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Supreme F/W 07.09


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if anyone cares there was a supreme "stop the war now" shirt the one that came out in japan on ebay a couple of hours ago...http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEBTOX:IT&item=130187999790&_trksid=p3984.cTODAY.m238.lVI

I should have bidded higher then 75 smh...

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  daffy_1 said:
if anyone cares there was a supreme "stop the war now" shirt the one that came out in japan on ebay a couple of hours ago...http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEBTOX:IT&item=130187999790&_trksid=p3984.cTODAY.m238.lVI

I should have bidded higher then 75 smh...

damn that went for more than i thought it was gonna - 15 minutes before the auction was up, it was still at $30

  daffy_1 said:
Tiger Paws, Big Apple, SupremeXNHBH and the courdorouy earflaps at least thats what they had on thursday when i passed by..

quilted leather and the velvt too

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  mlproject said:
what's the deal on the nyc sale? when does it end?

i've been working all weekend and didn't have a chance to run down there to grab that purple polo. i migh thave to get someone to do a pickup in my own city! haha.

Sales end once they close for the transition to spring, it's just a clearance for the season.

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  readytoignite said:
well there was deffo a gucci colorway in there but it was definitely ass. official name is the double stripe polo

they were out of red tartans but had the other two

those sound like the polos from fall 06. colorways are the same and they were also called 'double stripe' ... they were a late release in 06 so maybe they had extra in the warehouse kicking around and put them out again? did the ones you saw have a supreme script embrodiery on the chest?

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  lildice said:
those sound like the polos from fall 06. colorways are the same and they were also called 'double stripe' ... they were a late release in 06 so maybe they had extra in the warehouse kicking around and put them out again? did the ones you saw have a supreme script embrodiery on the chest?

I saw them as well...they did have script embroidery on the chest.

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  caughtinthered said:
Does anyone have a pic of that hoody that came out last season, it was plan and had three snap buttons and possibly said supreme in small script?

I grabbed that in black last sale. Supreme is written discretely in black on the hood.

They went on sale for about $70 something. Sorry no pic...

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