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I dont speed nor weave through traffic when im faded. Every single one of my tickets occurred when i was sober :(

I love my car because its super low pro and has tinted out windows. Sometimes i sit in the back seat, put on a chill song, and hit a bowl. I understand if you have a small car it might not be so comfortable haha ^_^

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i usually burn between 4-6pm and at night after 8pm.

i love tokin in the car most cuz its the perfect hotbox.

as for tools, i smoke joints and blunts depending on the season/environment. I use the bong anytime in between but it has to have atleast 1 perc.

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  reka5matik said:
i usually burn between 4-6pm and at night after 8pm.

i love tokin in the car most cuz its the perfect hotbox.

as for tools, i smoke joints and blunts depending on the season/environment. I use the bong anytime in between but it has to have atleast 1 perc.

If you have a shower head downstem it diffuses the smoke so well that it feels like you have a perculator. Sho shmooth ^_^

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It was my last hit out of my illadeph. I sold it today to an aquaimtance for the same price i bought it for. I gave him all my accessories though. Im looking for another good smoking utensil. Ideally for seshing once or twice a day. Please only advice from daily tokers. You weekend warriors just dont umderstand me hahaha

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that gods gift looks nutty man. good lookin OG bubba too

simon look into hi-si. my homies have a piece i hit the other day that was a hi-si straight and it hit smoother than anything ive ever hit, their diffusion game is on point. their perc'd bongs are even better

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this shits hella heavy lol. wish i took a snap of the full zip before i rolled a blunt cause 27.3 looks a little boompty but you can see how dense it is. california breeze, dude said its a sativa biased hybrid, ive never heard of it so if anyone has info thatd be cool. smells super good, im having a hard time pinning it down though

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  simon626 said:
It was my last hit out of my illadeph. I sold it today to an aquaimtance for the same price i bought it for. I gave him all my accessories though. Im looking for another good smoking utensil. Ideally for seshing once or twice a day. Please only advice from daily tokers. You weekend warriors just dont umderstand me hahaha

go sovereignty or toro. i personally think the gridline is the coolest thing ever made.

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I want something extremely portable and satisfying. The illadelph was great, but i drove around with it in my car. I've driven around with a bong in my car for the past 2 years just so that i can sesh whenever i want. I finally decided i didn't want to have something like that on me ALL the time anymore. It's awesome, but honestly not worth the risk. Cops look at you differently when they find bud.....and a big bong....and spare down stems as well as slides....and pieces....and papers....and grinder....

So basically i'm trying to downsize. I don't want just a plain glass piece. The incredibowl seems cool. The magic flight vape box seems good too.

SO: Incredibowl or Magic Flight? Anyone have experience with both and/ or know any alternatives?

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plain glass piece does the job when you need it done. small bubbler would do even better. and you could always get a 3 piece bubbler if you decide to go that route. papers imo are the better alternative

incredibowl looks good, dunno about getting your fix from that daily though. personally i get sick of vapes pretty fast. but liek you said diffferent smokes for different folks

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  Knugget said:

incredibowl looks good, dunno about getting your fix from that daily though. personally i get sick of vapes pretty fast. but liek you said diffferent smokes for different folks

you obviously havent used one then. its not a vape high. (nothing against vapes)

simon, you like bongs, we know this. why settle for the launch box? grab an m420 (http://shop.buyincredibowl.com/Incredibowls_c2.htm)

thats the site i ordered from last year... good ppl, fast shipping, lowest prices.

only $68... you can get extension pieces, different bowls, etc.

if you wanna spend the money you can get the full sized, i420.

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I picked up a launch box because I was too poor to spend the extra $40 and get an iolite. I didn't like it at first because I thought the tokes were too small. It took reading up on the website how to actually use the thing to start enjoying it.

I'm a fan now, but the high is still way different from bong rips. If that's the kind of high you are into I wouldn't recommend it.

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Thanks for the input guys. Im leaning towards an incredibowl...so does it vape or does bud ignite? I am still not clear. I'll probably research it later because im super faded right now. I just hope i remember. +rep to the people that have given advice to me. Thanks a lot i appreciate it.

Anyways, here's my contribution for the day:

Triple OG


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so, the company i work for got bought out. i found this out and had an interview scheduled a week later to keep my job and i was informed i'd have to take a drug test now. well fuck me. the interview went great and they said i'm hired once i do the test. :S

it did say on the consent form in the application that failing doesn't necessarily mean they'll turn the person away automatically. hopefully they're testing for more serious stuff. i'm not optimistic though.

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