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dream thread

Corbin Law

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I had a dream that my kid was already 2-3, and we were looking for flavors for cookies we were gonna bake. First we got cookies n cream... Then wen she was gonna tell me the other one she wanted, IRL my girlfriend spazzed out and kinda grunted at me in her sleep, forcing me to face reality... and I couldnt fall asleep after that. And I was mad at my gf for the rest of the day.

I had a weird dream that Sistersuzie was with hedior/edmond in a WDYWT...

Or did that one really happen?

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  landstander said:
so i have this good job starting next week and im gonna have to take a piss test for it..so for the past month or so i been having dreams where i smoke weed and then after i realize i have the piss test coming up..really starting to fuck with me

drinking apple cider vinegar helps clear that shit out, right?

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  DÃœM said:
I had a dream that I was a character in a turn-based RPG.

I have D&D dreams quite often.

One I had a while ago: I was in an attic with my dad. For some reason we were hacking off the heads and limbs of people using sickles. We then proceeded to stuff the pieces inside small compartments in the walls of the room.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just woke up for an impromptu nap, and had a dream. Many details have been taken out as not to make this a two paged account:

This woman had broken up with her boyfriend, and he had left in a bit of a hurry. I lived in a house with her and this other guy ---- a tall, white, normal sized kind of guy, wearing a vest.

Anyway, so this woman, she was on the phone with her ex-whatever, and he was asking about this dog that was still living with her. So, I couldn't hear his side of the conversation, but she said to him, "No, he's fine. He's actually sitting next to a pair of shoes you left here.' And I looked up and the dog was sitting in the bathroom, next to the toilet, where a pair of expensive looking leather shoes were. And then the woman said in this really nasty voice, '...but between you and me, I think he's just groveling in piss.' And then hung up the phone and stormed off.

So then I got closer and saw that there was like, urine all over the shoes and people, when they went to the bathroom, had been going out of their way as not to aim for the toilet, but for the shoes. And the dog was laying down sort of in a sad-dog-way, and I went over and sat him up, and pat him, and in a sort of muffled 'thought voice,' I heard this happy dog barking, and barking.

And then I woke up!

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I dreamt I was fucking a girl in my room and then I looked over and my housemate was sitting next to the bed, he was leaning back in a big ass armchair and eating doritos ever so slowly, each crunchy bite echoing through the room in the awkward silence.

"How long have you been there?" I asked him, he raised another dorito to his mouth and ate it glacier slow before answering.

"Long enough."

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i had a dream there was this poster named youngteam. he made a thread about 7 questions that were not all questions. there ensued much gnashing of teeth and rending of clothes. then i woke up and all of it, thread and poster both, dissipated into thin air. it seemed so realistic too.

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had a really strange dream last night.

im walking down a street and im a prostitute. i make eye contact with some guy and start walking down a small alley off the street. its not a dingy one, its nice, clean and the middle of the day. the guy follows me and we both know whats going to happen. we both stop in this doorway off the alley which has got three doors leading to apartments. we talk about how the apartments are really old (?). we start fucking on the ground in this door way and i keep hitting my head on the doors. i dont know the guy but i thinks its ok cos he's hot. after i think to myself 'now i can say someone has paid me for sex' like its on my 'things to accomplish in life' list or something. he pays me $38.50 and i ask when ill get the rest of the cash. he runs off back to the street and i cant move to chase him.

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  • 5 weeks later...

last night i had a dream that westside and dum kept chasing me and trying to open my backpack. i kept going up to westside to try to read what was on the back of his t-shirt and then a dialogue box would pop up (the kind in windows) saying "stop internet smoking" or "FREE DOMAIN NAME" and then dum would come out of nowhere and start chasing me. except he had snoop dogg hair when snoop had a perm.

it was really scary so i woke up and prayed until i fell asleep and then i had a dream that i was the host of reading rainbow but the door to books room was locked so they fired me.

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i was pursued by zombies. i opened front door of my house and one of my cats ran outside. i grabbed him and opened the door to put him inside and my other cat ran out. i caught him and retreated into my dwelling.

then i realized i was dreaming and dreamt that i woke up to take a leak. as i was urinating, i noted that my piss was extremely hot. then i woke up. and took a leak.

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I always have very long and complicated dreams...

Recently I've been dreaming about ebing trapped in huge old hotels that are dark and hard to get out of, I need to escape from them before the horrible things that are in each of the rooms figures out I'm there and finds me. They can be terrifying. In good news though, certain figures from my dreams that tend to freak me out haven't been showing up as much lately so I guess that's good news...

TELL ME PLS, what are themes y'all have in your dreams?

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The themes of dreams that I remember are usually real life anxiety played out to the extreme like when I was sick as a kid I would always dream that I was swimming underwater while large rocks fell slowly around me and I tried to avoid them or counting tiny matchsticks placing them in a row and then they would scatter and I would start again.

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mine are really really weird...

I dream about teeth a lot, either my teeth crumble and get soft and fall out or stick together or else I swallow them or bite them by accident...

There are also occasional recurring figures in my dreams, and certain houses will always be the same in my dreams. Recently the theme has been hotels and flying.

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I had a dream once when I was a kid that I got all these Transformers and I was so happy. But then as I started trying to play with them I woke up and realized my hands were moving around on the bed trying to feel for the toys that weren't there.

Biggest letdown in a child's dream. Ever.

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My dream:

I'm watching TV and someone knocks on the door. I open the door and see my friend Eric, who is shirtless and really greasy. He says, "I'm going to kill you like I killed Jason" (another friend of mine). We start to struggle and I grab a screwdriver from a clear shoebox and try to stab him, but his skin is so greasy that the screwdriver is always diverted as it slips off his body. I then start to strangle him. And then I wake up.

Has anyone ever woken up suddenly in a panic breathing all hard like/possibly sweating? I have some scary dreams but the only time this has happened to me was when I dreamt of an electric cat (that's the only way I can descibe it) walking towards me. It wasn't even scary; it was actually kind of cute and cool.

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  DUM said:
I had a dream with diamonds in it...fuck...I wrote something down too! lemme go find the piece of paper. Ok here's what I remember:

We're in a car, me, diamonds and some random guy and we see some drunk guys and they're doing something drunken I cant remember. But soon enough one of them is attacked by a puma. We laugh really hard and then he looks at the car and says "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" and starts coming toward us. I think he may have hit the car. Then suddenly we're in the movies and I don't remember any of the details here but the paper says

movie, girl


what does that mean????


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Last night I had a dream about a spider. It was like the size of my foot, and it chased me from my living room to my bedroom, shouting "I'm gonna jump on your face like I did all those years ago", and when it caught up to me it was bigger, and it climbed my leg, and I grabbed it and it was soft and furry and I tried to break its neck but that failed because spiders don't have necks. Then I noticed that it had my dog's face and I woke up.

True story.

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