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The Evolution of Jeans: Pictures, Scones and Tea

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I had Bill at stronghold add the suspender buttons.

Thanks for all the feedback folks.

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Here are my ALD Royal Darktones after a total of 2 months of wear (over the course of over a year or so)...



front detail




back detail


I feel like these are really starting to look good, so I'm eager to see how they turn out over the next few months (of wear, so we'll see in a year or so... :) ) I think that the pictures actually do a good job of showing how shiny they are.

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Hey fattyb, great idea with the 3M sticky hooks...imma going to steal that idea, just bought a whole bunch of them. :D

  fattybfat said:
might as well post mine..bought it as one wash, 2 soaks and first wash in august. color should be darker..anyway... Might wash it again in december or so...


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