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WAYWT shit talking thread


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How can this fool talk about "serving his country" and shit when he talks about where to cop 400% burbricks, et. al. I mean comeon! If you really wanted to "serve the U.S.A." I'm sure there are plenty of other more hostile and under-served areas in the world than fucking Japan.

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How can this fool talk about "serving his country" and shit when he talks about where to cop 400% burbricks, et. al. I mean comeon! If you really wanted to "serve the U.S.A." I'm sure there are plenty of other more hostile and under-served areas in the world than fucking Japan.

most military i've known in japan don't engage in any (hostile or worthwhile female) action.

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How can this fool talk about "serving his country" and shit when he talks about where to cop 400% burbricks, et. al. I mean comeon! If you really wanted to "serve the U.S.A." I'm sure there are plenty of other more hostile and under-served areas in the world than fucking Japan.


look who's back - with another moronic comment that displays a total lack of understanding concerning the us military and its role in japan.

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look who's back - with another moronic comment that displays a total lack of understanding concerning the us military and its role in japan.

Wigga I know perfectly well the US military's role in Japan. But if you wanna wank off to North Korea and eat bibinba all day, be my guest! It's a shame they don't sell 4000% burbricks in hostile-Islamic regimes, maybe then you might be inclined to serve the government in a more effective fashion.

But really, its not serious like you said originally, right!?!!!


B.A.L.L.I.N.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XOXOXOX Kiss Kiss

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So do you walk around with your pants riding your shit like that?

Plus you look like a shitty version of FAM0US.

Yes I walk around with my pants riding my shiznizz like that. You and many other people have told me that I look like Ronnel, and I guess I like Ronnel. Now what?

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hedior level posting skillz

i could def cut&paste much better than you if i actually tried.

although hedior is goofy, he's way more entertaining than you'll ever be.

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WOW being of Japanese-American decent I was shocked to read this...

From 1952 to 2004 there have been 200,000 accidents and crimes committed by the U.S. soldiers, which killed 1,076 Japanese civilians.[10] According to the U.S.-Japan Status of Forces Agreement U.S. personnel have partial extraterritorial right, so in most cases suspects were not arrested.[10] In 1995 the abduction and rape of a 12-year-old Okinawan schoolgirl by three U.S. marines led to demands for the removal of all U.S. military bases in Japan. Other controversial incidents include helicopter crashes, the Girard Incident and the Michael Brown Okinawa assault incident. In February 2008, a 38-year-old U.S. Marine based on Okinawa was arrested in connection with the reported rape of a 14-year-old Japanese girl. [11] This led to tight restrictions on off-base activities. [12] U.S. Forces Japan designated February 22 as a Day of Reflection for all U.S. military facilities in Japan, setting up a Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Task Force in an effort to prevent similar incidents.[13]
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^nice coat although maybe a little big, hard to tell without it buttoned up, though

H&M sunglasses




Complexo B

Osklen belt



This dude is wack from top to bottom. Starting from his 1983 Soul Glow-ass-haircut to his shitty t-shirt, shitty Nudies. I dont even believe those are nudies.

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I spent one summer south of Yokosuka-chou for a research internship and I had to deal with the Naval chumps every night coming home. The worst was when I had to head up to Tokyo on a Friday/Saturday night and deal with their belligerent drunk asses. Not all naval guys are bad but the majority are young 17-18-year old dumb-asses with no concept of civility and think they rule the world since they have the U.S.A. stamp of approval backing their asses.

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WOW being of Japanese-American decent I was shocked to read this...

it truly is horrible. for being such a small island, its appalling how many crimes happen there. not just crimes against japanese either. while i was there, my father told me about 3 soldiers who killed another US soldier because of some money issue.

i know many single marines though, and all of them are are genuinely respectable human beings. the problem is that at night, theres nothing to do but get drunk out in town.

right before you enter kadena air base, theres this huge clock looking thing that would record how many days theirs been since the last DUI. and in the 3 years i was there, i swear, ive never seen that thing pass 4 days.

what saddens me is that most of the locals have been very kind to us. and then a stupid marine goes out and does something like this.

and from what my freinds tell me, the lockdown is hell. they cant leave base unless its for religous or educational reasons. or something like that.

sorry if any of that didnt make any sense. my brain really hurts right now.

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really? i been calling japanese americans in hawaii "squids" all this time. fuck...

From the US Navy Slang wiki:

"Squid: Submariner. Like a squid, they also live under water and eat other squid/fish. Generally, any sailor (current or former) in the Navy."

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