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Common Projects sneakers

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Does CP have some kind of repair program? I'm just wondering what to do when the soles are messed up.


you buy a new pair or tape it up. These aint John Lobbs that you send to a shoe doctor lmao

Depending on the kind of damage you've done, a good cobbler may be able to help you out, but headcoat is right in that you will never get the shoes to look perfect again. For example, the stitching to the sole rotted out on a really old pair of mine. The cobbler was able to reattach the sole, but without the original mould, it was impossible to get the seal as tight as on a new pair. So there were some wavy parts. If however, you have a hole, you are out of luck.

Edited by Champion champs
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  • 1 month later...

Christ just buy the schedins why do people challenge here. They look the same youre good! Go for it then, you'll fall into the same camp as those who bought the verginias trying to save money but having seen them in person they are not as good.

If all you care about is saving a buck and having the same look achieved by all means get the schedins, were trying to save the disappointment

If you really want to know the cp have a better foodbed/insole, are lined with split leather rather than chinsy ass perf leather, and have a sharper more streamlined toebox that looks better (in person or online apparently the same for you)

Maybe just buy greats, the gustin copies, or Axel arigato!

Edited by Fycus
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  • 2 weeks later...

how come?



they almost look identical to me. just cheaper


I bought both of them, and in real life they look like shit and fall-apart way faster than my CPs ever did. Also they are closer to the old people Keds aesthetic which some users like (New balance folkz lookin at you) but CPs look more modern/streamlined.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

hi im a us10.5 what size should i go for cp achilles low


43 for sure


I'm 10.5 also and have purchased two pairs in 44 before going down to 43.


43 takes time to break in though, my feet are wide and my ankles get scratched up and painful when breaking in

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  • 4 weeks later...

hi im a us10.5 what size should i go for cp achilles low

lol go into a brick+mortar store and just figure out your sizing you neckbeard

but on a nicer note: since they use margom soles you basically have size equivalency across raf simons and balenciaga footwear (as they use the same sole) and svennson too



totokaelo has selected CPs for $240 and you are $450+ it stacks w/ a 25% off coupon. https://man.totokaelo.com/common-projects

norsestore has better range of CPs for $209 or so http://www.norsestore.com/catalog?campaign=men-summer-16-sale&brand[]=common_projects

ssense has shit selection in random sizes for ok : https://www.ssense.com/en-us/men/designers/common-projects

Edited by po_boy_fuuma_hatesbürgerz
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