maybe a coked-out jmatsu), but you should know by now that the internet's vague guise of anonymity compounds impulsive behavior


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you are a very mean giant.

it comes out sometimes.

You are correct in observing that I am a majority Czech and German. However, I am not a prostitute.

ok. glad we got that out of the way.

russian porn is hilarious, btw.

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i wouldnt be so quick to generalize, sure theres a shit load of testosterone on this forum, especially compared to the other fashion forums out there... but that doesnt mean we're all mysogynists

im sure no one here would actually call you "bitch" or "cunt" to your face (except for maybe a coked-out jmatsu), but you should know by now that the internet's vague guise of anonymity compounds impulsive behavior


It beguiles me. I want to know IRL, are men really thinking these things toward women. It's an odd contrast since a majority of my very good friends are guys. On here I would not sincerely call anyone a friend; a few seem bent on reducing women to their sexual properties rather than their intellectual ones.

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She knows there are women posters who the men here actually respect right? I say we just keep letting her think that she's interesting/fashionable and that we all just hate "strong" women.

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christ, shut the fuck up already. this is a FASHION FORUM. we were saying you dress like shit. this has nothing to do with objectifying women as sexual beings blah blah. stop wiht the suburban kelly osborne liberal bullshit. there are many other things that you should be concerned about.

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It beguiles me. I want to know IRL, are men really thinking these things toward women. It's an odd contrast since a majority of my very good friends are guys. On here I would not sincerely call anyone a friend; most seem bent on reducing women to their sexual properties rather than their intellectual ones.

you're honestly overthinking this to such a degree that it boggles my mind.

men think about women first in a sexual nature then the proceed to expand that thought once they've come to a satisfactory realization on the nature of any relationship. it's a proven scientific fact. its a inbred response that has been proven by the likes of B.F. Skinner and other behavioral psychologists. that does not discount the notion that men can share a completely platonic relationship with a woman.

the same goes for words used to bring down the condition of women - it's a passing though: some act on it, some do not. i'm sure there are moments in your life when you piss off a guy friend and they call you a "bitch" or something similar, but honestly, it's just in passing. "cunt" is another word that has been given the same stature of taboo as "fuck". depending on the situation and the person you're saying it to, it can mean all the world, or it can be a joke between friends, or it can start a fight. im pretty sure half the time when people chose their words, they don't chose carefully, and "cunt" is another one of those words that falls into common usage.

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I have to say not all these guys are bad. I actually have talked to many who are totally cool and have negged me. They are just being honest about their opinions. Cant hate on that. Better to hear it and try to change it, then walk around acting like you look good.

The critique here may be different then what you are used to since you are coming from other denim forums where it is fluffed up, but anytime you post your pic you give the invitation for good or bad.

As for the men treating women as sexual beings....This forum is 99% male, you may as well get used to that kind of talk on sufu.

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and theres something to be said of a person's intellectuality expressed through their clothing. as a fashion forum, its the medium through which we evaluate and praise or disapprove one another's taste, knowledgeability and by extension, their more intangible qualities

what youve demonstrated is a lack of style, a lack of taste, a lack of tact (you seem bent on reducing men to their words in your neg rep, not their actions), as well as a closed mind

you could have avoided this continuing backlash had you not outright rejected the honest criticism presented (it was there, however little there was), then told us about our mothers and how we feel about women.

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It beguiles me. I want to know IRL, are men really thinking these things toward women. It's an odd contrast since a majority of my very good friends are guys. On here I would not sincerely call anyone a friend; most seem bent on reducing women to their sexual properties rather than their intellectual ones.

You should listen to winq

There are few girls on superfuture...have you seen superfap? What do you expect? Few girls post and most of them is waywt...

I've never been called a "cunt" or anything negative here..but I have gotten neg reps...some deserved some I'd disagree w/.

Then again I realize that they, the guys, don't just shit talk on girls that dress poorly here but the poorly dressed noob boys as well and if I can't handle getting shitted on when its deserved I shouldn't post or expect some sort of courtesy when "defending" myself means lashing blindly out at others.

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I never claimed to be interesting nor fashionable. The pics I posted were not taken as WAYWT pics; they were just the result of a random photo shoot with my sis and her boyfriend. I didn't particularly dress up for anything, nor did I intend to impress anyone on SF. Interesting? I think I lead a rather average life when I sum it all up. I have a few deviations, but so does everyone.

Wait wait wait. So you decided to post pictures of yourself that were not intended to display any sort of fashion in a fashion forum. The reason why people post up pictures of themselves are because they want criticism and/or think they're introducing something interesting.

Stop posting for, maybe, a day. And then come back when you can make decisions like a rational human being.

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On here I would not sincerely call anyone a friend; most seem bent on reducing women to their sexual properties rather than their intellectual ones.

this site has several thousand users, ranging in age from low teens to 40's (or perhaps even higher). the crudest and most immature naturally tend to be also the most vocal and strident. so if you aren't thinking clearly you might think everyone is like that.

making gross generalizations suggests that your intellectual properties are about as nonexistent as your sexual ones.

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I never claimed to be interesting nor fashionable.

its always implicit that you are claiming to be fashionable when you waywt, at least here. with the exception of perhaps TFS (honestly, i havent checked their waywt more than twice), i havent seen any forum take waywt as seriously as we do here. its a mixed blessing. on the one hand, the mediocre and average are ridiculed and pushed aside

on the other hand, some posters elevate what is ostensibly a strange, niche ritual into an art. literally: http://www.sidneylophoto.com/waywt.php

edit: it was also implicit when you told us you are a fashion student, what other reason would you share this information than to defend your fashion sensibility?

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It's all right, they make fun of everyone, but if you make fun of them back, they neg. rep you. If you're a girl you get called, "bitch," and worse I got called a "cunt" today. Hmm. It's very one-sided, but just stick to what you like. I think you look nice.

there are alot of members here who rarely/never get made fun of or put into this thread.

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1- why would you post a waywt of stuff you grabbed rushing out the door? did you suddenly have the spare time to take a picture, upload it, and post?

2- your choice of major may not be the most conducive to your stated life goal.

3- you sound like a loud cunt with a shallow, poorly considered world view.

(ps did you see the oh-so-subtle sarcasm in number 2?)

end rant.

seriously though, how did you piss off this many people in such a short time

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1- why would you post a waywt of stuff you grabbed rushing out the door? did you suddenly have the spare time to take a picture, upload it, and post?

2- your choice of major may not be the most conducive to your stated life goal.

3- you sound like a loud cunt with a shallow, poorly considered world view.

(ps did you see the oh-so-subtle sarcasm in number 2?)

end rant.

seriously though, how did you piss off this many people in such a short time


Choke choke choke

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Aye, if people don't like the outfits, that's up to them. Heck, if you don't like my face, that's fine too. However, a girl shouldn't get called a "cunt," and other derogatory slang for it. That is considered one of the most offensive words in the English language.

I negged you and said said that you were "transparent." I'm sorry. It's just not correct to call you a cunt for posting a stupid picture on superfarts.

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