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shit you hate


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  Phyziks said:
Waiting at home for a delivery, going out to the store quick and coming home to see the fucking slip on your door saying no one answered the door. 2 people are home and a car is in the the driveway...fucking asshole didn't knock or ring the doorbell. This happens FAR to often, and gets me pissed because I could have saved myself a trip to the post office later tonight if they had just knocked on the door.

Was it shipped fedex?

those bastards used to do shit like that ALL the time to me. or i'd be in the shower and they'd knock once or barely buzz my apartment and i wouldnt hear them; id come out to a slip under my door.

once they were too lazy to actually deliver the package so they said that the package was denied and it got shipped back to the sender.

i hate.

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my dirty ass roommate and his fucking gym nights.

at the gym he fucking just sits on his fat ass on some machine that's similar to a fucking lay-z-boy for fucking like a hour and talks on his fucking cell phone. doesn't occur to that thick skull bitch that people actually want to improve their body while he fucking takes up the machine doing jack shit. i swear i think he believes his presence at a gym will magically cause him to lose weight. this happens a majority of the time i see him there.

on the blue moon nights when he goes through a halfassed workout and breaks a sweat, he comes back and chills in front of the TV for a couple hours. nothing wrong with that. but then this nigga goes and knocks out after he gets bored. in that order. he sleeps above me with this lame ass bunk bed shit. no shower. no tooth brushing shit. his parents spoiled him but didn't give him a sense of fucking hygiene.

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flo rida.

people that cant park their cars properly

small children

my neighbors dogs that bark at me late at night when im trying to be on some metal gear solid shit.

rising gas prices

bad tips

black people who tip bad

people that drive pt cruisers

wet socks

how sportscenter used to be cool and is now kinda lame but i still watch it.

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white people that make race jokes

people who think it's obligatory that you share everything you have with them

females that burp, fart, and sneeze/blow their noses like men

slow service

expensive shit that shouldn't be so expensive

finding a really good porno, and forgetting the name of it

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crying babies

long lines in grocery stores

slow drivers

minivans (people in them drive slowly 99% of the time)

chapped lips

slow walkers in the mall/ slow walkers in general

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