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  tarokyama said:
It's so fucking hot! Hot girl passed/brushed up against me. Her perspiration hit my left arm. Got off the train, ran to the bathroom, then proceeded da restroom. Licked off her sweat on my arm!

I think I now understand the psychology of why women-only trains exist.

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the time has come and it's finally less than a fortnight away from my inaugural Tokyo trip!

although weather seems to be still pretty balmy judging from the weather forecast. seems like i'm more likely to be lugging my heavyweight jacket along rather than actually wearing it

any recommendations for bars that trendy locals would go to but won't shoo away the non-native?

i checked out cnngo and they recommend bongout noh and buchi.

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  doubletaps said:
the time has come and it's finally less than a fortnight away from my inaugural Tokyo trip!

although weather seems to be still pretty balmy judging from the weather forecast. seems like i'm more likely to be lugging my heavyweight jacket along rather than actually wearing it

any recommendations for bars that trendy locals would go to but won't shoo away the non-native?

i checked out cnngo and they recommend bongout noh and buchi.

i haven't heard of those places. i don't really go to bars anyway. are you going to jland alone?

I only go to fine, 5-star rated establishments such as NOS, hub, and heartland before I go on my nanpa escapades.

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checked out the three places you mentioned

iigc (if i googled correctly), hub is a british themed pub, heartland is a place for japanese women to hook up with expat businessmen. NOS seems pretty much what i was looking for, think i might give that place a shot. Aoyama/Ebisu/Org?

gonna be in Tokyo with 2 of my friends, but they're a married couple so we're more likely to hit the bars than the clubs

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  doubletaps said:
checked out the three places you mentioned

iigc (if i googled correctly), hub is a british themed pub, heartland is a place for japanese women to hook up with expat businessmen. NOS seems pretty much what i was looking for, think i might give that place a shot. Aoyama/Ebisu/Org?

gonna be in Tokyo with 2 of my friends, but they're a married couple so we're more likely to hit the bars than the clubs


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  herpsky said:
i haven't heard of those places. i don't really go to bars anyway. are you going to jland alone?

I only go to fine, 5-star rated establishments such as NOS, hub, and heartland before I go on my nanpa escapades.

I've never been to NOS when it wasn't almost entirely empty -- not too shocked that the one of the two in Shibuya is gone.

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  doubletaps said:

I love buchi but it's like in no man's towards Shoto and away from most other places you'd probably go. Crowd is mostly local during the week, much more foreign heavy on weekends. I stopped by almost every night despite living far as fuck away just to slam a buchi hi or two. (Matcha + soju + grapefruit juice?) It's also one of the few places in the immediate area open late, as strange at that may sound, stuff in Shoto up towards Yoyogi closes pretty early.

If you're intent on going to "bars" in shibuya area -- dougenzaka is probably the most fun. =\ The "foreigner" places such as German Beer Bar, Craftheads, etc are super expensive and have almost no locals.

You should probably drag your married friends to Trump just so they can get hit on by trannies in fur hats and leopard print speedos.

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i was totally kidding about the whole NOS, heartland, and hub deal.

as far as bars go, i rarely go anywhere that's trendy... i only go to places full of ojisan/locals. i do hear the bars at conrad, grand hyatt, and pennisula are good.

rock fish in ginza corridor-gai is apparently one of the best bars in tokyo. the are well known for high-balls (whiskey soda).

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28 at the conrad looks cool, but was too expensive (you gotta be ballin if you want to drink at the Conrad and cop jawnz at yen prices nowadays), way out of the way if you weren't staying there, and the view of tokyowan and daiba is pretty meh. They had a bunch of bottles but it didn't really look like a place where drinkers went. Just a bunch of old guys in big groups doing business.

Grand Hyatt bar is about the same.

If you want to see j beezys go to a champagne bar. ANA Intercontinental has one. Bring money.

Rock Fish is famous. A lot of Ginza bars are good though, probably the best mixed drinks in the world.

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my mistake herpsky, guess i caught you out of context. didn't want to make assumptions about anyone, this being sufu after all.

don't think i'd hit the bars in the hotels, though. Probably do not have enough wads of yen to go all out swanky.

Just found out that Buchi is within walking distance to where I am staying (few nights in Meguro Aobadai) so I'll probably check that out.

Rock Fish sounds like a must go.

Will also roam the Ginza area and Dogenzaka in case we see a place we like. And Trump sounds awesome!

thanks for all the input guys

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  doubletaps said:
my mistake herpsky, guess i caught you out of context. didn't want to make assumptions about anyone, this being sufu after all.

don't think i'd hit the bars in the hotels, though. Probably do not have enough wads of yen to go all out swanky.

Just found out that Buchi is within walking distance to where I am staying (few nights in Meguro Aobadai) so I'll probably check that out.

Rock Fish sounds like a must go.

Will also roam the Ginza area and Dogenzaka in case we see a place we like. And Trump sounds awesome!

thanks for all the input guys

There's a bunch of decent bars in nakemeguro-ebisu area.

Have you guys tried kinfolk? I know it originally catered to the fixed-gear bike groupies but i heard that the bar is really awesome.

Not really a bar but yodaginpo in nakame has the best miyazaki food in tokyo IMO. Junkadelic around the corner from there is also amazing.

Oh yeah, bier rise FTW. i kinda liked the delirium tremens cafe in akasaka too.

really excited to take some jbeezies to hacienda del cielo in daikanyama. apparently it's got wicked views and good food. hope the spot aint blown yet.

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  herpsky said:

really excited to take some jbeezies to hacienda del cielo in daikanyama. apparently it's got wicked views and good food. hope the spot aint blown yet.

spot has been blown for a while now. LOL

food ain't shit imo. top vip floor is alright just cause there's hardly anyone up there. suppose it would impress jbeezies if you know the secret elevator button sequence/code to get up there.

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  herpsky said:

Not really a bar but yodaginpo in nakame has the best miyazaki food in tokyo IMO. Junkadelic around the corner from there is also amazing.

The food at Junkadelic is utter shite, avoid at all costs.

La Hoya in Hiro is passable, but still not good.

I was told this place http://www.libre-burrito.com/ is really good and dude is from San Francisco, but haven't been.

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  dismalfuture said:
lol, I found that fake Chipotle in juban. Gonna eat jawnz there instead.

juban matsuri aru-aru

run into beezies you nanpa'd at muse and get caught working on other beezies:rolleyes:

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  herpsky said:
There's a bunch of decent bars in nakemeguro-ebisu area.

Have you guys tried kinfolk? I know it originally catered to the fixed-gear bike groupies but i heard that the bar is really awesome.

Not really a bar but yodaginpo in nakame has the best miyazaki food in tokyo IMO. Junkadelic around the corner from there is also amazing.

Oh yeah, bier rise FTW. i kinda liked the delirium tremens cafe in akasaka too.

really excited to take some jbeezies to hacienda del cielo in daikanyama. apparently it's got wicked views and good food. hope the spot aint blown yet.

I went to yodaginpo cause I was in nakame. It sucked. Not even trying to hate... "best Miyazaki food in Tokyo??"". U are crazy. Even tamoiyanse was waaayyyy better. I think you're a swell fellow, but I don't trust yr taste in food no more. Lol

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best miyazaki food, in and of itself, may be an oxymoron...

i've never been to tamoiyanse.

since you seem to know the scene really well, give us some examples of what you think are good restaurants.

sounds like you must have eaten the most insane food tokyo has to offer. then again, i usually go for the B-kyu gurume places. i can't really justify shelling out 5k+ for food with my somewhat limited income.

have you tried tori-beer and torigoya? those are the two places i've sort of been thinking about.

you are not japanese, are you? i ask this because 9 out of 10 posters with japanese sounding user names aren't japanese.

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