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shit you hate


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Only the hip people can find us using google. We should only communicate in abbreviations. That way our shit will stay underground. Yeah. Stick it to the man.

hehehe, its rather the lines of abbrviation i hate e.g





I am guilty of abbreviation though!

Westside - come on man, dont be like that, the very fact that you engaged in a dialogue like this ( and the same could be said for seraphim ) is an indication that neither one of you are too likey to change your views, especially for someone on a message board. Just be nice and not so crude if you really feel you have to let people know you disagree with their opinion.

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Guest youngteam
I really, really fucking hate when people use the term 'gay' in a negative sense. get over your fucking mindless inbuilt homophobia and find a new word, like maybe 'black' or 'female'. no? OHWAIT, same thing, different target group. If you wouldn't go to a KKK meeting, why the fuck would you treat someone like a second class citizen for who they're attracted to.



it has nothing to do with homophobia -- at least for most people -- and everything to do with the fact that that's what we labeled things we didn't like when we were in the seventh grade. the appeal of using that particular pejorative lies in its inherent ridiculousness. affectations become habit; consequently, that term gets thrown around all the fucking time now and it's completely lost its sting so i'm surprised you're still so offended by it.

in other news, does anyone else believe this? i've come to realize that a person's quickness to become offended is inversely proportional to his/her i.q.

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Guest youngteam
shit i hate:

not being allowed to talk politics in supertrash.

I mean, I understand why. There's good reason I guess. But I still hate it.

nothing is more painful and infuriating than watching the stupid discuss politics. the internet is not wanting for stupidos. therefore, the political-talk ban is possibly the best thing about this godforsaken place.

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nothing is more painful and infuriating than watching the stupid discuss politics. the internet is not wanting for stupidos. therefore, the political-talk ban is possibly the best thing about this godforsaken place.


then let's hear what an intellectual giant like yourself has to say.

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nothing is more painful and infuriating than watching the stupid discuss politics. the internet is not wanting for stupidos. therefore, the political-talk ban is possibly the best thing about this godforsaken place.

then let's hear what an intellectual giant like yourself has to say.

So, I guess you didn't really read that statement before you challenged youngteam, did you?

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People who have to choose one side of every argument, no matter how bad the two points of contention are, be they merely indistingushable lame ducks (Democrats vs Republicans) or two equally psychopathic regimes (Hamas vs Kadima).

Also, people who argue in terms of Jews versus Palestinians, which is where the whole anti-Semetic/anti-Islamic accusations start flying around.

Also, as someone who studies ethical philosophy at the moment, I can't stand people talking in terms of divine law conceptions (especially the ones who are avowed atheists and still talk in these terms), moral obligation/"ought", "justice" etc.

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i fear that one of my friends has fallen into the pit of philosphy douche baggery

and i have known and respected this kid for much my my whole life

but i just ahte the fact that every fucking sentence he says

includes the word "hegel" and "voltaire esque"

so fucking pretentious all the time

and he is now slacking in school

cause hes pulling all nighters reading about philosophy

and does none of his homework

i fucking hate it when people think they are too good

for the trivial tasks that we all have to fucking do

like fucking homework.

and everytime he gets drunk

he tried to diagnose everyone

he just starts rambling on

about the true purpose behind

all of our actions

how the real reason why i told someone

to shut the fuck up

was because i am undergoing this innerbattle with my own insecruties deriving from those gaps in my childhood that separate me from the other human beings and in an attempt to fill those i told someone to shut the fuck up when they were being loud.

fuck that bullshit

i tell someone to shut the fuck up

cause i was drunk

and they were durnk

and they were loud

and im trying to keep a chill atmosphere

and what i hate the most about it

is that i find all that shit that he rambles on about

to be incredibly interesting.

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Hahaha, there's a tendency to spout off whatever you learn in philosophy classes as truth. Funny thing is, the more you study it the more you come to realise that everything is full of holes... in the last 50 years I would wager every major philosopher has been debunked in one way or another, but alas for example noone has yet devised an uncontestable secular ethical theory.

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i fear that one of my friends has fallen into the pit of philosphy douche baggery

and i have known and respected this kid for much my my whole life

but i just ahte the fact that every fucking sentence he says

includes the word "hegel" and "voltaire esque"

so fucking pretentious all the time

and he is now slacking in school

cause hes pulling all nighters reading about philosophy

and does none of his homework

i fucking hate it when people think they are too good

for the trivial tasks that we all have to fucking do

like fucking homework.

and everytime he gets drunk

he tried to diagnose everyone

he just starts rambling on

about the true purpose behind

all of our actions

how the real reason why i told someone

to shut the fuck up

was because i am undergoing this innerbattle with my own insecruties deriving from those gaps in my childhood that separate me from the other human beings and in an attempt to fill those i told someone to shut the fuck up when they were being loud.

fuck that bullshit

i tell someone to shut the fuck up

cause i was drunk

and they were durnk

and they were loud

and im trying to keep a chill atmosphere

and what i hate the most about it

is that i find all that shit that he rambles on about

to be incredibly interesting.

Just wait till he "discovers" cocaine...

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I downloaded & installed windows vista ultimate a couple of days ago and everything worked fine except for my wireless network card. I tried uninstalling it, re-installing it and loading updated drivers, but everytime windows would say that I already had the most up-to-date drivers available (which wasn't true). then today it magically started working... so here I am

but that was a huge pain in the ass

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