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shit you hate


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bona- I liked it before it got overly political and unfunny. The iraq war ruined a generation of comedians.

kunk- The 9/11 hole is the lamest thing in the world. There's nothing there. It's a fucking hole with a bunch of construction going on. You can barely see stuff through the fences. The only reason i saw it was because i slept over at a friend's place off wall st and it was nearby.

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yeah, going to see it is one thing. it being number 2 when 1 is miss saigon and 3 is macy's window is just macabre.

bona- I liked it before it got overly political and unfunny. The iraq war ruined a generation of comedians.

kunk- The 9/11 hole is the lamest thing in the world. There's nothing there. It's a fucking hole with a bunch of construction going on. You can barely see stuff through the fences. The only reason i saw it was because i slept over at a friend's place off wall st and it was nearby.

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No, you know me. You down with G.O.P.?

Bad jokes aside, he's a parody of all young democrats. It's like an amalgamation of everything i hate about young hipster political kids. Just as bad as stupid jingos addicted to fox news, if you ask me. Because of shit like this, there is never any interesting political discourse amongst young people. It's all about showing off what you know, bashing bush, pointing out flaws in the republican party and self felating about how open minded and forward thinking you are. Jon Stewart is also an asshole. He brings on guests whose views he disagrees with and acts really unprofessional. It's one thing to disagree, but at least be the bigger person and have conversations about it instead of pandering to your sheep minded audience and throwing insults at the guy who went out of his way to talk to you.

I don't really have a problem with colbert. He seems to realize that there are grey areas in life, politics and social issues. He also is funny most the time, seems more down to earth, and less full of himself like jon.

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i've been quiet, kunk?

alright here's one thing i hate:

passive aggressive behavior. fuck haters, fuck hoes in plural. Anyone got a problem with me step to the Don straight up.

"You never wanted my friendship..." - Vito Corleone

I am a gracious tyrant and am willing to forgive past grievances, but not forget. Catch you slippin one more time down the line and i'ma KEEYA, and i ain't talkin bout the Self Edge owner...

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chrono, don't really know how to address the points u made without getting mad political, so i won't

in his defense, as he always says, he's on COMEDY CENTRAL

yes, the show has turned into more than that, but still...

See, this is the shit i hate the most probably. He wants to be taken seriously by people and prove that he and his audience are more than just a bunch of jokels trying to be funny. But anytime he gets called out, he always pulls that card. You can't have it both ways.

I think there is a balance to be found between being funny and politically influential but he panders way too much to his audience and goes for the easy un-funny joke but it gets laughs because it compares bush to a monkey or something. I GET IT. HE'S DUMB AND HAS A BLANK LOOK ON HIS FACE.

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See, this is the shit i hate the most probably. He wants to be taken seriously by people and prove that he and his audience are more than just a bunch of jokels trying to be funny. But anytime he gets called out, he always pulls that card. You can't have it both ways.

I think there is a balance to be found between being funny and politically influential but he panders way too much to his audience and goes for the easy un-funny joke but it gets laughs because it compares bush to a monkey or something. I GET IT. HE'S DUMB AND HAS A BLANK LOOK ON HIS FACE.

realistically, if you want to see jon stewart actually being intelligent (and still relatively funny) watch him offˆthe comedy network

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My mom bought into this fucking MonaVie pyramid scheme last night. So first, I fucking hate whoever sold it to her. Second, I hate having to inform her that she got scammed because now she feels terrible, and third I hate anyone who makes money from Multi-level Marketing bullshit.

People need to be protected from shit like this because way too many of them are gullible. The legal MLM/ Pyramid/ Whatever bullshit really needs to end. I get that some people would just say that if you fell for it then it's your fault, but those people piss me off too.

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See, this is the shit i hate the most probably. He wants to be taken seriously by people and prove that he and his audience are more than just a bunch of jokels trying to be funny

i don't think he does, actually

edit: initial post made me sound like a dick

i just need to drop this; like i said, i can't really address it to my satisfaction without a huge rant involving the media, both political parties, their supporters and enablers, and the internets

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I understand. The sufu no-politics rule makes talking about stuff like this difficult. I definitely understand your frustration on "the media, both political parties, their supporters and enablers, and the internets" though.

I think annoying polarizing political discourse, while engaging a portion of our (not sure of your age but gen. Y i guess?) generation with bush administration problems, is also ostracizing others of that same generation. I know sometimes, with the way i hear things discussed in terms of polar opposites and rants with the intent on "exposing" the other side, really turn me off from politics at times.

I do understand the importance and place shows like colbert, the daily show, and other comedians dealing with politics have though. I just sometimes get irked by the daily show more so by its rabid fans and style at times, than the general concept.

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is it that hard to make the sk8 mid in fucking white on white?

not that hard. they made them a few years ago. in 2005-2006 when i worked for Vans we had them on clearance for like $9.99. i'm suprised they haven't brought them back yet.

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