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  swooc said:
^verve? i don't think you can find another pair of glasses that will fit and look as good as those on you.
  yea! said:
Genius, perfect fit. please share!

edit: yeah guess they're dita - verve

edit2: jesus christ, $375

Yea they are Dita Verve and I wasn't feeling the price either. preciate the feedback, my bad on the delay.

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timber, i think those are clear? i remember seeing a more rectangular shaped from spivvy in a transparent yellow. might be a bit hard to find now though.

jonle714, they look good on you. a tiny bit narrow, but nothing to fret about.

i use to own a pair of those oliver peoples. there used to be alot of them on ebay (i think they are fakes). the frames are very straight, to the point where they look angled out when worn. a very awkward fit. theres a similar modern version called the wylie (theres one on ebay now). it's a little small but fits alot nicer. i'll post a fit pic when i get home later tonight.

anyone know if spectacles for humans are on break atm? emails arn't getting answered :/.

edit: heres a fit pic of the wylie's.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Protocol said:
^ Really nice well made glasses, are they from the asia line?

yup, made in japan. My optician told me that they will move most of their production to japan soon.

  swooc said:
is there a site with a good database of their collection? the official site is pretty shit.

you can try this

or maybe try searching on rakuten

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  Wolves said:

Those are cheap in the bad way, and ugly...

  Genius said:


Dita frames always look good on everyone else except me, oh well..

Similar style that I liked was Lever

  timber said:
I'm trying to find a pair of glasses like these in a similar light yellow colour...this Paul Smith model is seemingly discontinued, and my attempts to buy it online have failed.

Any ideas?


Oliver Peoples Crystal Sheldrake ?

  DJ_Flame said:
Ideas for round glasses? Sorta like Moscot Lemtosh but I dun wanna cop Moscot.

Like Moscot Lemtosh = Tart Arnel


  jaac said:
Requesting some fitpics of fully clear glasses, considering kopping but would like to see some non stock photos.


you really do walk a fine line between "super cool" or "dork" with crystal clear frames. depends on your personal style and how you pull it off. to a lesser extent, your face shape. i highly recommend you personally try on the clear frames in person before making your purchase. i once was super stoked on clear, but decided they ended up looking stupid on me.

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Does anybody know where I can get some sunglasses similar to these? I believe they are Oliver Peoples 523 Fight Club Ltd. Edition brown lenses with a gold frame. opfightclub.jpg

They don't have to be the exact pair but I like the idea of brown lenses with a gold frame.

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finally recieved my strada's today.


heres a fit pic if anyone is interested. i didn't realise how much this style amplifies the size of my nose until now :o. the frames also sit a tad lower than i like but nothing to fret over. handmade in italy, etched engravings, smooth tortoise, thick but decieving due to the nice carved out curves and lines, moderately large hinges, consistently well made. the case is pretty nice as well with a soft furry touch (similar to suede).


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