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holy shit... seriously...


This is actually a binaural beat, and you have to use headphones. It's two tones 7Hz apart. Your brain creates the 7 Hz signal and gradually aligns with it. Theta brain activity is the most creative--sort of like a lucid dream--the twighlight in between being asleep and awake. I'm done pushing this, but for those who try it, close eyes and relax, and have fun.

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  selaviso said:
thats just some bomb ass weed nigga. i swear when i get faded i can talk to animals too.... my 6th sense? but actually i know what you mean sorta like with me and my bestfriend when we smoke sometimes we dont even talk we just do the same shit like we are talking in our minds and i can feel when people are calling me so i pull out my phone and bam a homie calls.... yeah i dig what you get... or that lsd just fucked you up haha

some serious stoners in here. gawd i miss smoking good shit.

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  ghettosalazar said:
ok oven on 550 F started a slight fire & filled house with smoke & exploded the bottom of the pipe

but the pipe came out ok, still works, and seems harder/more durable. now i want to steal glaze from the school & glaze it, then fire it again, but maybe not

maybe i'll post pics

pretty sure that harder feeling is the pipe being more brittle.. im not a chemist but i know glass can only take so much heat, thats why the legit shit is pyrex. any glass tray or whatever used for cooking/baking is most likely made of pyrex for good reason.

i never let my friends boil my piece, dont trust it

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  Quinnskimo said:
holy shit... seriously...


This is actually a binaural beat, and you have to use headphones. It's two tones 7Hz apart. Your brain creates the 7 Hz signal and gradually aligns with it. Theta brain activity is the most creative--sort of like a lucid dream--the twighlight in between being asleep and awake. I'm done pushing this, but for those who try it, close eyes and relax, and have fun.

wait, so what is this supposed to do to you again? im intrigued

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Alright Dino, here's a copy paste I sent an old production teacher:


Basically, it’s “defined as the tendency for two oscillating bodies to lock into phase so that they vibrate in harmony,†thus conserving energy.

The neat thing about entrainment is that because your mind's electrical pulses function at specific frequencies, you can practice entrainment on your brain by introducing external frequencies into your environment. your brain then locks on to this frequency and gradually begins functioning at that frequency. Theta brain waves usually occur right before you fall asleep or right as you are waking up, a sort of twilight stage of sleep where you are neither awake nor asleep. Theta brain waves fall between 4-7 Hz and are typically responsible for your most creative levels of thought and also have the ability to unlock repressed memories and do a number of other pretty cool things.

But that leads to binaural beats, which are a means of producing specific types of brain activity. You know how you when you tune a guitar, you hear that wah-wah sound, and as the notes get closer, the wah-wah slows down until it flatlines at the point which the notes are in tune/phase. By producing two seperate tones at slightly different frequencies, you can replicate that effect. The difference between the two frequencies ends up being the tertiary tone produced, so if you're playing a 100Hz frequency and a 105Hz frequency, your ears/brain create a tertiary 5Hz frequency, which your brain can align with in entrainment and make creative thought much easier.

....So, in summary, Dino... I only practiced theta brain wave activity last night for maybe 10 minutes while I was laying down on my stomach in bed on the computer. I just closed my eyes and put my head down, and I gradually started getting this feeling like I was floating. Then I started getting a little bit of closed eye visual stuff going on, getting that film-strip effect that I haven't gotten since I first started smoking. Then my brain started unlocking past memories, producing video game sounds that I haven't heard in years--things I can't even remember now. Sounds like, shit, when Mario (super mario bros) jumps, when he lands on one of those little mushroom guys, when your opponent goes down in Mike Tyson's Punchout...I mean, literally, I must've heard like 50 different repressed sounds that brought back old memories of every old Nintendo video game I've ever played. Then, in this intense, deep trance, one of my cats jumped on the bed and I literally almost jumped to the ceiling and shit my pants so my experience was over. But I'll do it again tonight and have a completely different experience.

As I said, listen with headphones if you're listening to a binaural beat (such as the link I provided in my last post). You won't get the effect through speakers. You can also replicate this with other sounds and/or lights, as your brain will react and align to pulses through a variety of mediums. The sounds are the easiest, though.

Sorry for the book.

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  Quinnskimo said:
Alright Dino, here's a copy paste I sent an old production teacher:


Basically, it’s “defined as the tendency for two oscillating bodies to lock into phase so that they vibrate in harmony,†thus conserving energy.

The neat thing about entrainment is that because your mind's electrical pulses function at specific frequencies, you can practice entrainment on your brain by introducing external frequencies into your environment. your brain then locks on to this frequency and gradually begins functioning at that frequency. Theta brain waves usually occur right before you fall asleep or right as you are waking up, a sort of twilight stage of sleep where you are neither awake nor asleep. Theta brain waves fall between 4-7 Hz and are typically responsible for your most creative levels of thought and also have the ability to unlock repressed memories and do a number of other pretty cool things.

But that leads to binaural beats, which are a means of producing specific types of brain activity. You know how you when you tune a guitar, you hear that wah-wah sound, and as the notes get closer, the wah-wah slows down until it flatlines at the point which the notes are in tune/phase. By producing two seperate tones at slightly different frequencies, you can replicate that effect. The difference between the two frequencies ends up being the tertiary tone produced, so if you're playing a 100Hz frequency and a 105Hz frequency, your ears/brain create a tertiary 5Hz frequency, which your brain can align with in entrainment and make creative thought much easier.

....So, in summary, Dino... I only practiced theta brain wave activity last night for maybe 10 minutes while I was laying down on my stomach in bed on the computer. I just closed my eyes and put my head down, and I gradually started getting this feeling like I was floating. Then I started getting a little bit of closed eye visual stuff going on, getting that film-strip effect that I haven't gotten since I first started smoking. Then my brain started unlocking past memories, producing video game sounds that I haven't heard in years--things I can't even remember now. Sounds like, shit, when Mario (super mario bros) jumps, when he lands on one of those little mushroom guys, when your opponent goes down in Mike Tyson's Punchout...I mean, literally, I must've heard like 50 different repressed sounds that brought back old memories of every old Nintendo video game I've ever played. Then, in this intense, deep trance, one of my cats jumped on the bed and I literally almost jumped to the ceiling and shit my pants so my experience was over. But I'll do it again tonight and have a completely different experience.

As I said, listen with headphones if you're listening to a binaural beat (such as the link I provided in my last post). You won't get the effect through speakers. You can also replicate this with other sounds and/or lights, as your brain will react and align to pulses through a variety of mediums. The sounds are the easiest, though.

Sorry for the book.

this sounds fucking cool, i love this kinda shit, ima get faded and find some headphones. ear buds work? or only around the ear type joints..

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  Quinnskimo said:
holy shit... seriously...


This is actually a binaural beat, and you have to use headphones. It's two tones 7Hz apart. Your brain creates the 7 Hz signal and gradually aligns with it. Theta brain activity is the most creative--sort of like a lucid dream--the twighlight in between being asleep and awake. I'm done pushing this, but for those who try it, close eyes and relax, and have fun.

that sounds nuts i will be trying it one of these days.

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i looped that mp3 several times and have put that on my ipod, been using it to fall asleep the past couple nights. no videogame noise but

i do tend to hear my self talk (er thought-speech rather) and it comes out in one long string of words.

very interesting to watch yourself in the third person

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i've been getting sort of visions a bit...nothing too deep yet. deeper meditation (that's essentially what this is) can be achieved with practice. you can also try listening to isochronic tones if you don't have a headphone setup. i think i prefer the beats, but i haven't really been able to find any good tones to listen to for free so that may have something to do with it.

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  ghettosalazar said:
I stole some clay from my school today and made a pipe, and a pretty damn good one considering it took me approximately fifteen minutes. I let it dry in the air and tried using it tonight, but shit tasted like...burnt clay.

gonna try putting that shit in the oven tomorrow at like 550 and see if I can fix it

Won't work, kilns fire at between 1,500 and 2,500ºF.

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  Quinnskimo said:
But that leads to binaural beats, which are a means of producing specific types of brain activity. You know how you when you tune a guitar, you hear that wah-wah sound, and as the notes get closer, the wah-wah slows down until it flatlines at the point which the notes are in tune/phase. By producing two seperate tones at slightly different frequencies, you can replicate that effect. The difference between the two frequencies ends up being the tertiary tone produced, so if you're playing a 100Hz frequency and a 105Hz frequency, your ears/brain create a tertiary 5Hz frequency, which your brain can align with in entrainment and make creative thought much easier.

I have to comment on this.

This is close but slightly incorrect. When you art talking about tones beating against each other in a physical space, the beating is accomplished by physical means. When two sustained tones are sounded with similar frequencies, the interference creates a "tremolo" effect as the wavelengths interfere constructively and destructively.

Further explanation:


Binaural beating in the brain is much crazier. Because instead of the beating occurring because of a physical action (the physical reaction of the two wavelengths "fighting") it occurs strictly in the brain.


I am not terribly interested in the therapeutic value of beating but a lot of composers I like exploit physical acoustic phenomenon.

Dino - you should really go to Lamonte Young's dream house.


Young and Zazeela characterize the Sound and Light Environment as "a time installation measured by a setting of continuous frequencies in sound and light." In the light environment Marian Zazeela presents four works, two environmental: Imagic Light and Magenta Day, Magenta Night, in installations specifically designed for the site; and two sculptural: the neon work, Dream House Variation I, and the wall sculpture, Ruine Window 1992 from her series, Still Light. In the environment Imagic Light, Zazeela projects pairs of colored lights on mobile forms to create seemingly three-dimensional colored shadows in a luminous field.

In the concurrent sound environment, La Monte Young presents The Base 9:7:4 Symmetry in Prime Time When Centered above and below The Lowest Term Primes in The Range 288 to 224 with The Addition of 279 and 261 in Which The Half of The Symmetric Division Mapped above and Including 288 Consists of The Powers of 2 Multiplied by The Primes within The Ranges of 144 to 128, 72 to 64 and 36 to 32 Which Are Symmetrical to Those Primes in Lowest Terms in The Half of The Symmetric Division Mapped below and Including 224 within The Ranges 126 to 112, 63 to 56 and 31.5 to 28 with The Addition of 119, a periodic composite sound waveform environment created from sine wave components generated digitally in real time on a custom-designed Rayna interval synthesizer.

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closed when listening to any beats that will produce theta frequencies or lower. for alpha and above, use it however you like, as those frequencies correspond with a little more conscious sort of brain activity.

josephr, i believe what we are hearing is the difference in phase between the two sine waves, and yea, what you said combined with that. when listening to each tone in one ear with headphones, the mixing is done in the brain. You can still hear the beats through speakers, but I don't believe it is said to bring the same effects.

What artists are using this method? I was thinking of incorporating into music at some point as well.

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  josephr said:

Dino - you should really go to Lamonte Young's dream house.


Young and Zazeela characterize the Sound and Light Environment as "a time installation measured by a setting of continuous frequencies in sound and light." In the light environment Marian Zazeela presents four works, two environmental: Imagic Light and Magenta Day, Magenta Night, in installations specifically designed for the site; and two sculptural: the neon work, Dream House Variation I, and the wall sculpture, Ruine Window 1992 from her series, Still Light. In the environment Imagic Light, Zazeela projects pairs of colored lights on mobile forms to create seemingly three-dimensional colored shadows in a luminous field.

In the concurrent sound environment, La Monte Young presents The Base 9:7:4 Symmetry in Prime Time When Centered above and below The Lowest Term Primes in The Range 288 to 224 with The Addition of 279 and 261 in Which The Half of The Symmetric Division Mapped above and Including 288 Consists of The Powers of 2 Multiplied by The Primes within The Ranges of 144 to 128, 72 to 64 and 36 to 32 Which Are Symmetrical to Those Primes in Lowest Terms in The Half of The Symmetric Division Mapped below and Including 224 within The Ranges 126 to 112, 63 to 56 and 31.5 to 28 with The Addition of 119, a periodic composite sound waveform environment created from sine wave components generated digitally in real time on a custom-designed Rayna interval synthesizer.

my friend told me about this! ill try to make it a point to go once i get back

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  Quinnskimo said:
josephr, i believe what we are hearing is the difference in phase between the two sine waves, and yea, what you said combined with that. when listening to each tone in one ear with headphones, the mixing is done in the brain. You can still hear the beats through speakers, but I don't believe it is said to bring the same effects.

What artists are using this method? I was thinking of incorporating into music at some point as well.

yes yes. the difference in frequency of the two tones is going to be the frequency of the beating. which is why the beats get faster and will oscillate themselves if the two tones frequencies get close enough together (<.05 hz)

this is a little different than the waves just having a difference in phase, which could imply that they are the same frequency. the phase changes periodically.



our brains use the differences between what you hear in your left and right ear to localize sounds in our environment. there is a very slight delay, and also difference in timbre that allows us to identify where sounds are coming from ("auditory localization").

"binaural recordings" are recordings made with a pair of matched microphones oriented in a way similar to our ears. sometimes the microphones are mounted inside head shaped mounts complete with modeled ears.


When you listen to recordings made with devices like these using headphones, you are able to localize with a terrifying degree of accuracy where the sounds are coming from. it is the most amazing "surround" sound.

anyway, the idea about binaural beats in the brain is that your brain is summing those slightly different tones (rather than a speaker or a physical acoustic environment ) which is somehow utilizing some unconscious part of our perception that then generates the "beating" effect.

i am not too into binaural beats. moreso other things.

mainly "otoacoustic emissions". these are tones our ears physically produce in response to tuned pairs of tones. it's insane!

my buddy and one of my favorite composers maryanne amacher teaching thurston moore about it:


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  Quinnskimo said:
closed when listening to any beats that will produce theta frequencies or lower. for alpha and above, use it however you like, as those frequencies correspond with a little more conscious sort of brain activity.

i looped the video twice. It took me back to the days of gameboy sounds and pokemon. definitely more intense with closed eyes. fuckin' awesome.

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sorry to sidetrack from the topic but I need some advice guys.

Cliffnotes: I can't kick it with my homie anymore cuz his parents caught him smoking (because of me).

Full story:

Last night I called my buddy and asked if he wanted to blaze a blunt. He decides that he'd only smoke when we're chillin at his apartment at college because his parents don't like weed (they think its a hardcore drug and its evil) and he doesn't want to risk getting into trouble. I of course try to persuade him a little cuz I want to blaze, but he doesn't wanna so I'm just like whateva. Now here's the problem: I was a fukin dumbass and called his house phone and his parents heard our conversation. Now he's in trouble for blazing and his parents think he's a stoner druggie now. Of course he can say things to try to defend himself, but they think that I'm a bad influence and that I was the one trying to get him to smoke (which obviously means that i MUST smoke all the time.....not, I blaze once in a while). Bad influence? Me? LOL if anything my own parents are worried that I would get bad influences from others!

So my question to you guys what would you do? How to help a best friend out when his parents threatened to stop paying for college if he smoked again? How to get a buddy's parents to change their minds about me being a bad influence? The second one is gonna be hard to change but I will need to do something because now I can't chill with my buddy anymore nor go to his house. :( thanks if have any suggestions. I feel too shitty to figure shit out

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I presume your friend has asian parents? The only option I can think of will be for you to go over there and apologize to his parents and then you and your buddy can somewhat lie and say you guys never tried it, but wanted to try it for experience (that way you wont take all the blame). I used the same excuse to my parents when they caught me and they understood that I was just curious (of course the next day I smoked up while taking a shower lol). idk.

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