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WAYWT shit talking thread


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  joey_formal said:
milspex is cracking me up cause typically fearitself is the kind of kid he would go after not support. mil realize this you and seenmy know how to wear your shit, fearitself looks like a stiff ass manakin, fucking clothes wear him.

milspex is just trying to help the kid. id say we could leave it at that

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He should wear whatever fits to his body type but should still maintain some sort of synergy. The dior + streetwear thing isn't working, the shirt's already a good size, sag/size up on denim. The shoes aren't too bad, what are those huaraches? I believe 78 has worn a pair a few times, try to take some hints from waywts with similar items.

  fearitself said:
understandable, the jeans are way to tight in the waist. So I am selling them, I didnt wear them I was trying them on. They didnt fit, so if anyone wants to buy them they are in my sig. Only tried them on. I understand about the tshirt being too big. I got some smaller tee shirts that I am going to start wearing. And I persoanlly like the nikes so, thanks for the advice.

Wait so it wasn't what you wore today!?

  cheep said:
im 6'0" and 160 and i dont look like i have any fat on my body... i dont get it

I used to be 160 at 5'6 and I was gross but not too gross. Minimal boobage.

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oh, those are brass knuckles?

i was trying to figure out what it was. i thought it was a sidekick fade.

this guy pisses me off even more now.

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  fndmybetterhalf said:
no you are an idiot.

RS is Johan watever the fuk his name is's project. i dont know if travis barker actually has anything to do with it. But i've ehard that dyrdek helps them out alot (?)

i have heard both travis and rob are signifigant financial backers but have no creative control.

hopefully, for his own sake, johan or whatever has his shit together better than a-ron.

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  littlebigman said:
i have heard both travis and rob are signifigant financial backers but have no creative control.

hopefully, for his own sake, johan or whatever has his shit together better than a-ron.


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  watchmyhead said:
shirt (detachable collar) by apc

cashmere pullover by burberry

new cure jeans by apc

white leather lace-ups by costume national

suit by costume national



This confused me. Does he own anything he's wearing? I mean, he's obviously not wearing the suit. Why extra pics are needed of it is beyond me.

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  Hella Hyphy said:
what the fuck is a satchel of gravel? They be hella butthurt.

"Resurrected from the ashes of Don’t Believe the Hypebeast, Satchel of Gravel is a satrically scathing observation about the current state of streetculture, as it pertains to fashion, music, art and pretty much anything else we want it to."


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