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The Evolution of Jeans: Pictures, Scones and Tea

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  jcab. said:
super fat selvage? or super fat cuff?

Hehe... I think both of you are right. Those kids have some massive cuffs to match that wide selvage.

Thanks for all the positive comments everyone. They will definitely stay in rotation. I just want to start putting wear on some other ones. Wearing the DVs today.

@almost nice. Yeah, I cycled a lot in them when I first got them. Only wear that I was seeing was in the lap and inside thighs/crotch. After deciding I wanted to try riding from downtown out to my house on my fixed (about 35miles), I had a bit of a blowout. Not epic, but put wearing them on hiatus for about 2 weeks till I found someone that could patch them. When it got hot, I didn't put as much time in them on the bike, but now I am back at it.

The guy did a great job on the reinforcement, and considering that he did some other repairs too, it was really cheap. Like I said in the repair thread, it was about $8 including labor and material, and I still have about 1m of material left.

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^^the legend returns...with a vengance.:D

:osorry but i'm not in the contest, i'm just a big FC/osaka5 fan. my jawns are 3 months ahead of the contest, and they are just regular 1108s from BiG. HaGa is doing it real grande for 7 months!

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