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chillin at a party, meeting some new peeps and nobody is really loosened up with a few beers then conversation starts to drift towards the weather.

"yeah man.. heard it was 9-12 inches tonight."

"shit really? i heard only 4-8"

"whatever, still a pain to drive in"


makes me wanna jump out the window

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my lack of motivation to study. been doing final projects/exams shit for 13 days now. last exam on Tuesday. this has been dragging on for too long.

edit: also, I think I would enjoy stabbing myself in the eye more than studying stochastic calculus.

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same for everyone i guess. i just got over November when I had an exam every week and now class is over and I have 3 weeks until the other exams, though this time it'll be 7 exams in a week... which means no winter vacation at all, unless i wanna fuck this up :(

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I'm just sick of studying for finals. I busted my ass over the course of 4 days to churn out ~100 pages for 2 final projects, and took 2 exams in the same 4 day period. After that my brain just checked out for the semester and now I can't study for the one final I have left, which is probably the most important one.

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  _ironman said:
hate how hard it is to pop the tab on these motherfuckers


it's like extra flush with the lid, making it difficult to get your finger underneath. and i just trimmed my nails yesterday :mad:


Is there something about Chinese canned drinks? I can't even crush or karate chop this thing, it's just so dense.

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  shufon said:
I'm just sick of studying for finals. I busted my ass over the course of 4 days to churn out ~100 pages for 2 final projects, and took 2 exams in the same 4 day period. After that my brain just checked out for the semester and now I can't study for the one final I have left, which is probably the most important one.

ha. me too. – exams every 2 weeks since august 30th – and that includes thanksgiving break, lol.

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my gf and her best friend have mysteriously been into golf the last couple of months, and have been haggling me non-stop to take them out for a round.

i got them 10-lessons together and told them if they can hit a driver further than i hit my pitching wedge, ill take them out.

by some freak-of-fucking nature, my gf hits her new driver like 150meters the other day - her only good swing that day mind you.

so last weekend i was obliged to take them out.

teeing off with two female beginners has got to be the most annoying shit in the world.

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god damnit, i wait 3 weeks for this watch to finally arrive and there's a blemish on the face where it's not serious but it's hella noticeable. that and it's more fucking rose gold than it looks in the picture. i might just get a different color. i'm gonna fucking cut someone right now. (i also hate not having a watch to wear... first world problems)

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moved into apartment, repairs needed to be done on the shower.

Told us not to use the shower to take baths. its been a month and a half and its still not finished. Landlord is mad lazy. Ive been using the shower ever since they put a new shower head on it a month ago.

When your walking down the street and people insist on walking in a zig zag pattern so you can never get past

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our current landlords are selling the house we live in (basement suit status)

we have people in almost every fucking weekend and it's driving me insane...always have to have shit immaculate, can't be steady loungin' in my sweats and shit...

so the house sells and my landlord comes down with a rental agreement and a fucking 3 page checklist of things the NEW owners want him to inspect (trash bins....are you fucking kidding me with this shit?)

so anyways everything is kosher, our place is spotless...new owners have a set of 7 year old twin girls and a muh'fuckin 2 year old....so much for our social get-togethers. They are also FORCING us, as tennants to get renters insurance (yes I know, it's a good idea but I'll do it on my own thankyouverymuch) but nah, these bitches are literally forcing us to get insured and fax a policy number to them....

fuck renting, need to buy a place like NOW

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Preface: My fam is moving tomorrow so we have no internet in the crib right now, so I'm in Starbucks using their wifi to check emails and download Dexter

So. I've been here for about an hour and this dude has been here longer, just sitting here with his guitar banging out these awful fucking chords that he's learning off his Mac. People are trying to study for finals and shit. Do you not have a house to practice in?

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