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Self Edge x Sugar Cane = SEXSC02


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The Sugar Cane collaboration jeans are now available online, we're quite low on some sizes already..

Self Edge x Sugar Cane = SEXSC02


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Ive never dealt with unsanforized denim before and just wanted to make sure, would these stretch back out a little after the initial shrink?

Yup, these will stretch about 1" to 1.5" in the waist after about two weeks of wear.

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Mine should arrive tomorrow. I'm super excited to GET SOME HONEYCOMBS.

Do these have a nick name like the Iron Hearts?

I'm just calling these the sexy sex.

they're already called 'sexy' anyway, I'm suprised no one pointed it out.

SEXSC...SEXS...C.. say it. "SEXY".

AWRITE rock an rollllllll

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Soaked mine just now, want to wear them straight up when I officially receive them at Christmas.

For anyone buying the small waist sizes with the lower rises, use your upper hip measurement, not your waist. Boy am I glad I didn't size down to a 25 or I'd have no fucking balls right now.

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buy these suga suga canez

shit is hot liek fire.

they shrink a good amount, but stretch so you can get your slouch on.

no fit pics or measurements. too lazy.

but i love these jeans. the ostrich patch is straight money.

i would not recommend sizing down unless you want a ball crunching fit.

i stayed with my normal size and got a nice slim fit.

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Aye, mine are hiding in my girlfriend's wardrobe for 2 months once they're completely dried out, but in the short time I've had with them they're pretty fantastical.

Definitely a great piece to go alongside my current pieces... my Ande Whalls are darker (even after 9 months) and deadly smooth, wheras these are gnarly, textured and even without wear showing multiple subtle pigments in the indigo... shame I didn't get to see them in proper light.

Only complaint is the tag underneath the patch, but a seamripper ought to see to that little issue.

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Mine should be coming in tomorrow. This would be my first pair of selvage. I've owned a pair of 501xx STF for 2-3 months that began my journey.

Hopefully these guys work out for me! I went with the 30"(31") because of the shrinkage. I am a true 30", but I believe there's also stretching in these. All I hope is that the slim cut will even things out if they're too large. Atleast they would make for a good faux-straight, then.

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this is closest im going to get to a fit pic.

ill post up a better one soon.

size 32 suga suga canez

wore these for the first time this weekend to vegas to check out daft punk

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Well, this would be my first pair of selvage. They fit fucking tight. I can't move without grating skin off my thighs and knees. I love it, though. There goes the cherry.

They have amazing color. Almost striped with different concentrations of indigo. These pants are gonna open my world up.

I'll post fit pics when I can get my hands on a camera.

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Haha, the cuff/stack pic is unnecessary, but I am just too damn excited to not post them. Because the pictures are angled, I would appreciate feedback on the effects it both does and may create. If it flavors, as intended, tell me. If it distorts in any way, this guy still wants it straight.

Mmm, the future smells like Sugar Cane to my ass. Actually, a bit like some Imperials. Maybe even Iron Hearts.


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