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The Evolution of Jeans: Pictures, Scones and Tea

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  thaiison said:
i seriously think that paint destroy the jeans. I don't mean paint looks bad, but it should look natural like you've been working with it. Beatles sams are a perfect example

Would you say that art is unatural?don't you think the paint will fade natural? Are jeans natural?

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  shark jacobs said:
how did the thread on that one pocket get so trashed in 2 months?

a minor wipe out on my longboard. I stitched it back together just before going out to a party with friends. I'll have to make a more permanent repair in the future.

The paint in no way has ruined the jeans--in a few weeks it will be much more faded and less pronounced, leaving subtle and very interesting color contrasts. I might even need to paint them again. Looking for the perfect momotaro peach color.

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  seanfromiran said:
Lol mixture you fuckin weirdo I just sold you those diors.


regardless, one of my favorite fades in a few pages

good work

hope you got some $$$ out of dood for em

edit: it was gonna be heresy b/c i was going to say i don't think i like eternals, but we'll just leave that alone

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  thaiison said:

x-post from eternal thread. after their first wash, 1 year old, 7-8 months of wear.

didn't even have to mention the brand -- that's that trademark eternal hue. looks great.

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^Why retired? Those look like they could go a while longer.

PBJ XX-005s, got these exactly a year ago. About 11 months of wear. 3 washes + lots of soaks. They're at Atsui Tokyo to get some more repairs done on them. Will wear them until the end of March and then on to the SuFu/DB/SE.



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my dude, those 710s are just getting started. the front of those look like my FC at 4 mos, and FC fade slower than sams( a lot of people like sams because they fade relatively fast). ive worn the same zero denim down to the whites, and i can assure you those have a TON of vitality left in them. just fix the pocket, and give em another year(or two:eek:). are you frustrated with the slow fade? so what, a slow fade is a good fade. keep them bitches on, and stay active!

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Fullcount 1108, reg ole' stock joints, not the 1108C contest denim. 4 months in. i got the new warehouse 700(buckle-backs) for my next project. i just wear them on wash/soak days... both great jeans.

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