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Warehouse Denim Contest [pics and discussion]


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I washed mind like 3 weeks ago, and I've just not been wearing them. Kinda sad, but I'm happy with how they came out and I'm loving my sammys. Probably just take some pics and be done with it. WHat a great pair of jeans though!

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So I took my pair to an Italian octogenarian tailor to fix where the seam had come apart in the crotch a few weeks ago. I had worn them for a while like that (yeah, stupid, I know), so it had become pretty frayed. I gave him some denim scraps.

I come back in a week. He hands me back the denim scraps; he hadn't used them. He hands me my jeans. Rather than simply patching the hole, he had ripped the seam about and inch more on each side, then sewed it shut, tapering in to get rid of the fraying. Pretty amazing really, and I think it looks pretty good. $6, and although the front and back seams don't match up perfectly, looks perfectly new.

I'd post pictures, but I figure I'll just do that as things wrap up.

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Pics, These were before the last wash. I will post pics of after wash soon enough. Don't ask me to resize... Also, sorry about the glare on the camera. I got some grease on the lens and didn't notice when I was taking these pics.






Had a few repairs. Reinforced crotch, just in case of blowout. Knee reinforced twice on left side. Cuffs have three reinforcements and need more. I love these jeans and am very pleased with how they have held up over the past year. I have worn the shit out of these and they haven't blown up yet... I guess if you buy your jeans in the right size it makes a difference. Who woulda thunk it.

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I love how it looks like you've got two sets of honeycombs on top of each other.

I'm about to wash my jeans. Went out treasure hunting on Thursday and they are caked with dirt. I wanted to wait till the end of the contest but whatever (they have been washed before, however). My start date is Oct 26 so it's close enough to the one year anniversary.

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