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  On 6/20/2014 at 4:58 PM, Augustus said:

When you're eating with a bunch of people and when the food comes out everyone at the same time is like..WELP TIME TO SNAP A PHOTO

Do often eat out with friends? Or more w/ family?

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When the other ex blasts your tumblr with anonymous asks full of Lana Del Rey/Arctic Monkeys lyrics ('I heard that you like the bad girls Honey, is that true?' etc etc) when you were doing something fun

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  On 6/20/2014 at 4:32 PM, Trouble said:

People who try to "educate" or lecture you on topics that you know alot about and that they know NOTHING about - and I don't mean this as "I know more about x than joe over here and he is stupid for not realizing that", I mean that the person literally does not know a SINGLE thing about the topic yet pulls shit out of their ass and thinks it makes sense. Example would be like a dude with no knowledge, interest, or experience in say, boxing, deciding to walk into a boxing academy and trying to give the professional players there advice on how to box better

Like I cannot even begin to comprehend how this thought is formed in a human's brain

Only answer I have is extreme lack of self awareness

It is so damn bizarre and ridiculous

this is fucking dreadful. enough of this from one person and i build up a serious hatred.

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  On 6/20/2014 at 4:58 PM, Augustus said:

When you're eating with a bunch of people and when the food comes out everyone at the same time is like..WELP TIME TO SNAP A PHOTO

complaining about this shit is passé. what you pissed at? other people gonna look over and see you in a group of people like this and you'll get embarrassed? just enjoy your food

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^just general disdain of internet generation antics. lest u be a professional yelper, theres no need to report everything to the internets. top it off with a fb check in for 6 ppl, 2 twitter photos and an instagram - shit is excessive for a meal with friends


like you said, just enjoy the food. no need for every single person to take a pic of every single meal during every single outing

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  On 6/22/2014 at 12:43 AM, usher said:

^just general disdain of internet generation antics. lest u be a professional yelper, theres no need to report everything to the internets. top it off with a fb check in for 6 ppl, 2 twitter photos and an instagram - shit is excessive for a meal with friends


like you said, just enjoy the food. no need for every single person to take a pic of every single meal during every single outing

again, what does it matter to you? why do you care what other people do on their social media profiles? unless they out there snap chatting or instagramming u while you doing something illicit or w/ out your permission, i don't see why you care that something is "excessive". if it really is that bad, let them embarrass themselves.

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When the dentist decides that if you pay for sedation you might as well enjoy it for the rest of the day..

Haven't eaten in 4 hours and it's still numb.. 

And the minute I open my mouth I start to drool..


Thank god I took a day off, people speaking to me must think I had a mild stroke..

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when i'm mowing my folks' lawn and insects land all over me


when i'm about to cut around a tree and a big ass spider drops from a branch and hovers at eye level.  I left that area unmowed

Edited by Schoon
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  On 6/23/2014 at 8:11 PM, Miso Moo said:

Put toilet roll in first brah. Contain the splash backs 

not always, the toilet at work is one of those very long oval ones and the water is very close to the top. I do put some toilet paper in but it's pretty much useless. If i put too much it might end up clogging the toilet. 

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when people's speaking voice basically consists of mumbling directed at the air 10 inches from their mouth.


when people speak too slowly while saying absolutely nothing of interest and you can practically finish their sentences for them by the third word in.


having to sit there and wait patiently for people like the above to finish a complete thought so you don't seem like an asshole.


saying "what?? i couldn't understand what you just said" after they go on for five minutes and they go "nevermind".


why the fuck did you bother to say anything?? do you expect me to divert all possible attention to figuring out what you're saying when you're speaking so unintelligibly?

Edited by haploid
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My father left my bike outside of my apartement, locked it and together we went to the bank. There is a designated area for bikes around the back of our apartment complex, but since the bank was about to close we headed there first - it wasn't in the way and it wouldn't even take 30 minutes so I thought it was alright to do so.

Less than 20 minutes later, one of my neighbors has cut the lock and thrown my bicycle around the back. Who the fuck does that? If someone parks their car wonky for ten minutes, while, say, dropping off someone, you don't smash the windows, hotwire the car and move it to the nearest parking lot.

He didn't leave a fucking note saying he had moved it or anything. Bike's stolen now, a bike I bought for years ago after having saved up for ages, so not only was it pretty expensive, it had at least a sliver of sentimental value.

Now I'm trying to figure out who the fuck did this - apparently he's done it before, according to the dude I'm renting my apartment from.

Why do you decide to live in the city if you're this fucking crazy? Buying a hut in a goddamn forest would not only be cheaper, but less stressful.

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Two months ago I decided to help a close friend with financial problems out a little. I gave him an item to sell and told him he could keep whaever he made past $X for himself. I was browsing eBay today and I saw the exact same item being sold from a different state. I called him up to ask if he sold it, at first he said no but later when I told him how I saw it on eBay he later admitted he did. He probably was hoping that I would forget or just stopped asking about it since it's already been a few months without mention. The money isn't really what bothers me here, it's the fact how he blatantly lied to me over this and doesn't even feel a bit of guilt. I know he's terrible with money but this is really just a scumbag move considering that I tried to put some cash in his pocket. So what should I do? I feel like no relationship is worth keeping if you have to constantly watch your own back around someone you consider close.

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