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The Dark Knight

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i'm on number eight, three in imax. only paid twice.

and yeah it could use a bit more tweaking before hallow mass but im pretty happy...




and here is some vivienne westwood that speaks for itself...




more here...http://www.gqstyle.com/TheCollections/Photos/Default.aspx?ShowID=3126&ImageIndex=2&ShowType=Mens

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Hahaha, i loved that video. I laughed more in that video than in Tropic Thunder.

Anyways... as for the next movie. I think Man-Bat would make sense as one of the next villians simply because of how TDK ended, not so much because I think he'd be an amazing villian. They're going to place the blame on Batman for the deaths so then in the next movie there will be a bat-like person running around continuing to kill innocent people. The media will just run wild with the story with people being "witnesses" to Batman killing people.

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  polishmike said:

i just saw this over the weekend and just read this piece of trash. the fundamental flaw in the argument is that it's a comic book so batman can always be right thus legitimizing his vigilante activities; i'm not sure i would say that about the current administration. a more accurate interpretation would be that the picture represents a fantasy that those who use rough justice do so in an honorable and accurate way.

btw, i'm not sure when the conservative establishment is going to wake up and realize that it's not the 40s anymore where all the bad people are all from the same country and wear nice uniforms so you can tell who you can shoot.

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  julianREE said:
whats the next series directly after batman year one? read it, and i dont want to stop haha.

"the long halloween" was written to follow up on the events after year one. it concerns the fall of the mob (carmine "the roman" falcone) and the rise of the freaks in gotham city. it also has a sequel "dark victory" which ties up harvey dents story.

the tone is quite different than year one however. if you liked year one and want more like it there is unfortunately very little that compares imo.

but i would lead you towards a series called "gotham central". it revolves around the gotham city police force and batman plays a very minor role, popping in from time to time. in relies heavily on the more realistic "crime drama" vibe that year one had and the art is very grounded. one of the better stories involves the joker getting captured on purpose on xmas eve after going on a sniping spree. it is collected in a trade called "soft targets" in which "the dark knight" film borrowed from heavily.

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  destructodisk said:
I saw it tonight for the first time, after a great amount of anticipation, and was extremely underwhelmed by the entire flick.

Yall just hypebeasts

  Commbat said:
I watched it for the 3rd time today... fell asleep.

consider this a polite neg rep to you two!

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  cultpop 0217 said:
"the long halloween" was written to follow up on the events after year one. it concerns the fall of the mob (carmine "the roman" falcone) and the rise of the freaks in gotham city. it also has a sequel "dark victory" which ties up harvey dents story.

the tone is quite different than year one however. if you liked year one and want more like it there is unfortunately very little that compares imo.

but i would lead you towards a series called "gotham central". it revolves around the gotham city police force and batman plays a very minor role, popping in from time to time. in relies heavily on the more realistic "crime drama" vibe that year one had and the art is very grounded. one of the better stories involves the joker getting captured on purpose on xmas eve after going on a sniping spree. it is collected in a trade called "soft targets" in which "the dark knight" film borrowed from heavily.

Chronologically, Year 2 was written shortly after Year one.

Long Halloween was done by Loeb much much later. The tone was also a bit different from Frank Miller's style. Recall Selina Kyle in Year one under Frank was a hooker (not unlike Elektra under Frank's writing. Hmm maybe Frank got a thing for whores?). In Halloween, she was supposed to be the forgotten daughter of the mob boss or something.

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i think frank lives with a mistress dom... he is a fruit... or maybe that allen moore... i forget...

i think one of the better GN's that people over looks was the 4 part series GOTHEM BY GASLIGHT... it was him chasing jack the ripper, really cool, old steam punk style before the word steam punk became the thing to say... i think migniola or someone cool did it too.

the movie was a let down for me in the most fundimental way that it just never hit its stride and went as fast and hard as it could. there were a lot of moments that i just felt like it was a 911 with a speed govner on it... pg13 blows. it should have been R.

and heath was amazing, but he was still heath. he was not so nuts that he would have OD'd from it, when they yelled cut, he was still heath. he was a jonny depp kinda to me, almost how he would have done it if possible... some fun moments though, my sig, the pencil... over hyped for sure.

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  AstroWolf said:
i think frank lives with a mistress dom... he is a fruit... or maybe that allen moore... i forget...

i think one of the better GN's that people over looks was the 4 part series GOTHEM BY GASLIGHT... it was him chasing jack the ripper, really cool, old steam punk style before the word steam punk became the thing to say... i think migniola or someone cool did it too.

the movie was a let down for me in the most fundimental way that it just never hit its stride and went as fast and hard as it could. there were a lot of moments that i just felt like it was a 911 with a speed govner on it... pg13 blows. it should have been R.

and heath was amazing, but he was still heath. he was not so nuts that he would have OD'd from it, when they yelled cut, he was still heath. he was a jonny depp kinda to me, almost how he would have done it if possible... some fun moments though, my sig, the pencil... over hyped for sure.

Frank's wife is Lynn Varley who paints alot of his drawings. Unless you know something we dont ... ...

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then its allen moore. i know one of them is nuts. Im still half sure he is a dom freak, which shows in his art. not dissing, frank is THE FUCKING MAN. i wish they would just do dark knight returns and get it over with, that would blow the fucking roof off.

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  cultpop 0217 said:
"the long halloween" was written to follow up on the events after year one. it concerns the fall of the mob (carmine "the roman" falcone) and the rise of the freaks in gotham city. it also has a sequel "dark victory" which ties up harvey dents story.

the tone is quite different than year one however. if you liked year one and want more like it there is unfortunately very little that compares imo.

but i would lead you towards a series called "gotham central". it revolves around the gotham city police force and batman plays a very minor role, popping in from time to time. in relies heavily on the more realistic "crime drama" vibe that year one had and the art is very grounded. one of the better stories involves the joker getting captured on purpose on xmas eve after going on a sniping spree. it is collected in a trade called "soft targets" in which "the dark knight" film borrowed from heavily.

alright awesome i'll have to check all those out. i'm almost finished with the long halloween just a few more to go.

the killing joke was awesome too, i loved learning abou the "origins" of the joker.

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  Magnetic said:
Miller hasn't done amazingly great since TDKR

and It wouldn't work to go straight to Returns from the second movie imo, not to mention most of the cast if not all would be gone..

I agree that he has slipped since TDKR... it took me a while to get used to, or deal with, how different it all was, how nuts. but after hating it for a year or so, and then going back to it, i realized that i loved it and it had all the elements of what you would need to or want to find out about what happend after he was standing in that cave saying..."it will be a good life, good enough".

I think he is now really hitting his stride with directing, im really interested in the spirit, and his collabo with rob rod on sin city was nothing short of perfect to me, honestly speaking i just cant take my eyes off that movie, except for the parts with Bwillis. i hate him so much......Tom hanks hate.

PS- i used to have a first printing of the killing joke from when it came out and went in to like 10 more reprints in a year... sold it while the market was high... miss it though :(

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The more I think about it, the less I like the movie.

The Joker was such a transparent character. He supposedly represents "chaos", yet is the mastermind behind rigging Gotham's largest hospital with explosives, coordinating a man with a bomb surgically implanted into his stomach to be locked up in the same holding unit as him, and many other elaborate (read: not chaotic in any way shape or form) terrorist act.

Since Batman Begins, Nolan has been cultivating Batman's character to be a symbol, rather than your every day superhero, and has done a tremendous job. What we see in the Joker, however, is an edgy character profile that the director attempted to imbue with the same symbolic status as Batman, but the story was too convoluted for it to even come close to working.

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what are you talking about?

For a large portion of the time he has Gotham under his complete control, with bats completely flustered.

Destroying a hospital whether or not people are inside, wreaking havoc at a public ceremony, capturing the DA as a hostage, killing key witnesses, the commissioner and a judge, or having a tanker packed full of the public/prisoners holding each other's lives in their hands is not chaotic enough?

The best part of the movie was when batman was attempting to get Joker to tell him where Rachel was being held repeatedly pummeling him, when joker mentioned Batman has nothing to threaten him with and he had nothing to lose - with that line bats became completely vulnerable.

It seemed to me that The Joker did all these things just to prove that he could, there was no real material goal he longed for, perhaps epitomised by the burning of the money. Not only that but he pushed Batman so far he had to go against his morals and use that sonar device. I'd say he represents chaos pretty well.

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