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I'm going to come off as a major dbag, but I hate when you're still like 50 feet from the door and someone holds the door for you. because then I feel obligated to run so they aren't standing there holding it...so like thanks for saving me the energy to open the door, but I had to use twice that energy to run so you weren't awkwardly standing there.

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Some dude just posted an incredibly long status on facebook defending the iPhone 4s saying it's a great phone and how everyone should stop complaining.....he should just stfu and post that shit elsewhere because he sounds like a fuckin tool posting it on Facebook

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  ph1l said:
Some dude just posted an incredibly long status on facebook defending the iPhone 4s saying it's a great phone and how everyone should stop complaining.....he should just stfu and post that shit elsewhere because he sounds like a fuckin tool posting it on Facebook

mutual friend? this one kid ALWAYS posts shit about iphones.

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just found out my ex put my dog down a few days ago, found out through a mutual friend. Bottle fed and loved that dog since it was 2 days old. She didn't call or text to give me the chance to say goodbye. Can't settle on anger, sadness, or disappointment. Maybe all 3. I wish she was a better person.

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yo, I know offering any kind of sympathy over the net might seem pointless but I know how shitty it can be to lose a dog. My dogs mean the fucking world to me and I would go bat shit crazy if something happened like that. My oldest lab Nikki is getting up there in age and I am always worried something will happen to her while I am living away from home.

It is really too bad that your ex pulled that shit. It is completely understandable to feel those emotions but try not to focus on the anger too much, easy to get consumed in that shit and it strays too far away from the heart of the issue which is your dog.

stay strong.

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  OkayOkay said:
just found out my ex put my dog down a few days ago, found out through a mutual friend. Bottle fed and loved that dog since it was 2 days old. She didn't call or text to give me the chance to say goodbye. Can't settle on anger, sadness, or disappointment. Maybe all 3. I wish she was a better person.

What a whore. You should get revenge. Ice-cold revenge.

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  wrong_move said:
used to do this all the time

the work increases tenfold if your group can't write for shit (which was the case most of the time)

and then they blame you if you get a so-so mark

mmmhmmm mmmhhmmm i am getting pretty sick of rewriting broken english.

sorry about your pup dude, thats some cold shit!

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  sawyer said:
hate when girls say "Tell me a story!" or expect you to entertain them when they are bored

I've had girls ask me to guess their names when I'd first met them -surprisingly this has happened on numerous occasions. But I mean what the hell kind of request is that?

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i now have to take the bus to get in town and since there's a bus every 8 minutes and i know most of the other exchange students at my student hall, nearly every time i take the bus i have to say hi and usually start a useless conversation. fuck man i just wanted to read my book or listen to my music.

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Could be worse. I once got onto a tube carriage only to see a really boring colleague of mine already sat there with her boyfriend. I didn't even have a book that day to hide in and it was a 30min journey across town - conversation would have been agonizingly laboured... Made sure she hadn't noticed me and jumped out before the train left the platform. Close call.

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Thanks everyone. It was definitely a bummer. I've had a couple dogs and cats over the years, and I've loved them all, but I definitely had a connection with this one. Maybe just how long I had her, who knows. She was great for sure.

  vitasoy said:

@okayokay, was there a reason behind her actions, like was your dog really sick or anything? still a bitch move not to notify you though..

She was getting old and had trouble walking. Toward the end she was definitely in more pain then should be tolerated, and meds couldn't help. I don't at all dispute that it was the right time, it just would have been nice to get the call so I could say goodbye. I'll prob never know if my ex did it and didn't tell me because she was being malicious, but I just don't think she understands that other people have feelings. Who knows. All the kinds words are definitely appreciated.

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I read 7 chapters of a probability textbook this weekend, worked ~150-200 problems from the book, memorized numerous formulas, etc etc in preparation for a midterm today. I'm currently expecting my grade on the midterm to be between 40-60. I fucking hate school, and I hate the fact that I pay a fucking lot of money just to be "taught" by a person who doesn't give two shits about me. I also hate that I get some arbitrary fucking letter grade supposedly representing my abilities in a subject, when in reality it just represents how well I take tests. And while I'm on that subject, how the fuck does a test reflect what is done in the real world at all? When am I going to be bombarded with 5 high level probability problems, each focused on a different theory/topic, and be given 1 hour to complete them? I fucking hate tests.

And to top it all off, I pay all this money and go through this shit just to get a god damned school's name on my resume.


Fuck. I needed to get that out.

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